~Chapter 52~

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Amy's pov:

I was waiting at the airport to go to the lads again to join them on tour. It was 6 PM here so that meant that I couldn't do much when I'd get there, but I didn't mind, I was happy I could fall asleep next to him again. I spent the day doing nothing really, Jess came over with snacks so we had a film marathon, other than that, I've done nothing today.

I looked at my phone and saw that I could board now so I took my hand luggage and made my way to the gate. Soon enough I was sitting in my seat waiting for the pilot to take me to Danny. Dan had booked my flight so he booked me a business class seat, I told him that he was being crazy by doing that, but he insisted. I hoped that after I told him he didn't have to do that for me, he'd understand it. But obviously he had other ideas. I sent Dan one last text before I turned my phone into flight mode,

'Hi babe, sitting on the plane now, will be in your arms in a few hours😇 love you, xx'

Thank god not too long later we were told to but our seatbelt on and the safety instructions were giving. I hate those damn instructions, they just make me scared. I'm not afraid of flying really, but I just can't stand it when they're talking about an crash. So like I almost do, I looked away from it, only listening a little bit.

I felt myself being slightly pushed backwards into my seat when the plane started speeding up for take off. I looked to my left out of the window and saw everything wiping past. Only moments later I saw that we left the ground and that we were going higher and higher. I was looking out of the window until we were going through the clouds so the only thing I could see was white. I sat back in my seat and plugged my earphones in my ear, I chose my play list called '❤️❤️❤️' and played shuffle.

I closed my eyes and leant back, relaxing for a minute.


When I opened my eyes again I was a bit disorientated for a second until I realized I was on my way to Danny. I looked down at my phone to see that a few hours had past. Guess I had fallen asleep. I looked out of the window and realized we were starting to land already. Well not really that we were reaching the ground, but we were defiantly not as high as we were a while ago.

I took my earphones out and put them with my phone back in my bag. Minutes later she sign of the seatbelt lighted up again, letting us know that we were practically there, so we were going to land. My seatbelt was still on so I could just ignore it, but all around me I heard the clicking noise of seatbelts being fastened.

As soon as we could get out of the plane, I was out. I made my way to the conveyer belt where I had to pick my suitcase up. Barely five minutes later I found my suitcase and took it with me. I walked to the exit and looked for someone I recognized who'd probably be picking me up. After looking around for a few moments I saw Kevin standing near the exit. I smiled at him when our eyes met and walked towards him.

"Hey, how was the flight?" He asked taking my suitcase from me.

"It went okay." I said walking with him to the car.

"Danny's probably waiting for you at the hotel, he was sorting something out with the lads so he asked if I could pick you up." He explained when we sat in the car. I nodded in reply and looked out of the window, leaving the airport behind me.

I pushed the button to the third floor in the elevator and seconds after that the doors closed. I felt the excitement building at the thought of seeing Dan in a few minutes. The elevator went way too slow for my liking, even though it probably didn't go slower or faster than an average elevator...

Finally I heard the pinging sound and the doors opened. I took my suitcases and stepped out, walking past doors until I stopped in front of a door with '312' on it with golden letters. I took my keycard that Kevin had given me and unlocked the door. Expecting Dan to lay on the bed or sit on the couch or something but the room was dark and I couldn't see him. Not only because of the darkness, but because he wasn't here.

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