Episode 238/239

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Stella: Why is that perv calling our name
Nami: Didn't people call him Franky just now?
Luffy: He is the one who beat up uospp. Hey bikin guy. I'm Luffy.
Franky: So your straw Hat Luffy. You went on quite the rampage while I was gone, didn't you? When I got back, I couldn't believe my eyes.  Well, my house is totally unrecognizable.
How dare you also treat my underling so badly? I can't take it anymore. No one can stop me this week! No matter what you say. Until I tear you up like rags, my anger won't subside!
Nami: Hey you. What'd you do with our money? The 200 million berries?
Give it back to us.
Franky: 200 million berries? I've already spent it! It's completely gone
Don't get all protective of the money you stole from somewhere! You're just pirates!
Luffy: Doesn't matter
Nami: Not true! Money does matter!
Luffy: At any rate, I won't be happy till I beat you up
Franky: It's me who won't be happy, you bastard!
Luffy: Come down here you bastard.
Franky starts to suck up air.
Nami: What's he doing?
Franky blows out fire.
Luffy: He shoots fire out his mouth!
Stella: Oh please like it something to congratulate him on.
Franky: You've never seen anyone who shoots fire out their mouth.
Nami: He must have eaten a Devil fruit
Franky jumps into the water. And cones up to break the boat
Franky: I didn't eat any devil fruit!
Luffy: Gum-Gum
Franky: I've heard about your power.
Strong Right! His hands come off and shoot at Luffy.
Nami: What the heck?
Stella: Luffy!
Luffy fell down Stella was able to catch him before he hit the ground.
Nami: What was that?
Franky: You guys don't know. I'm just a normal guy with extra parts. A cyborg!
The Shipwright groups found out it was Robin who did this and is now after all the Straw Hats.
Sanji and Chopper went to warn Usopp about Agua Lugna
Nami: Luffy! Beat up that Bikini bastard
Stella: You can do this.
Luffy: Anyeays I'm gonna beat you up.
Franky: Go ahead if you can! Your attacks don't work on me! Weapins Left! He shot a pistol. Luffy kicked him only for Franky To block it. And they were both punched.
Paulie: How dare you pull all this crap? What's your goal, Straw Hat?
Franky: Galley-La... What do you want?
Nami: Good! They're the shipwright we met yesterday! They're on our side, right?
Stella: Nmai
Nami: Yeah
Stella: They punched Luffy as well. Something is wrong be on the lookout.
Nmai: I can't be.
Paulie: we have more important things to deal with. Right, Straw Hat Luffy? You know what I'm talking about, right? I'm surprised that you could show your face again.
Luffy: What? Why? We came here because we heard the news about pops.
Franky: Our Family wasn't enough, so you messed with Galley-La, too? Are you guys going through puberty, hurting everyone you come across?
Luffy: Like I said we didn't do anything!
Paulie: If you play innocent, then we'll just put the screws on you.
Rope action Half Knot! He cokes Luffy.
Air Drive!
Franky: You bastard I said don't interfere with this. I'm the one who holds the grudge against him!
Like I said before skipping this fight. Luffy ends up taking Nmai and Stella and running
Paulie: The ones who broke into our main office and attacked Iceberg... were from your crew, right?
Stella: This can't be.
And the people of Water 7 found out and went to after Strae Hats as well
Their wanted Posters were all over the newspapers.
One man held Nami while Luffy fought the Shipwrights.
Franky did a powerful attack which made part of the crane fall down
While the man was distracted. Stella kicked him down and her foot on his neck.
Stella: Touch Nami again and you're dead you hear me.
Name: what is he? A cyborg? Where did he get that kind of technology? And what was that weird cannon?
I was able to escape thanks to that.
Stella: You mean me.
Nami: Yeah
Luffy: Stella! Nami! Run
Stella: Are you okay
Luffy: No way! I'd get brought down by something like that! Anyways, I don't get it. He holds Nami.
Let's go see Ice Pops somehow!
Nami: what? We're going? It's not possible in this commotion!
Man: Hey, look! It's straw Hat is getting away!
Nami: We're gonna be surrounded!
Luffy: Nami! Stella! Hold on tight! The two women held onto him as he stretched his arms and got away.
Sanji and Chopper warned Usopp
The Shipwrights want to get more information about them.
Nami: That must be the Galley-La Company's head office. It's connected to Dock 1. Look. The place is swarming with reporters. Those tough guys look like shipwrights. Iceberg must be in that building. Are you serious about going?
Stella: Of course. We'll go ask Iceberg in person why he said Robin was one of the culprits.
Namj: Let me warn you two. Just remember that we're also being chased by the entire island make sure you get some idea where his room is beforehand, and seize an opportunity to carefully sneak in.
Luffy: Well then, we're off. Stella held onto him
They went through the window.
The people went after the two.
Luffy and Stella were running trying to find his office.
A group came after them
Kalifa: I'm sorry about the commotion outside the room.
Ice: Well... what's going on?
Kalifa: Apparently Straw Hat Luffy and Bandana Scarf Stella have broken into the building.
Ice: Kalifa...I have a favor to ask.
Kalifa: Straw Hat. Bandana Scarf!
Luffy: It's you...
Man: Kalifa, didn't two pirates come here?
Kalifa: No, they didn't. More importantly, chase after them more quietly. Iceberg still needs his peace.
Ice: Well, you two wanted tonse me, right pirates lads?
Luffy: That's right. Thanks for calling us in. That saved us.
Ice: I doubt you two came all this way here to kill me in this commotion.
Stella: We came to hear the truth!
Ice: Last night, I saw Nico Robin with my own eyes. And she is one of you. That's the truth.
Luffy: Was it?
Ice: Don't say a word. Your words no longer mean anything he had a gun pointing at them. I called you two in here...because I have a favor to ask. Let me see Nico Robin again!
Robin had one of the papers. And saw the Straw hats and herself on the paper.

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