~Chapter 3~

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Amy's pov:

I woke up the next morning hoping that most of the pain would've disappeared, but no, everything was still hurting like hell. I got out of bed and went to the bathroom to have a shower. When I was totally naked I looked at myself in the mirror. I saw bruises everywhere. I just can't believe that Bryan really did this. I mean, yes he had some anger issues but he'd never hurt me. Well, that's what he always said, I guess that was naive to believe. But on the other hand he was drunk, people do stupid things when they're drunk... I'm just so damn confused. I decided to just have a  shower get dressed and all that stuff and then go back home to talk with Bryan. 

"Morning." I said to Jess who was sitting on the couch sipping from a mug of tea when I came downstairs.

"Good morning." She said smiling when she saw me.

"Slept well?" She asked while pouring me a cup of tea as well.

"Yeah." I lied, to be honest I've been thinking almost the whole night about the thing with Bryan but I didn't want to worry her.

"Great." She said smiling and gave me my mug. I said down next to her on the couch while we were drinking our tea in comfortable silence. After we had breakfast I packed all my things again and decided that it was time to go back home.

"You're always welcome to stay okay?" Jess said hugging me goodbye.

"I know." I said smiling and stepped into my car. I started the engine and drove back home. It may be sound stupid cause I felt nervous about going home to Bryan. I just pushed it aside, we'll just see what's gonna happen. A few minutes later I arrived back at home. I parked the car and went inside. As soon as I stepped inside of the house I heard rushed footsteps coming towards the hall, well that's normal cause he's always coming immediately when I'm back home, so I guess I didn't have to worry about anything.

"You really thought you could run away from me?!" He shouted and before I knew it he had pushed me with my back against the wall. I didn't answer, too afraid of what he'd do when I did that. But I knew that if I wasn't going to answer him he'd go mad as well.

"WHERE WERE YOU?!" He shouted his face really close to mine.

"At Jessica's." I said in barely a whisper.

"AND YOU REALLY THINK I BELIEVE THAT?!"  He said laughing like a made a stupid joke.

"It's true." I said a little bit more confident this time but immediately regretted it, cause this would only make it worse.

"WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU LYING TO ME? JUST SHUT THE FUCK UP! YOU DON'T EVEN NEED TO TELL ME WHERE YOU WERE. I ALREADY KNOW THAT YOU WENT TO THAT DANNY GUY AND GOT INTO HIS PANTS YOU FUCKING SLUT!!!" He shouted and just like yesterday before I knew it his fist came in contact with my face. I didn't event try to fight him cause I know that that would only make it worse. I hoped that if I just accepted the pain it would become less painful. But no matter what I tried I felt everything. I don't know how long he kept beating me up, it felt like a lifetime, but suddenly he stopped. He let go of me causing me to fall to the ground.

"Don't you dare to run away. I'm going now and when I come back you're still in this fucking house. Got it?" He spat in my face. I didn't reply to him nor did I look at him. I heard the front door open and close and I was alone. I knew that he wasn't coming back soon cause always when he lost his temper he'd go away to god knows where doing god knows what and come back hours later. But I didn't try to go away cause at some point I had to come back and I don't want to face him in his condition then. I carefully got up and slowly got upstairs. When I was finally upstairs I got into the bathroom and locked myself in there before I started crying.

Danny's pov:

I woke up from someone shouting outside. Who the fuck is shouting outside this early? I turned over to grab my phone and see what time it is. 11.57 AM. Okay, well it wasn't that early. I decided to go to Amy today to catch up on some missed quality time from when I was on tour. I got out  of bed and jumped in the shower. When I was finished I quickly dried myself of and threw on some black skinny jeans and a tight black t-shirt. I put my hair in its normal quiff and went downstairs to have breakfast.

When I finished breakfast I grabbed my phone and went to Amy. She doesn't live that far away and the weather was pretty good so I decided to walk to her. When I arrived at her house I only saw her car which was good cause let's just say that Bryan and I don't get along really well... I've really tried it, believe me cause he just didn't accept me. I have no idea what Am sees in him, she deserves way better. I'm not talking about myself now, cause she deserves someone who is waiting for her at home when she comes back from work and asks how her day was, who makes her breakfast and is there for her. Not someone like Bryan who just disappears and comes back hours later and when you ask him where he was he goes mad.

I rang the doorbell and waited a few minutes but nobody came to open the door. I was pretty sure that she was home so I rang again but again nobody came. I felt the door and found out that it wasn't locked to I just let myself in.

"Am?!" I shouted when I was standing in the hall. I didn't got a reply but I swear to god that I heard something.

"Amy it's me?!" I tried again but again I got no reply. I walked to the living room but nobody was there so I went to kitchen but again I found nobody. Okay, this is really strange. Am never leaves the house without locking the door and it's quite obvious that Bryan isn't home cause he's not sitting on the couch watching football or something like that. I walked back to the hall and again I heard the same noise coming from upstairs. I decided to go up and see what's going on. I walked up the stairs and the first room where I decided to have a look was their bedroom but nobody was there. I walked back onto the corridor but then I saw that the bathroom door was locked. I walked to the door and softly knocked on it,

"Am, I know that you're there. Are you okay?" I asked worried.

"Y-yeah." I heard a her say softly. Okay, she was just totally not okay.

"No, you're not. Please let me in. I want to help you." I tried again.

"You can't help me." She replied.

"Of course I can. Now let me in or I will break the door down." I said hoping she'd finally let me in.

"You won't do that." She replied without any emotion in her voice.

"We both know that I will." I replied. I heard some movements in the bathroom and finally the unlocked the door. I opened it and gasped when I saw her. There was dried blood around her nose and mouth and a black eye.

"What's happened?" I said in shock.

"I tripped and fell down the stairs." She said but it was obvious that that was one big lie.

"Please, don't lie to me. I want to help you, we both know that you didn't fall down the stairs." I said softly and took her in my arms carefully not to hurt her. She broke down and cried into my chest, I just let her cry while rubbing her back. Once she was calmed down a little bit I sat down on the bathroom floor and took her with me.

"Please tell me what's happened." I tried hoping that she'd tell me.

"I can't." She whispered.

"Why not?" I asked still rubbing her back.

"Cause I'm scared." She replied not looking up at me.

"Don't be. Please tell me, I'm gonna help you." I said hugging her close.

"Bryan did this..." She said in barely a whisper.

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