~Chapter 84~

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Amy's pov:

I woke up with a stiff neck and a sore back. For a second I forgot where I was and why I was feeling so uncomfortable, but as soon as I opened my eyes I remembered. I was still sitting on the same hard chair and had slept with my head on Dan's bed, his hand in mine. 

I sat up straight and stretched my back slowly, which was quite painful after lying in such an uncomfortable position for hours. I sat back in my chair and looked at Dan, he still looked the same as last night. Breathing slowly, his hair all messy and the oxygen mask covering his face. I brought my hand to his face and stroked his hair softly of his forehead. Taking a closer look at the two stitches close to his hairline. They were just small stitches so I don't think they will leave  a scar, which I think Dan will be happy about. 

I removed my hand again and sat down again. I looked at the heart monitor attached to his chest, the sound was turned down so I didn't have to listen to that annoying beeping sound, but I could see his heartbeat on the screen. I took his hand in mine again and played with his fingers, which felt weird now. I play with his fingers more often, and he always squeezes my hand lightly or will bring my hand to his mouth and press a kiss against my knuckles. But now, he did nothing, his fingers didn't curl around mine and his hand felt lax in my own. I pressed a kiss against his palm before I just settled with stroking my thumb over his knuckles. 

It was weird sitting at his side like this, he still looked like Dan, smelt like him- only mixed with the disinfectant scent of the hospital- yet it was like he wasn't there. If you'd just walk in and there wouldn't be an oxygen mask, you'd probably think he's just sleeping peacefully, instead of that he was almost bleeding to death.

I heard a light knock on the door and when I looked up I saw Jessica walking in. I lay Dan's hand down and stood up to hug her.

"Mark told me what happened." She whispered while I stood in her embrace. I felt how the tears started to roll down my cheeks and Jess obviously felt it as well. She rubbed her hand slowly up and down my back trying to calm me down. 

"I'm so worried." I choked out, pulling away from her embrace and wiped the tears roughly off my face with the sleeve of Dan's jumper I had thrown on where Mark turned up last night.

"I know." She replied softly. 

She sat with me for almost two hours, until she told me that she had to go. 

"Are you sure you will be fine?" She asked, standing up.

"Yeah." I said nodding, standing up as well. I hugged her tight before she left. I sat in silence for a while until I decided to get a coffee.

"I'll be back in a few minutes." I said to Dan, even though he couldn't hear me. I walked out of his room and walked down the long corridors until I found a coffee machine. I took a cup and watched how the machine filled my cup with the dark liquid. Before I went back to Dan, I went to the toilet first. When I walked in I caught sight of myself in the mirror. I looked horrible. My skin was pale from the lack of sleep, my eyes were red from crying and my hair was a complete mess. I just sighed to myself, not really caring about it right now, and went to the toilet. When I was done I took my coffee with me back to Dan's room and sat back in my chair next to his bed.  

I watched the hours tick by, just sitting at his side with his hand in mine. Waiting until someone would come in and could tell me what's going on and what they are going to do. Instead of the 'I don't know, sorry.' I've heard so many times today. 

It was around 4PM when a doctor with dark hair and glasses came walking into the room, carrying a clipboard with his left hand while he shook my hand with his right. 

"I'm doctor Parker." He said smiling friendly. 

"I'm Amy." I said sitting down again.

"Sorry for the long wait, but there was an emergency which took more time than I expected. I had wanted to come earlier." He apologized.

"It's okay." I replied, lacking the energy to make a fuss. Doctor Parker nodded and went to check Danny over, writing some things on his clipboard before he turned to me.

"He's got stable through the night so we'll let him wake up and breath on his own. Once he's woken up we'll have to take him for scans to see if there's any further damage to his head or brain." He explained to me. I just nodded in reply and watched how he took the infusion out of Dan's wrist. After that the released the oxygen mask from Dan's face and waited a few seconds to see if he started breathing on his own- which he did thank god. 

"I'll come back once he's woken up." Doctor Parker said before he left the room again. I sat down  and sighed in relief, that things were starting to look better. 

I just sat looking at my beautiful baby, watching him breathe without help, his chest rising and falling slowly. I don't know how long I'd been staring at him, but suddenly I heard him breathe deeply and his eyes started to flutter lightly. I squeezed his hand softly in mine and kissed the back of it. 

It took a few more minutes until he finally opened his eyes. But he closed them immediately against the bright light of the room. I smiled softly at him when he carefully opened his eyes again. He looked around slightly confused before his eyes focused on me and the a small smile appeared on his face. I leaned down and kissed him softly on his forehead before I sat down again. 

"Where are we?" He croaked out.

"We're in the hospital, you slipped on your way home and hit your head." I replied to him. He nodded slowly, deep in thoughts, probably trying to remember it. 

It took another half an hour before the doctor came back, and in that time Danny had gotten a bit brighter. He said that he could indeed remember how he lost his balance and slipped when he was walking home. 

"Good to see you awake, mr O'Donoghue." Doctor Parker said walking into the room.

"Right, we're going to take you to make some scans to see if everything's alright." Doctor Parker said after he asked how Dan was feeling. Danny nodded in reply and another nurse started to release him from the heart monitor, taking the wires that were stuck to his chest off. Once everything was ready, they wheeled him out of the room and before doctor Parker followed he turned to me and said that I could come as well. I thanked him and walked next to Dan, who was wheeled to another room. He took my hand lightly in his and smiled at me when I looked down at him. I smiled back at him, glad to see him awake. 

A few minutes later, I watched how Dan was lying flat on his back in his boxers and how his head first went into the scan. I was standing with the doctors on the other side of the glass watching Danny. 

After half an hour of lying flat on his back as still as possible he came back out again. Two nurses wheeled Dan back to his room with me following them after doctor Parker told me he'd come once he had the results. Dan and I chatted for a while until Parker came in saying that he had the results. 

"I'm glad to say that everything seems fine, you've been very lucky though cause if your friend wouldn't have reacted the way he did it would have possible that you would have lost too much blood to survive. But because you hit your head really hard so we will keep you here a little longer to keep an eye on you." He explained.

"I don't want to be stuck here." Dan said pouting when the doctor left.

"Don't complain! You could've been dead for fuck's sake!" I said harsher than I intended.

"Sorry. I was just really worried." I said quickly.

"It's okay." He said squeezing my hand lightly.

"Amy?" He asked after a few minutes of comfortable silence.

"Danny?" I replied.

"Where's Ava?" He asked, turning to me.

"At Rina's, why?" I said.

"No reason, just wondering. And I miss her." 

"You'll see her soon again. Don't worry." I replied softly while he was trying to fight against the urge to fall asleep.

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