~Chapter 134~

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Amy's pov:

I just finished my shoot and was ready to go home. It was pretty late already so I quickly grabbed my things to go home.

"Shall I walk you to your car?" Thomas, my manager, asked me.

"Why?" I asked zipping my coat shut.

"It's late, there might be some shady men around." He replied pulling his own coat on as well.

"No, I'll be fine, my car's not far away." I replied before saying goodbye and leaving the building.

I walked around the corner towards my car when I passed four dodgy men. I completely ignored them and kept on walking while I felt their eyes burning in my back. And ass.

As I was coming closer to my car I heard rushed footsteps behind me. The four men ran past me and stopped in front of my car, blocking the way so I couldn't get in.

"Where are you going?" One of them asked as I reached my car.

"Home." I replied simply, trying to walk past them.

"Could you move away please?" I asked as I they blocked my way again.

"Why would I?" The guy asked leaning against the door of my car so I couldn't get in.

"Cause I would like to go home." I replied annoyed.

"Hey aren't you married to that singer guy?" Another man asked.

"Yes I am." I replied getting impatient.

"You must fuck him very well then, if he's staying with you." He replied laughing.

I felt a pang of hurt when he said that, not because of what he said. But because I realized I wasn't good enough to make Dan stay since he obviously felt the need to go and fuck someone else.

"How about you come home with me and you do the exact same things to me as you do to your hubby." The guy who was leaning against my car door said smirking.

Before I could think twice I reached up and slapped him in his face.

"Oh the bitch is fierce!" Another guy laughed.

Blinded by rage, I shoved the guy away from my car and quickly got in. I slammed the door shut behind me and locked it before I drove off.

I was so mad as I drove off that it was hard to focus on the road. I was angry with those four assholes and I felt the need to cry as they talked about me and Danny.

Because I was completely somewhere else with my thoughts I didn't notice the red traffic light until it was too late. As I looked in front of me I saw a car coming right at me. I quickly slammed my foot on the brake but it was too late already. I was blinded by the headlights of this car until we crashed into each other.

Danny's pov:

"Everything alright?" Glen asked once I'd hung up and he saw my worried expression.

"Am's been in an accident..." I replied, not being able to completely progress it.

"What happened?" Glen asked.

"I don't know. All I know is that she's in hospital." I said thinking of Jess' words.

"Well what the fuck are you waiting for!? Get your ass to the airport and go to Amy!" Mark said throwing my leather jacket at me.

Half an hour later, I was dropped off at the airport by Glen. We didn't even get back to the hotel to get my suitcase, I only had my phone and my wallet with me. I'd given Mark and Glen the keycard of my hotel room so they would pack my suitcase and take it back with them.

"Thanks man." I said to Glen as I got out of the car.

"Hurry!" Was his only reply as he looked at the time on his phone.

While me and Glen were on our way to the airport Mark had booked me a flight which was leaving in fifteen minutes.

I nodded and shut the door before running in. Since I didn't have my suitcase with me I didn't have to waste any time dropping off my luggage, which saved me a lot of time.

Thankfully I didn't get pulled in at security so it didn't take very long. I ran to the gate like a maniac trying to make it in time.

Just as I sat down in my seat I heard the pilot announce that we were going to take off. I let out a sigh of relief that I'd made it in time and fastened my seatbelt.

I was a worried wreck by the time we touched down in London. I'd spent every hour of the flight thinking of Am, praying that she would be OK.

I hailed a cab and told him the hospital Am was taken to while I turned my phone on. I had no messages from Jessica so I assumed there was no news. I did have a message from Mark asking me if I made it in time, so I quickly replied to him saying that I made it and was now on my way to the hospital.

"We're here sir." The driver announced stopping right in front of the entrance.

"Thank you." I said and handed him the money before jumping out of the cab and running inside.

"Where is Amy O'Donoghue?" I asked as I reached the front desk.

"I'm sorry, are you related?" The lady asked looking up at me.

"I'm her husband." I told her, silently begging her to hurry.

She looked at me for a few moments before nodding her head and looking at something on her computer screen.

"Second floor room 223." She told me.

I thanked her before running off to the lift.

I took a few deep breaths to calm myself down as I reached room 223. I carefully opened the door and walked into a semi-dark room.

I walked over to the bed where Am was lying and felt a lump form in my throat as I saw her. She looked peaceful, but it was just a lot to take in.

I sat down on the chair at her bedside and took her hand in mine.

"I'm sorry." I whispered and pressed soft kisses against the back of her hand while tears ran down my cheeks.

I sat with her for hours, brushing her hair aside, fixing the covers around her, kissing her forehead and hand until eventually a nurse came in.

"Hi." She said slightly surprised when she noticed me.

"Hey." I replied faking a smile.

"Is she alright?" I whispered, looking back at Am.

"Her right side took the impact of the crash, we had to take some glass out of her side. She has a few bruised ribs and a light concussion. She's been very lucky." The nurse told me. I nodded slowly, taking in everything she'd just said.

"She should wake up soon." She told me before leaving the room again.


Once Am had woken up properly and was completely checked over by a doctor we were allowed to go home. I helped her to get dressed while she asked questions about how I got here.

To say she was confused to see me when she woke up was an understatement.

"Ready?" I asked when Am was dressed.

"Yeah." She replied and stood up from the bed.

I took her hand in mine and guided her to the exit of the hospital and to the taxi which was waiting for us.

Once we were sitting in the back Am rested her head against my shoulder. I carefully wrapped my arm around her and pulled her gently into me, wanting to protect her from everything that could hurt her.

I just wanted to say a quick thank you to everybody who commented on my previous chapters, it means a lot☺️ so thank you❤️ x

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