~Chapter 30~

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Danny's pov:

It's been an hour since Amy texted that she was on her way home, but she still isn't back which is weird cause she normally doesn't take this long. I decided to just call her and see what's taking her this long but after minutes of ringing it just went to voicemail. The only time she doesn't pick her phone up is when she's still at work but she said that she was on her way home so that can't be the case.

I sighed and put my phone back on the coffee table. I'll just wait a while longer and if she still isn't back then I'll do something. The thing that worries me a bit is that it's started to rain quite hard and I don't want her to be alone outside at this time when she weather is getting really bad.

I've been sitting on the couch for another half an hour and there's still no sign of Amy. Suddenly my phone started to ring and I quickly picked it up hoping that it would be her, but it wasn't it was a number that I didn't recognize.

"Hello?" I said picking my phone up.

"Hello, is this Danny?" I heard a female ask.

"Yeah, why?" I asked.

"Is there any chance that you know an Amy Roberts? Cause she's been brought into hospital and you're the last person that she's called with." The women explained. I felt my blood run cold when I heard her say that she's in a hospital and I didn't know what to say.

"Are you still there?" She asked again when I stayed silent for a while.

"Y-Yeah. I'm coming to the hospital." I replied and with shaking hands I hung up.

As quick as possible I put my shoes and coat on and got in a cab to the hospital. In my head I was thinking what could've happened to her, cause I forgot to ask earlier what's happened. As soon as the taxi arrived at the hospital I paid the driver, jumped out and ran inside. I ran up to the desk and asked the lady that was sitting there,

"Where's Amy Roberts?"

"Are you Danny O'Donoghue?" The lady asked looking up from her computer screen.

"Yes." I replied quickly hoping that she'd just tell me where she is. She told me where Amy's room was and before she could say anything else I was already gone. I slowed down when I reached her room and calmed myself down first before I went in.

I slowly opened the door to a semi dark room and in the middle on a bed was my baby. Next to her was standing a doctor who was writing something down on his clipboard.

"Ah, mr O'Donoghue." He said when he turned around and saw me coming in. I just nodded in reply and walked over to the other side of the bed and took her hand in mine.

"Do you know what's happened?" I asked still looking at Amy. She looked so broken, her skin was pale and her hand felt cold in mine.

"Not exactly, but we know that someone found her lying in an alley and called an ambulance. We checked her over and she's okay, just some bruises. But we found a few things that pointed out to raping..." The doctor said looking down at his clipboard again. The only thing I felt was shock when he said that. 

"Are you sure?" I whispered not wanting to believe that she's raped.

"No, we're not entirely sure cause we couldn't ask her yet. But everything seems like it. I'm sorry I understand that this is quite a shock." He said, I looked at Amy again and the thought of some man touching her, disgusted me.

"When will she wake up?" I asked trying to swallow the lump in my throat.

"She's just asleep now, so I don't know." He said shrugging before he turned around and walked out of the room again. Somehow the thought that she was just asleep reassured me a little bit, that she isn't kept into some sleep or something, or in a coma... But it's just natural.

I took a chair and sat down next to her, her hand in mine. The past few weeks I've sat many times like this with Rina, so this brought back a lot of memories. The difference was that I knew that Amy will wake up any second. I can't even imagine how it must've been for Mark when he sat here every day, not knowing if Rina would ever wake up again. And if she would, would she be okay then. 

I just sat there for an hour and a half, staring at my girl. I had her hand in mine the whole time while stroking her knuckles with my thumb and with my other hand I was stroking her head lightly. Trying not to wake her up myself. Suddenly her eyelids started to flutter and she moved her hand in mine.

"Hey baby." I said softly when she opened her eyes a little bit. She turned her head over to me and flashed me a small sleepy smile. I brought her hand to my lips and pressed a light kiss against it. I didn't say anything, just giving her some time to properly wake up.

"I'm thirsty." She said suddenly, tearing her eyes away from the ceiling to look at me.

"I'll get you some water." I said smiling and gave her a kiss on her forehead before I stood up and walked out of the room. On the corridor I bumped into the same doctor from before.

"Is she already awake?" He asked me.

"Yeah, she's just woken up and she said that she's thirsty so I'm getting her some water." I explained to him.

"That's good. I'll come in a few minutes to check up on her." He said flashing me a smile before he continued going to wherever he was going. I got Amy a glass of water and quickly went back to her, not wanting her to be alone.

"Got it." I said smiling at her when I walked into her room again.

"Thanks." She said taking the glass from me.

"How are you feeling?" I asked carefully when she gave me the now empty glass back.

"I've got a small headache." She replied not showing any emotions, which scared me a bit if she's really raped. Before I could reply the doctor came walking in.

"Good to see you awake." He said standing in the same spot where he stood when I walked into the room a few hours ago. He checked a few things and wrote something down on his clipboard before he asked the question that I'd been dreading to hear,

"Sorry mrs Roberts, but I have to ask this. We've ran some tests and the results point out to raping. Is that what's happened?"

I looked at Amy who was trying to think of an answer. I took her hand in mine and squeezed it gently, hoping that it would comfort her. She looked at me and at the doctor again before she nodded her head. He asked her some more questions and finally he left, letting me and Amy alone again.

"I'm so sorry." I whispered pressing another kiss against her hand.

"Why?" She asked furrowing her eyebrows.

"I shouldn't have let you walk home alone at that time." I said, trying everything I could not to burst out crying.

"It's okay, you couldn't know that this would happen." She said squeezing my hand gently and gave me a small smile.

"But-" I started.

"-No buts." She said interrupting me.

"Will you please come to lie next to me?" She asked shuffling over to the other side of the bed.

"Are you sure?" I asked not knowing if that was the best thing to do now.

"Yeah. Now come." She replied throwing the covers back a little bit. I quickly took my shoes of before I lay down next to her, wrapping my arms around her to make sure she's safe now.

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