~Chapter 166~

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Amy's pov:

Jamie's now a few months old and we're on our first holiday as a family. At first only Glen and Rachel took a break from life, because they got quite a lot on their mind right now. But then when they told us how how amazing it was there in south France and how we should come to. So here, we are, just off the plane, in France.

I was sitting with Jamie on my lap while we were waiting for our luggage.

"You alright?" Dan asked as he sat down next to me. 

"Yeah, just a bit tired." I replied as I looked up at him. He smiled down at me before leaning and and pecking my lips. Just when we pulled away Ava announced that she saw one of our suitcases so Dan got up and followed Ava to get our suitcase. 

Once we had both our suitcases we made our way out of the airport, to the car we'd rented. Dan was holding Jamie with one arm and dragging his suitcase along with his other while Liz was sitting on his shoulders. I was holding Ava's hand with one hand while I held our second suitcase in the other.

"Mummy I'm hungry." Ava said as we walked out of the airport.

"We'll get something to eat on our way to our apartment, sweetheart." I told her while following Dan.

A few minutes later, we'd found our car. Dan put the suitcases in the boot while I was getting the kids in. Jamie had fallen asleep in Dan's arms on our way to the car so I carefully placed him in his carseat, without waking him. 

"Ready?" Dan asked when I closed the backseat door. 

"Yup." I replied nodding before getting into the drivers seat. I waited for Dan to get in and fasten his seatbelt before I started the engine. Dan had the route to the apartment on his phone and was giving directions while I was driving. 

We were only a few minutes away when we found a little restaurant so we decided to get something to eat first. It was fairly quiet so it didn't take long until we got our food.

I was cutting Ava and Liz's food and ate my own at the same time while Danny was giving Jamie his bottle and eating his dinner.

"Mummy I'm full." Ava announced after a while.

"Okay baby." I answered before taking another bite of my own pasta. 

Dan and I sat chatting for a little while until we decided to go to the apartment so we could get the kids to bed. But just as I was helping Liz into the car I heard Ava telling Dan she didn't want to sit in the car anymore. 

"It's only a few more minutes." Dan reasoned with Ava, kneeling down so he was on her level. 

"But I don't want to!" Ava said and ran away when Dan made a move to lift her up. Danny quickly jumped up and ran after Ava, catching up with her within a few seconds and lifted her into his arms, ignoring her complaints.

"If you get in the car now we'll go and get ice cream tomorrow, OK?" He said when he got back to the car. At the sound of ice cream, Ava gave in and allowed Dan to put her in the car. 

"Let's go." Dan said while fastening his own seatbelt. I chuckled at his expression before starting the engine and driving the last 15 minutes to our apartment. 

By the time we arrived, all three the kids were asleep so we carried them inside to their bedrooms. I'd just finished tucking Liz in and closed the door behind me as I left her room when Dan walked in with our suitcases.

I opened the door to our bedroom so Dan could place the suitcases in our room. Our room had a few big windows from floor to ceiling and a balcony which had an amazing view of the beach.

"Well this is romantic." Dan said when he walked in. 

"Yeah, shame it's dark already." I said while looking outside. The only sign of the beach right now being she sound of the waves crashing onto the shore.

"Well, we have a week to enjoy the beautiful sunset." He said while wrapping his arms around my waist.

"And probably the sunrise as well. I'm afraid we won't be having lie ins." He added chuckling. I laughed as well before I turned around in his arms so I was facing him.

"What are you smiling at?" He asked while looking down at me. 

"This is our first holiday as a family." I said with a smile. Sure, we've been abroad with the kids. We've been to Ireland to see Dan's family multiple times, we've been to Holland to see my mum, even to the US to see my dad and we've visited Danny on tour quite a few times. But this is our first time as a holiday.

"It is." Danny said after thinking for a few seconds. 

I stood in his arms for a little longer until we decided to unpack our suitcases.

"Look what I brought." Dan said with a grin, pulling a bottle of wine out of his suitcase.

"You brought wine to France, really?" I asked raising my eyebrows.

"This one is for tonight." He told me, placing the bottle on one of the bedside cabinets.

Once we were unpacked we went onto the balcony to have a glass of wine. We'd also lit a few candles so we wouldn't be in complete darkness. I was sitting cuddled into Dan's side while he had his arm wrapped around my waist.

"To our first holiday as a family." He said before clinking our glasses together. 


I woke up the next morning to find out I was alone in bed. I gave myself a few moments to wake up properly before I decided to get up. I walked out of our bedroom and found Danny in the kitchen. He was standing in his boxers with his back to me, holding Jamie on his hip while pouring a glass of orange juice and handing it to Liz.

"Morning." He said when he turned around.

"Good morning." I answered and walked over to kiss his cheek. 

After breakfast, we decided to go to the beach before it would get to hot. 

"I'll quickly change and then I'm ready to go." I said while placing my glass on the worktop.

"Alright. I'll change Jamie's nappy." Dan said while lifting Jamie out of his highchair. 

I'd laid our towels down and made sure Ava and Liz were both having suncream on before I let them go, reminding them not go too far. I got up from my towel and walked to the shore where Dan was sitting. Jamie was sitting in his nappy between Danny's legs. Every time a wave crashed onto the shore, the water just came up to Jamie's feet before sliding back into the sea again. He was laughing loudly while trying to grab the water with his little hands.

Danny didn't notice me until I sat down next to him. 

"Look at our little boy." He said with a proud smile on his face. I smiled as well and shifted closer to Dan while we both watched our son.

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