~Chapter 57~

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Amy's pov:

I couldn't really sleep when we finally decided to go to sleep. I noticed that Danny was awake for a little while longer as well, but after like half an hour he had fallen asleep. I was left wide awake, I just couldn't sleep.

After a few naps that lasted for barely an hour I gave up and just laid there looking at Dan. He had rolled on his back, the duvet pushed down to his waist. I shuffled closer to him and put my head on his chest, listening to his steady heartbeat, while I felt his warm breath on the top of my head. I put one of my hands on his hip and closed my eyes, hoping I could at least get some rest. But after listening to his heartbeat for a while, my eyes got heavy and eventually I fell asleep.


I woke up again when I felt fingers slowly running up and down my side. I opened my eyes and realized that I was still lying in the same position as when I fell asleep, my head on his chest and my hand on his hip.

"Hey gorgeous." Dan said when he realized that I was awake.

"Hmm." I mumbled in reply.

"I'm sorry but I had to wake you, otherwise you won't be able to sleep again tonight." He said when he saw that I closed my eyes again.

"What time is it then?" I asked lifting my head a little bit.

"1.30 PM." He replied, looking down at me.

"Really?" I asked surprised.

"Yup." He said, nodding his head. Dan sat up a little bit, forcing me to take my head from his chest. He sat up with his head against the headboard to I sat up as well and rested my head on his chest again.

"Better." I said smiling, making Dan chuckle. The duvet was only covering our legs, revealing our bare upper bodies. I ran my finger from the waistband of his boxers to his upper chest and back down again. Making little patterns along the way. Dan wrapped his arm around my waist and rested his hand on my stomach, while his other hand rested right below my breast.

"I missed mornings like these." Danny said after a few minutes, breaking our relaxed silence.

"Like what?" I asked, my finger still running up and down his upper body.

"Like this, just the two of us. And that I don't have to get out for soundcheck or something." He said, his finger tracing the outlines of my breast. I just nodded in reply and stopped my finger from running up and down his body and rested my hand on his stomach. I really looked forward to the next two weeks with Dan, just the two of us again. He had two weeks off before they continued again so we could just be home together again. Even though it would be just for two weeks, I'm happy with that. But then again, I'm happy when he's on tour, just because I know that that makes him happy.

"We've got enough time for that the next two weeks." I replied smiling.

"I know." He replied, kissing my shoulder.

"But I'll have to get back to work soon tho." I replied when I realized that I was going back to work next week.

"Then I'll play the lovely boyfriend who's waiting for you to come home, cook dinner, run you a warm bath, give you a massage and bring you tea." He said smiling and pressed me even tighter against him.

"I can't say 'no' to that." I said chuckling.

"Especially to your massages, you're really good at that." I added winking.

"You want one now?" He asked, looking down at me.

"No, I just enjoy lying like this with you now. And, if someone deserves a massage now, it's you." I replied, pressing a kiss against his jaw.

"Hmm, that's sounds great." He said smirking.

"What? That I enjoy lying here with you? Or that you deserve a massage?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Both. But I was talking about the massage."

I untangled myself from his arms and sat on my knees on the bed. I pushed Dan down on the bed and forced him to roll on his stomach, he folded one arm underneath his head while the other was lying next to him. I went to sit down on his butt with my legs on each side of him.

"Then I'll get you a massage." I breathed in his ear, before putting my hands on his shoulders. I made sure to put some extra pressure on the knots in his muscles, to massage the knots out of them, and hear him groan. Wether it was out of pleasure of pain...

After his shoulders I dug my nails in his skin and dragged them down, leaving light scratch marks until I reached his lower back and continued my pleasuring torture there. Another groan escaped from the back of his throat when I dug my nails into his sides. I leaned over to him and breathed in his ear,

"You like that?"

But before he could reply I dug my fingers into another knot in his muscles.

"I take that as a yes." I said chuckling and continued my massage for a little longer. After a while I had massaged his whole back so I got of him again and laid down next to him.

"That was...Wow..." He said, rolling on his side so we were facing each other.

"Wow as in...?" I asked, raising my eyebrows.

"Wow as in just wow." He replied chuckling. 

"Is it a good wow?" I asked smiling.

"Yeah, I think it is." He replied and wrapped his arm around me again. 

We relaxed for a little longer until we decided to pack our things to go come again. But before we would go home we'd visit Ailish again, just to say goodbye again cause we probably won't see her again for quite a while.

"You got everything?" Dan asked, closing his suitcase.

"I think so." I replied, looking around the room. 

"We can go then." He said, taking my hand in his. We went to the lobby where we checked out and got a taxi to Dan's mum. 


After we had visited Ailish we had to go to the airport to fly back to London. I was looking forward to going home again cause it's been quite a while since I've been there. And I really looked forward to see Jessica again, I really missed her. 

We were waiting for our plane to board, I was resting my head on Dan's shoulder and looked out of the window to all the planes, while Dan was doing something on his phone. I had a bit of trouble with keeping my eyes open. All tough I slept until late, I was still tired. Maybe because we spent the whole night talking and I had a few hours of sleep with constantly waking up in between. 

"You can take a nap on the plane baby." Dan said, obviously noticing my tiredness. 

"Yeah, I might do that." I replied, before a yawn escaped my mouth. Dan put his phone back in his pocked and wrapped his arm around my waist, pulling me closer to him. I draped my arm across his stomach and rested my hand on his side while we waited for our plane to board, to take us home again.

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