~Chapter 138~

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Danny's pov:

I was looking after Ava and Liz cause Am had to work, so I was sitting on the couch with Ava watching Frozen since I'd brought Liz already to bed. Ava was cuddled into my side while I had my arm wrapped around her holding her close to me.

I had missed her a lot over the last few days and was now enjoying every second with her. We'd made cookies earlier today and even though the kitchen was a complete mess after we were done it was totally worth it cause I had so much fun making cookies with Ava. 

Ava was nibbling on one of her selfmade cookies while giggling as Olaf melted in front of the fireplace. I looked down at my little girl and smiled when I heard her giggling. She didn't notice me watching her cause she was too busy watching the film, while I was watching her instead.

Once the film had ended it was time for Ava to go to bed. We got up from the couch and she took my hand while we walked up the stairs. I was sitting on the closed toilet seat with Ava on my lap, brushing her teeth.

After changing her into her PJs I threw the covers back while she climbed into her bed. Once she lay down I covered her with the duvet and tucked her in.

"Daddy?" She asked laying on her side so she was facing me.

"Yeah?" I replied, sitting down on the edge of the bed.

"When will you come home?" She asked looking at me with her big eyes.

"I am home now, aren't I?" I said, trying to put on a smile.

"But why are you never home with Mummy? And why don't you sleep here with Mummy?" She asked again. My mind was racing thinking of something to say while she asked her next question.

"And why don't you hug mummy anymore?"

I had no idea what to say to this. Am and I had tried really hard to hide it all from both Ava and Liz and tried to act as normal as possible around each other. But as young as Ava is, she obviously noticed something was up.

"Don't worry about it, sweetheart." I answered instead, avoiding her questions. She looked at me for a few moments until she smiled and nodded her head.

"I love you, always." I said and leaned down to kiss her.

"Always." Ava repeated, like we always do before she goes to sleep.

"Sweet dreams baby." I said softly before standing up from her bed. I walked out of her room but before I closed her door I blew her a kiss, another ritual of ours.

As I closed the door I walked into Liz's room to check on her. She was still sleeping peacefully but was not laying underneath the covers anymore. I covered her again and stood watching her for a while. She looked completely relaxed, a whole word away from here.

It was after 11M when I got a text from Am saying,

'I'm sorry but I'll be home late. You can take the spare room, so you don't have to stay up.'

On one hand I was happy that she offered to let me stay here. But on the other hand it hurt that she made it really clear that she didn't want to sleep in the same bed with me.

Once the film I was watching had ended I decided to go to bed. I made sure all the doors were locked before I turned the lights off and made my way upstairs. After I'd brushed my teeth I checked on Ava and Liz before making my way to the spare room. I closed the curtains and stripped down to my boxers, getting into bed.


I woke up from a sound coming from the room next to me. But after a few seconds I realized it was Liz crying. Scared that she would wake Ava, I quickly got out of bed and made my way to her room. I lifted her up and held her against my chest, bouncing lightly up and down while stroking her back softly.

"Is she alright?" I heard Am ask from behind me. I jumped slightly cause I hadn't heard her coming in but relaxed right after when I realized it was Amy. I turned around and found her in nothing but a thong, she closed the door behind her, probably also scared that Ava would wake up.

"I think so..." I said as Liz's crying stopped. Am walked over to us and pressed soft kisses on Liz's head while I was holding her close to my chest.

Once Liz calmed down we lay her back in her bed and stood watching her until she fell back asleep. 

Am and I left Liz's bedroom and carefully closed the door behind me. Am was about to walk back to the bedroom but I caught her wrist and pulled her back, causing her to stumble until she collided with my chest.

I have no idea what came over me, but I just couldn't control it. I grabbed her face in both my hands and leaned down, pressing my lips on hers. I felt her body tense up at first before she relaxed and started kissing me back, one of her hands in my hair while the other was on the back of my neck. I ran my hands down her sides until they landed on her bum and I lifted her up, causing her to wrap her legs around my waist. 

I stumbled into our bedroom and closed the door behind us before dropping Am on the bed and leaning over her. It was like something else took over as I kissed her neck, forgetting about all the things that happened between us. 

It wasn't long before we were both completely undressed and I was making love to her. She ran her hands over my back her nails scratching my skin every now and then while I was sucking on her neck. 

Once we'd both hit our high, I collapsed next to her catching my breath. We lay in silence, our heavy breathing being the only sound until we both dropped off to sleep.


When I woke up again I realized I was alone in bed. It hurt a little even though I knew Am had to go to work. Am told me earlier yesterday that her dad would come today to look after the girls cause I had rehearsals planned with the lads so she asked me to look after them until her dad would come. 

I got out of bed and grabbed my boxers from the floor, putting them back on before I made my way downstairs. 

I was halfway making breakfast when I heard Ava's footsteps. I walked back into the hall and found her standing at the top of the stairs.

"Good morning sunshine." I said smiling and walked up the stairs to get her.

"Morning daddy." She said wrapping her arms around my neck as I lifted her up and carried her down the stairs. 

After we had breakfast I went upstairs to get dressed while Ava was in the living room playing with her dolls.

As I walked back down the stairs I heard keys rustling and seconds later the front door opened and John, Amy's dad, walked in.

"Good morning." He said when he saw me.

"Morning." I replied.

"I heard you have band rehearsals so I thought I'd come early." He told me.

"Thanks." I replied smiling.

He took a quick glance into the living room, where Ava was playing completely oblivious to her granddad being here before he focused back on me.

"Listen," He started and I was a little bit worried about what he was going to say.

"I know what happened, and I'd love nothing more than to kick your ass for hurting my daughter, but I know how much she loves you. And that you two are meant to be together, a blind fool could see that. So please, think of something amazing to win her back."

I could only nod in reply, relieved that he didn't tell me how he would slowly and painfully kill me for what I did to his youngest daughter.

"Good." He said and patted my shoulder, adding a tight squeeze, which could either mean that he was satisfied with my answer or that he would still kill me if I hadn't agreed. Not sure which one. 

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