~Chapter 152~

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Amy's pov:

Right after Jess' call I grabbed my coat and purse, ready to go home and see the damage that was done.

"Amy! What are you doing?" I heard Danny call as he ran after me.

"Jess just called that someone broke into our house. And I'm pretty damn sure that it's Bryan." I said while shrugging my coat on.

"But you can't just go back on your own." Dan argued while grabbing my wrist.

"Why not?"

"He might still be there!"

"Danny I'm going, I have to see what he's done." I said as I looked into his eyes. He held eye contact for a few moments until he said,

"Fine. But I'm sending someone with you. Wait a minute." He said before running off again.

He came back a few minutes later with a security guard telling me he'd go with me.

"Alright." I agreed, knowing this was the only way he would let me go.

"Will you come back to the hotel tonight?" He asked as he wrapped me in a hug.

"Yeah." I replied nodding before I pressed a quick kiss against his lips.

"Be safe." He said while letting go of me.

"I will. Don't worry."


As soon as we arrived at the house I saw that Jess was right; the front door was literally knocked down. I cautiously walked in with David -the security guard- behind. I walked into the living room first, which looked like a bomb had exploded there. It didn't seem like anything had been stolen, but the place was a mess. All the drawers and cupboards were open, the contents on the floor, the dinner table was knocked over and the glass coffee table was smashed to pieces. The photos that used to stand on top of the piano were all taken out of their frame and torn into tiny pieces.

As I was staring at the mess in the living room I felt my phone buzz in my pocket. I took it out and saw that I had a text from Dan saying he'd called someone who would fix the front door. I quickly replied telling him the state of the living room before deciding to go upstairs.

As I reached the top of the stairs I noticed that all the doors were still closed -just like I left it- apart from mine and Dan's bedroom. I cautiously walked into the bedroom, not knowing what to expect. The first thing I noticed were the red angry letters written on the white wall above our bed.


After a few seconds I realized that at the place where Bryan had written was supposed to hang a canvas photo of me and Dan. I looked around me at the rest of the room and saw all my underwear strewn across the room. Some still in one piece, other torn up. I then noticed the canvas photo lying on the bed. I walked over to it and realized the Danny in the photo had been stabbed multiple times.

I felt my legs starting to shake as I thought of what might have happened if Danny hadn't convinced me to join them on tour.

I left the room again, not wanting to be in there while it looked like this. Next, I walked into the bathroom. I was kinda relieved to find that only the mirror had been smashed into countless pieces. An erect penis was drawn on the wall where the mirror used to hang. The drawing made me want to vomit so I quickly left the bathroom.

I took a deep breath before opening the door to Ava's room. I was more than surprised to see that Ava's room was exactly like I left it. On one hand, it was a relief, but on the other hand a little scary. Almost as if it was a warning or something. Liz room was still the same as well, almost like he hadn't been here.

As I walked out of Liz's room I encouraged myself to go back into our bedroom to clean up. I grabbed all my panties from the floor and threw them all away. Not caring if some of then were still unharmed. The thought of Bryan having them in his hands made me sick and never want to wear them ever again.

Hours later, the house looked a little bit normal again. And we had a front door again. Jess had come over as well and promised to paint the walls in the bedroom and bathroom. I thanked her before we made our way out of the house. I locked the door behind me before getting in the car with David.


It was after midnight by the time we arrived back at the hotel.

"Thank you for today." I said to David once he'd turned the engine off.

"No problem." He replied.

"Are you alright, though?" He asked, placing his hand on my shoulder.

"Yeah..." I replied shrugging before we got our of the car.

Once I reached the hotel room I took my keycard out and silently opened the door. The lights were off apart from the little light on one of the bedside cabinets. I felt a smile form on my face as I looked over at one of the double beds. Dan was lying in the middle of it, with Ava and Liz each on a side of him, his arms wrapped around them. All three of them were asleep.

I made my way to the bathroom and closed the door before turning the lights on, so the lights wouldn't wake them. I undressed myself before getting into the shower.

A few minutes later, I turned the shower off again and pulled the shower curtain back to get a towel.

"Jesus Danny!" I exclaimed when I found Dan leaning against the sink, scaring the shit out of me.

"Sorry, didn't mean to scare you." He replied chuckling while handing me a towel.

"How was today?" He asked while I wrapped the towel around me and stepped out of the shower.

"The house was a mess." I said before telling him about what Bryan's done to our house.

"I'm sorry I couldn't go with you." He said as he wrapped his arms around me and pulled me into him.

"It's alright." I replied, not wanting him to feel guilty.

I stood in his embrace for a little longer until I eventually pulled away to brush my teeth. Once I was done I walked out of the bathroom to the bed where I dressed into one of Dan's t-shirts. Dan had already gotten into bed and lifted the duvet for me to get in. I got in and cuddled close to Dan. He wrapped his arms safely around me, resting his head against mine. I fell asleep to the feeling of Dan's fingers running softly up and down my back.

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