~Chapter 67~

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Danny's pov:

I woke up from Am's alarm clock going off because she had to go to work. Untangling my arms from around her, she turned over to turn it off. I shuffled to her side again and took her in my arms once again.

"Dan I have to get up." She said giggling when I pressed her against my chest.

"Two more minutes." I mumbled into her neck. She turned on het side and pressed light kisses against my chest.

"I love you." She said when she pulled away.

"I love you too." I said smiling. I closed my eyes again and snuggled into her once again. I was just about to fall asleep again when I felt Am shift next to me and seconds later she was gone out of bed.

"Nooo." I said pouting, opening my eyes again.

"I'm gonna have a shower, you can join me if you wan to." She said with a small smile. I smirked at her and got out of bed, following her to the bathroom. I took my boxers off and turned the shower on. Am stepped in after me and started washing her hair while I was just relaxing.

"We can have a lie in tomorrow." She said giggling when she saw me yawning.

"I love weekend." I said grinning.

"But you can take a day off whenever you want." Am said laughing.

"I love it when you have weekend." I said making Am laugh. We finished our shower and I dried myself before walking back to the bedroom. I lay back in bed again, not bothered that I was naked while Am was in the bathroom doing her makeup. A few minutes later she came back into the bedroom,

"Dan, please get out of bed, I have to change the sheets." She said when she saw that I had gotten back into bed again.

"Nope." I said grinning at her. She raised her eyebrow in reply and took the duvet, tearing it off the bed and throwing it on the ground.

"Surprise." I said smirking when I saw that she realized I was naked.

"Yeah, that surely is a surprise." She said nodding to my onslaught, playing along.

"Can you please get out of bed now Dan?" She said turning serious again.

"No, you'll have to get us out yourself." I replied, folding my arm underneath my head.

"Us?" She asked confused.

"Yeah, me and my friend." I replied smirking. She rolled her eyes when she realized what I meant by that before saying,

"Whatever you want, but you'll have to change the sheets yourself then." And turned around to walk downstairs. I chuckled at her before I got out of bed and put a pair of boxers on. I took the bedsheets from the bed and took them with me downstairs.

"I didn't expect you to really do it" Am said raising her eyebrow when she saw me coming in with the bedsheets.

"I'll even put them in the washing machine for you." I replied.

"Wow, never thought that that day would come." She said laughing. After Am had finished her breakfast I walked with her to the front door.

"I'll see you tonight." She said kissing me on my lips.

"Yup, good luck babe." I replied. I waved her goodbye when she stepped in her car and drove off. I walked back inside and closed the door behind me. I ran up the stairs and took our suitcases, lying them down on the bed. I've planned a surprise for Am, cause she's having a longer weekend after today, I booked us a hotel, near the beach. Still in this country, cause we don't have enough time to go somewhere far away. But just to relax, and we can just walk along the beach. I put everything that I thought she might need in her suitcase, jeans, pjs, hoodie, toiletries, sexy underwear. Very important... After a while I had quite a lot from her wardrobe stuffed into the suitcase so I closed hers before starting on my own. Repeating the same process again, but then with less clothes. And protection instead of sexy underwear... When I was done I carried our suitcases downstair, putting them down in the hall. I made my way to the kitchen to make myself a cup of tea before crashing on the couch, turning the tv on. There was nothing on it because it was still early so after I few minutes I turned it off again and decided to go to the gym.


After two hours of fitness and boxing I decided to go home again, so I walked back to the changing rooms to have a shower. I was washing my hair and when I opened my eyes I saw two girl around 24 -I think- walking into the changing room.

"I think we've got the wrong one." One of the girls said, nudging the other in her side when she saw me. The other girl looked in my direction and her eyes widened when she saw me.

"OMG! You're Danny O'Donoghue!!" She said, while I was trying to get my towel and wrap it around my waist without being to obvious...

"Eh, yeah." I said once I'd finally reached my towel.

"I'm sorry to bother you, but can we have a picture with you please?" She asked, not noticing that I was pretty uncomfortable.

"Yeah, one second." I replied and quickly wrapped the towel around my waist and put a shirt on. Once the girl had her photo they left again so I could dress properly. God that was embarrassing. 


It's now almost six and Am can be home any second now. Mark was going to bring us to the hotel, so he had come earlier to get our suitcases. So when Am would come home, she wouldn't suspect anything when she'd see our suitcases standing in the hall. 

"Babe! I'm home!" I heard from the hall. I stood up and went to the hall to greet her. 

"Hey gorgeous." I said wrapping my arms around her and kissing her cheek. 

"How was work?" I asked when she was standing in the kitchen, preparing dinner.

"Good, not really different than the other days." She said cutting vegetables. 

Around ten minutes after we'd finished dinner I heard the doorbell ring and I saw from the window in the kitchen that it was Mark, to pick us up. 

"Babe, put your shoes on and grab a coat, we're going." I said, walking to the hall to put my own shoes on.

"Where are we going?" She asked confused, but followed me. 

"I've got a surprise for you, everything's sorted don't worry." I said kissing her on her head.

"Ready?" Mark asked when I opened the door.

"Yup." I said, locking the door behind me.

"You know about it?!" Am said, raising her eyebrow.

"Yes, but Dan made me promise not to say anything, I'm sorry." Marks said stepping in the car.

"Can you please say where we're going?" Am said once we were in the car.

"Nope, but I promise you'll like it." I said, taking her hand in mine.

"You're cute." She replied smiling, and squeezed my hand lightly. I squeezed her hand as well in reply and wrapped my arm around her waist, pulling her closer to me. 

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