~Chapter 31~

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Amy's pov:

I woke up still in Dan's arms. He was still asleep so I lay as still as possible trying not to wake him up. I turned my head to his side and watched him sleeping. After minutes of me staring at him he mumbled,

"Why are you staring at me?"

"Cause you're so handsome." I replied smirking and pressed a kiss against his lips. He smiled lightly and slowly opened his eyes.

"Morning." I said smiling and put my head on his chest.

"Good morning, slept well?" He asked while stroking trough my hair.

"Yeah, fine. You?" I replied looking up at him.

"Fine." He said and pressed a kiss against the top of my head.

"How did you sleep comfortable when you were wearing your jeans?" I asked when I realized that he was still in his normal clothes.

"Cause you were with me." He replied smirking.

"Cheesy." I said rolling my eyes but kissed his chest through the material of his shirt. We just lay in comfortable silence, Danny still stroking trough my hair and I still with my head on his chest, until the doctor came walking in and told us that I was free to go.

"That's amazing! Thanks." Danny said smiling as soon as he heard that I was allowed to go home. I put my own clothes back on and signed some papers and then we went home in a taxi that Dan had called. 

Once we arrived back home I quickly ran upstairs and changed into something different and threw the clothes that I was wearing away. I didn't want to keep them because of the memories of what happened then, and they were extremely dirty so I don't think I could ever get them clean again.

"Where are you?" I heard Danny shout from downstairs.

"Bedroom!" I shouted back and seconds later Dan walked into the bedroom.

"I couldn't find you." He said and took his own jeans of.

"I'm sorry." I said even though I knew he wasn't worried or something.

"I think I'm going for a bath." I said walking to the bathroom to fill the bath.

"You want to join me?" I asked when I walked back into the bedroom.

"If you want me to?" He replied standing in just his boxers by now.

"Otherwise I wouldn't ask it." I said rolling my eyes but smiled at him. He just smiled in reply and when the bath was filled I went to the bathroom to take my clothes of, Danny following behind. I took my shirt and bra of, and again, I was covered in bruises. In the mirror I saw Danny looking at me the same way he did when I was beaten up by Bryan.

"It's okay." I whispered knowing that he was upset.

"No. It's not." He said shaking his head, still looking at me in the mirror.

"You couldn't do anything about it." I said and turned around so I was standing face to face with him.

"I just shouldn't have let you walk home all alone that late." He said still not convinced.

"Danny, please." I said looking into his eyes.

"It's not your fault." I continued when he was looking back at me. He sighed and looked away.

"Can you please stop blaming yourself? For me?" I asked forcing him to look at me.

"All right. But it's for you." He said finally giving in.

"Good." I replied and pressed my lips against his. When I pulled away again I took the rest of my clothes of and stepped in the bath with Dan.

"Amy, how did it happen?" He asked after a few moments of relaxed silence.

"If you want to tell me." He quickly added.

"I was walking back home and walked past an alley. Suddenly I was dragged into it by this man and I tried to get away but he wouldn't let me. So well you know what he did and he'd beaten me up before he left. I tried to stand up and go home but I guess I blacked out cause I woke up in the hospital with you at my bed." I said looking at our intertwined hands. He didn't reply to that cause he knew that if he'd start again about him blaming himself I'd go mad. So instead he just pressed his lips against my neck and gave me light kisses.

"I'm not letting anything happen to you ever again." He mumbled in between kisses.

"I love you." I said bringing our intertwined hands to my mouth and kissed his hand.

"I love you too." He replied and pushed me even tighter against his chest.


I'm sorry, this is a short chapter and a bit of a filler. But I'm having a bit of a writers block, but as soon as I can think of something I'll update again! xx

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