~Chapter 104~

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Danny's pov:

I woke up alone in bed, we've been back in London for a few days now and Am and Jess decided to go swimming with Ava and Liz today.

I rolled over to see that it was a little after 10AM. This was the first lie in I've had in weeks, I've had to get up early every day because of Ava and Liz and got home late almost every night because of the album. I have no idea how Glen and Mark do this, but I'm surely not used to it yet.

I closed my eyes again trying to sleep off the annoying headache I was having. But soon enough I realized that I couldn't get to sleep because of the headache so I decided to go and get downstairs to get some paracetamol.

I threw the covers back and stood up, stumbling slightly because I was met by a wave of dizziness. I held onto the wall while waiting for my vision to become clear again.

I walked downstairs and made my way to the kitchen where I filled a glass of water and swallowed some paracetamol. Once I'd swallowed them I decided to go back to bed to try and get some more sleep. I crawled back into bed and got comfy underneath the duvet. But just as I was comfortable and was falling back asleep I suddenly felt extremely nauseous, I jumped out of bed and ran to the bathroom just in time to chuck my guts up into the toilet. Once it finally stopped I sat back against the wall. The cold wall felt refreshing against my damp back.

I sat there for a few minutes while massaging my temples until I decided to get downstairs to make some tea. I made my way to the bedroom to grab my phone and saw that I had a message from Am, she'd sent me a video of Ava jumping into pool. I replied while walking out of the bedroom towards the stairs. Once I'd replied to Am I locked my phone and went to put it in my back pocket, but I realized too late that I was only wearing my boxers so I dropped my phone to the floor. I bend down and picked it up before I quickly stood up again. Which I immediately regretted because I felt extremely dizzy. I leaned over to try and hold onto the banister but as I stepped over I realized I couldn't get hold of the banister because of the dizziness, and fell down the stairs instead, knocking my head against the steps and the wall in the process.

Amy's pov:

Ava had convinced Jess to go off the slide with her, but after the first time Ava couldn't get enough of it so instead of going off it once Ava dragged Jess around a hundred times to the slide. I held Liz in my arms who seemed to be enjoying it, she was trying to get a hold of the water with her little hands while giggling loudly.

Once Jess had proceeded to get Ava away from the slide, she decided to learn Ava how to dive. Jess dived off the wall into the pool before Ava tried to copy her. Which wasn't really easy because of the inflatable armbands around Ava's arms. But she tried anyway and showed me proudly how good she was at diving.

We spent a few hours in the pool until we decided to go home cause both Ava and Liz were getting tired. Jess took Ava with her to a changing room to help her get changed while I took Liz with me. Once I'd managed to change both me and Liz in the small changing room I got out and found Jess and Ava in front of the mirror. Jess was braiding Ava's hair while she was looking at herself in the mirror.

"Ready?" Jess asked once she'd finished braiding Ava's hair.

"Yup." I replied, swinging my bag on my shoulder while holding Liz on my hip. Jess took her bag as well and we made our way to her car. Once I'd put Liz in her carseat and made sure Ava had her seatbelt on I got into the passenger seat next to Jess. She started the engine and made her way back to our house.

Once we arrived at our house Jess took the bags to take them inside, I threw the keys at her before I went to take Liz out of her carseat.

"Amy?!" I head Jess call once she'd opened the front door.

"Yeah?" I replied while trying to get Liz out of her carseat but she wouldn't cooperate.

"Something's happened to Dan..." She replied still standing with her back to me.

"What do you mean?" I asked looking up from what I was doing.

"Maybe you should come and look for yourself...?" She said turning around, all the colour had drained from her face. I immediately made my way over to her, leaving Liz in her carseat for a little longer. Jess was still standing at the front door and I walked past her to see what she was talking about and saw immediately what she meant. Dan was lying at the bottom of the stairs, his right arm lying in an unnatural position underneath his body while his head was lying at a weird angle against the first step of the stairs, he looked incredible pale and was clearly unconscious.

I stood frozen to the spot for a few seconds before I snapped into action and ran over to him, kneeling down beside him.

"Call an ambulance!" I said looking at Jess who had already taken her phone out. I grabbed his left wrist and pressed two fingers against it, trying to find a pulse. I began to panic slightly when I couldn't find one and took a deep breath before dropping his wrist and carefully placed my fingers against his neck without moving his head.

"Does he have a pulse?" Jess asked me, her phone still pressed against her ear.

"A faint one, tell them to hurry!" I replied, keeping my eyes on Dan. I heard Jess talk to someone on the other end of the phone before I felt her hand on my back.

"They're on their way." She said kneeling down beside me.

"Did you tell them to hurry?" I asked, trying to fight against the tears.

"Yeah, don't worry they will be here soon. Everything will be okay." She replied softly.

A few minutes later I heard sirens coming closer. Jess stood up from beside me and ran outside, coming in a few moments later with paramedics following behind. I stood up and stepped away to give them space, knowing that it's the best to do, even though I don't want to.

Only moments later he was lying on a stretcher being wheeled to the ambulance.

"Go with them, I'll take Ava and Liz with me." Jess said placing her hand on my shoulder.

"Can you pack a bag for them as well?" I asked.

"Of course, now go!" She said pushing me outside. I ran over to the ambulance and climbed in the back with a paramedic. The doors were closed behind me before we rushed off to the hospital.

Once we arrived at the hospital they quickly took Dan out of the ambulance and wheeled them inside. I ran after them until I was stopped by a nurse telling me I couldn't come further cause he was taken to surgery. It took me a few seconds so realize what she'd just said.

"Surgery?" I asked, my voice coming out shaky.

"Yeah, but that's all I know, I'm sorry." She replied smiling sympathetically. I nodded slowly in reply and made my way to the waiting room where I was told to wait.

I sat down and stared at the wall opposite me, trying to get the image of Dan lying at the bottom of the stairs out of my head.

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