Episode 231

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Zoro: You got a lot of nerve. Who are you?
Man: Who are we? Pirate Hunter Zoro... We're bounty Hunters! Babies stop crying when they hear our name. We're the Frank Family! Your head's worth 60 million berries, so we'll take it gratefully. We'll wait in ambush inside your ship and catch the entire in one swoop. We'll be rolling in the dough soon! This is my lucky day
They all went to attack
Zoro blocker a sword attack
Zoro: "Lucky"? We'll see about that. He hits the man.
The others went again.
Two-Sword Style. Rhino Cycle! 
He swung at all them into the sea.
Back to sleep
Stella: This is the place.
They went inside
Man: Whatever you want, make it quick.
Luffy: We want cash for our stuff. How much for this?
Man: Boss! Come here! Quick! Gold! This much!
Man 2: What? Take them to the VIP Room! Do it now!
Usopp: This is comffy. We need one for the Merry!
Luffy: I could bounce on this all day!
Usopp: Please, don't tell us they're fake.
Boss: For from it! I've been an appraiser for 25 years.
Stella and Nami were looking seriously.
This is roughly estimated at...
Luffy: One hundred million berries?
Usopp: Idoit! You're too loud! Everyone vsn her you!
Luffy:You'll give us that much money?
Usopp: Luffy, shut your mouth! You're too loud!
Boss: This is indeed worth that much. This wonderful gold takes its historical value and purity into account.
Luffy: With that much Money, we can fix Merry Good!
Usopp: Yeah! We'll even get some change.
Luffy: Then, we'll spend the rest of the money to buy a bronze statue!
Usopp: Don't buy it.
Boss: If you accept that amount, please sign and put your thumbprint here. I'll go prepare the money immediately.
Usopp: Okay! I'll put however many thumbprints you want!
Luffy: If that's not enough, I'll put mine, too!
Nmai looked at Stella and gave her a nod.
Nmai wants to see how skilled Stella is.
Stella slams her shoes on the table
If you see the picture it is more intimate than Nami.
Luffy: What? What's the matter? Stella?
Stella: There are three things I want to say. Mr. Appreiser. First, I forgot to tell you, but myself and my brother have a total of 205 million bounties on our heads. Second... We don't accept the appraisal you've just given us. Third. If you lie to us again, I will personally go after your head. That is all.
Boss: I'm sorry
Usopp: Three hundred Million berries? Isn't this a dream
Nmai: Our advantage on the sky islands has finally borne fruit! We're super rich. Good work Stella
Stella: what can I say? I know barries
Usopp: It became 300 million! I'm scared! I'm carrying 100 million?
Well, Stella can really make scary threats, huh?
Stella: Me and I estimated it to be that much from the start. But he said 100 million. You two were restless so he didn't take us seriously.
Usopp: Hey, Luffy. If you flail like that
Luffy: Well, anyway. I'm glad it went well. He let go of the suitcase
Both: The river!
Usopp: A hundred million berries are gonna sink into the river! They went after it only for Luffy to stretch his hand
The three of them hit him
Nmai: I'm gonna knock you out
Usopp: I'm gonna break your teeth!
Stella: You are unviable stupid.
Luffy: I'm sorry.
Pray for Luffy
Man: Did you hear that?
Man 2: Yeah. They said 300 million berries.
Man 3: They must be members of the Straw Hats.
Man 4: That's almost as big an amount as their total bounty.
Man: We're changing the plan. Hey. Go let the guys who went to their ship know.
Luffy: Say, Nami, maybe we really should take it back to the ship.
Nami: That'd be s waste of time. The shipyard is right over this hill.
Luffy: Hey, I'm a bit shocked you guys won't let me near the money.
Nami: Once we see a shipwright, we'll probably need to go back to the Merry Right away so that he can assess the repair fee
Usopp: Right, that's true. I don't really know what to do. I've never carried so much cash around.
Nami: Well, that's only natural. Just don't flail it around or throw it into the river.
Luffy: Look over there! They selling water buns! Let's buy 100 of the
All: Shut up.
Luffy: One thousand!
All: Shut up.
Luffy: Then--
All: Shut up!
Luffy: Okay.... We're back at the entrance to the shipyard.
Usopp: Good. Look like the Crowd from earlier is gone. 
Luffy: Anyways, let's find...Well... what's his name Again?
Stella: Icebarg.
Luffy: Right. That's it! Ice pops!
Usopp: I wonder who hs is. The granny at the station told us to talk to him.
More importantly, I wonder If it's okay to go inside there.
Luffy: I'm coming in!
All: Not again
Man: Hold it! Wait! Are you an outsider? Let's talk outside for now.  Only authorized people can go inside the plant.
They were all surprised.
So what brings you to this dock?
Luffy: Come on, Usopp. I know it's you.
Usopp: Hey! I'm right here, Luffy! 
Stella: Yeah. He's squarish! No offence
Man: None taken
Nami: Anyways, we'd like to see Iceberg.
Man: Icebatg? Are you a customer?
Nami gave him Kokoro latter.
Oh, I see. This is a reference letter from Gramny Kokoro at Shift station.
Luffy: Are you an old guy?
Man: I'm 23
Usopp: Twenty-three...you talk like an old man.
Man: People often tell me that.
Luffy: Oh Stella I found you a boyfriend he's only 3 years older than you. You two would be perfect
Stella hits him
Shut up I don't need a boyfriend
I'm sorry I know you're a good person but don't listen to him
Man: I don't mind.
Nami: So, do you know this Icebarg person?
Man: know him? Well, Iceberg is the Mayor of Water 7.
Luffy: Whoa...So he's that high up?
Man: Not only is he the mayor, he's the president of our company, Galley-La Company, and he also manages the sea train
Usopp: So he's the most powerful guy in Town
Man: Well, In water 7, there's no one who doesn't know him
Nami: Where do we have to go to see him?
Man: I wonder where he is right now. He can be hard to find since he's a very busy person.
Nami: Can't you get in touch with him?
Man: That's probably possible... Are you in a hurry?
Stella: It's not that we're in a hurry, But
Man: In short, you want to talk about having your ship repaired, right? He started to stretch Where did you anchor your ship
Stella: Rocy cape.
Man: Well then, I'll go run and check the conditions of your ship. It'll save some time when you see Iceberg. You talk about the repair fee, too
Usopp: Go run...? On a Yagara Bull?
Man: I thought you said you were in a hurry. Well just wait for ten minutes.
Nmai: Ten minutes
Man: That's right. Ten minutes. He ran
They saw him fast and jumped off the building
Man 2: he runs freely in town. People call him "The Mountain Wind " He's a shiowright foreman of Galley-Lw Company's  Dock1... His Name is Kaku.
Sanji went out and was being himself and he saw Robin for a quick second with the same man that had walked by her when with Chopper. But she disappeared.
Kaku went to the ship it took a few minutes for Zoro to figure out it wasn't and tried to attack
Luffy: Man I was shocked. He jumped from there!
Man: Well, don't make light of my shipwrights
Luffy: Come to think of it, who's this guy?
Usopp: Beats me.
Man: In order to build a faster stronger ship quickly, an ordinary physical ability isn't good enough.
By the way, Kalfia...
Kalifa: Yes, I've already checked. Strae Hat Luffy, Bandana Scarf Stella, pirates Hunter Zoro, Nico Robin...
Ice was surprised to hear Robin's name
Their group has these four members with bounties on their heads. Their total bunty is 344 million berries. It was formed in the East Blue.
Named after their Captain they're known as The Straw Hat pirates.
Usopp: Mind. They Know about us Big Time
Ice: I see. I'm glad you came. I'm Iceberg The Mayor of this city. And this is a mouse I found earlier. His name is Tyrannosaurus.
Ice: I have to prepare his food and cage
Kalfia: I've already taken it. Care of that  Iceberg.
Ice: Well, that's my Kalifa.
Klafia: Just doing my job. She talks about his day
And Ice doesn't want to do it so she cancels them
Usopp: wait are you serouis?
Ice: I'm someone powerful enough to do things like that.
Usopp: You're completely unfit to be mayor.
Luffy: Yeah. Pops, that's pretty lazy
Stella: Kinda agree with the
Luffy: Are you sure this is the guy that old lady was talking about?
Nmai: Yeah, he's that guy.
Kalfia kicks them. How insolent!
Stella protected Nami and herself.
Luffy: What'd you do that for?
Kalfifa: Don't think I'll let you disrespect one of the world's leading shipbuilding engineers. Pardon me. I lost my head there for a moment. Still. Iceberg is admired by all citizens, so show some courtesy.
Ice: Try not to get Kalfia angry. When she gets angry she is indiscriminate. Half his face was bruised up
Usopp: You kicked him big time!
Luffy: You're the one who's impolite
Nami: Putting all that behind us, you're Icebarg, right? Please look at this it's a reference letter.
Ice: Form Grqnny Kokoro...
"Take a look at their ship"
He rips it
Nami: What? You won't? Please repair our ship. We have money.
Uospp: The Merry is beat up after our voyages!
Luffy:Please pops!
Ice: Okay
Usopp: So it's up to you. Then why did you tear the letter?
Ice: Her Lipstick mark was unpleasant. Even so, Granny Kokoto and I have been pals for ages. That being said Kaki has already gone to make an assessment. The matter is already in progress. Don't worry. I'm bored...  shall I show you around the factory?
Luffy: Seriously?
Kalfia: This way, please.
Usopp: He canceled all his meetings to give us a tour.
Luffy: Let's go to the shipbuilding plant
Usopp: Oh, right, the money. wait... what
Stella: What's the .atte Usopp?.
Usopp: The money... The money is gone!
Both: What?
Nmai: Did you drop it somewhere?
Usop: I don't know!
Over there!
The Frank Family had it.
You bastard! Who the hell are you? Why are you taking our money?
Man: Thanks for the Cash!
Usopp: Give us our money back!
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