~Chapter 22~

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Amy's pov:

After hours of cuddling together I had to get to work, so I dragged myself of the sofa and went to put my shoes on. I really didn't want to go to work, I'd rather sat on the couch with Danny. But, this is my last night shift so after this night I can cuddle in to him on the couch every night again.

"I'm going." I said walking into the living room again where Danny was still sitting on the couch.

"All right. See you tomorrow." He said standing up and kissed me.

"Yup." I replied kissing him back. After that I grabbed my coat and keys and stepped outside. Just when I stepped outside the rain started pouring. Great. I quickly ran to my car and jumped, trying not to get too soaked. I drove to the hospital but on my way to there the rain only got heavier so I could barely see anything anymore. I drove pretty slow cause driving in this weather is pretty scary and right now I didn't mind about coming a few minutes later. I'd rather arrive safe.

Half an hour later I arrived at the hospital and parked my car before I quickly ran inside. Because of the weather there were quite a few accidents so I had enough to do. But after a few hours doctor Mattison asked me to help on the intensive care cause they needed an extra hand. I agreed and followed him to the intensive care. On our way to there he explained that there was a women who lost control over the car because of the weather and crashed against a tree. This is exactly why I decided to drive calm. When we arrived at the intensive care I followed Mattison to where the women would be but when I saw her I froze. I knew this women. It was Rina, Marks wife.

"Are you okay?" Doctor Mattison asked, obviously noticing my shocked reaction.

"Y-Yeah. It's just that I know her..." I replied tearing my eyes away from Rina to look at Mattison.

"I'm sorry to hear that." He said with a look of sympathy. We walked closer to her and it was then that I saw all the wounds. She had a large cut at the side of her head where someone was getting glass out. Blood came out of her nose and mouth and a lot of scratches. Mattison informed me that she had a fractured arm, a few fractured ribs and they needed to find out if she had any internal bleedings. With another colleague we were plastering her arm while someone else was preparing a room for her. It was then that I realized how worried Mark must be. So I walked to Mattison and asked,

"Is her family already informed?"

"No, not yet." He replied and got her ready for an x-ray. 

"I'll do it." I said when they wheeled Rina away. I got my phone and found Mark's number, I decided to call him with my own phone, hoping he'd pick up when he saw it was me no matter what he was doing.

"Hi Amy." Mark said when he picked the phone up.

"Hey Mark, I have to tell you something." I said, feeling sorry for him.

"What's it?" He asked and I could hear the worry clear in his voice.

"I don't know if you already noticed it, but Rina isn't home yet. Cause she had an accident and she is here in the hospital." I explained, hoping that I sounded calm. He went silent for a few minutes until he said,

"I'm coming." And with that he hung up. I was thinking if I needed to call Danny and Glen as well cause they were pretty close with Rina as well, but I decided against it. If Mark wanted them to come he'd call them himself and maybe he'd drop the kids by one of them cause I don't think he'll take them with him.

I knew that I couldn't do anything for Rina now, and I had to continue with the rest of my work, but I could feel the worry at the pit of my stomach. She didn't seem to be fine when I saw her. I know that wounds on the head most of the times seem worse than they are, but still... I was deep in my thoughts when I turned around a corner and bumped into someone.

"Sorry." I said looking up and I saw that I bumped into Mark.

"Is she okay?" Was the fist thing he asked, which I totally understand.

"I don't know. I haven't seen her since they took her to have an x-ray. But I'll ask it, give me a minute." I replied and started walking into the direction of the room they had prepared for her. On my way there I found Mattison so I decided to ask him, he was with her.

"Is there already news about mrs Sheehan?" I asked, afraid for the answer.

"She's in surgery now, I don't know how that goes at the moment." He replied and continued walking to wherever he was going. I walked back to Mark and told him what I knew.

"I think it's the best if you wait in the waiting room, I'll come immediately when I know something okay?" I offered, hoping that he'd agree cause there's nothing he could do.

"Yeah, thanks." He said faking a smile.

"Maybe you should call Danny or Glen?" I asked cause I wanted someone to be here to be with him.

"I dropped the kids at Glen's, and I don't want to bother Danny. I think he's busy with the voice or something." He replied sitting down in one of those hard plastic chairs.

"Don't be silly, call Dan. He'd do the same." I said sternly.

"Okay." He said sighing and took his phone out of his pocket.

"He's on his way." He said when he hung up again.

"Good. But I have to go again, sorry." I replied feeling guilty to leave him here alone.

"Of course, you're working." He replied before I left.

Hours went by and I still hadn't heard anything about Rina. It really started to worry me now, cause if it was a simple surgery it wouldn't take this long... I was just attaching someone to an IV line when doctor Mattison walked into the room,

"Mrs Sheehan is out of surgery." He said, his face not showing any emotion which scared me.

"Okay." I replied and finished what I was doing before I went to get Mark and Danny. They followed me  to the room that Mattison told me to take them and when we came there he was already standing outside of the door.

"Is she okay?" Was again the first thing Mark could ask.

"Are you okay with them knowing?" Mattisdon asked nodding his head to me and Danny.

"Yeah." Mark said getting impatient which I totally understand.

"Well she's got a fractured arm, a few fractured ribs, cuts and bruises and we found an internal bleeding in the brain which we had to stop immediately which is why it took this long. The surgery went well but she slipped into a coma. I'm very sorry..."

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