~Chapter 15~

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Amy's pov:

After Dan left again to work with his team, I settled down on the comfy couch in his dressing room. I found a thin blanket and a pillow and lay down while putting my earphones into my ears. I played shuffle and smiled to myself when I heard 'I'm yours'. I felt my eyes getting heavy, and because it was still so early, I let them shut and fell into a peaceful sleep.


I woke up again when I felt someone stroke my hair and whisper into my ear. I slowly opened my eyes and needed a few seconds to realize where I was, but then I remembered. I looked up to Dan who was kneeling on the floor next to me on the sofa with a small smile playing on his lips.

"Hello sleeping beauty." He said smiling and gave me a light kiss on my lips. I just smiled in reply and sat up straight.

"Wanna go for lunch?" He asked coming to sit next to me on the couch.

"Yeah, course." I said standing up. He took my hand and guided me out of his dressing room but when we past a mirror I saw my hair and walked back in.

"What's wrong?" He asked confused.

"I can't just go there with my bed hair." I giggled and found one of Dan's beanies and put in on. I saw him rolling his eyes and took my hand again when I walked back to him.

"Ready now?" He asked making sure I wasn't going to turn around again.

"I think so." I said and gave a kiss on his cheek.

"Is that all I get?" He asked pouting when I pulled away.

"For now, yes." I said smirking and we continued to walk towards the canteen. We picked up some food and went to sit by Tom, Will and Jessie. It felt kinda weird to be sitting on a table with four superstars, but they made me feel really at ease.

"Hi Am." Jessie said smiling when she saw me.

"Hey Jess." I said smiling back. It was kinda confusing sometimes when I called Jessica and Jessie both Jess, but I think I'll get used to it. I was drinking my tea and Danny had already finished his food so he put his hand on my thigh underneath the table and started running it up and down. I tried to act like I didn't notice it but that only made it worse. Cause  he came closer and closer to my private part, I knew that he was teasing me because of my teasing yesterday and this morning. But I did it when nobody else was around... He was now inches apart from my private part and I shot him a glare making him smirk.

"Everything okay?" Will asked confused.

"I'm fine." Danny said shrugging like nothing happened. I rolled my eyes at him before turning my attention back to the conversation that was going on. 

When we finished lunch they had to go back to work with their teams so I walked back to Dan's dressing room but Jessie was walking with me cause she said that she needed to grab something from her own dressing room.

"So, you and Danny?" She said smiling once I hugged Dan goodbye.

"Yeah?" I asked pretending like I didn't know what she was on about.

"Are you together? Cause I saw what Danny did a few minutes ago." She said winking. I felt myself blush before I replied,

"Yeah, we're together. Since yesterday."

"That's so cute." She squealed making me laugh.

"But I'm serious, I think you two make a great couple." She said turning serious again.

"Thanks." I said smiling. I hugged her goodbye as well before I went into Danny's dressing room. I picked up my phone from the couch and saw that I had a few missed call from Jessica so I decided to call her back now, cause I didn't have something better to do.

"Hi Jess." I said when she picked up.

"Amy Roberts, I have to talk to you. Why the hell haven't you still told Danny that you like him?" She said immediately when I said hi.

"Oh yeah, about that, we're together." I said and I felt myself smiling when I said it.

"Finally." She sighed but I knew that she was smiling.

"And, how good it he?" She asked immediately.

"Good at what?" I asked confused.

"Oh please, don't play dump Am. How good is he in bed?" She asked and I could almost hear her smirking.

"We haven't done it yet..." I confessed knowing she'd probably give me a go at this. Cause she'd never to it like this.

"What?! Why not!?" She asked confused this time.

"Cause we only got together yesterday." I said hoping that she'd understand it now.

"So what? You're trying to tell me that you didn't do anything last night?" She asked like it was the weirdest thing on earth.

"Yeah..." I said already preparing myself for her reply.

"Amy, he looks like a fucking sex god. And I'd bet he is one as well. So what made you two didn't do it." She asked again.

"Cause this is a serious relationship and we both want to make it work, it's not just a flirt or something. And, it's not about sex. Jess if one day you're ready for a real relationship instead of your flirts you'll understand it." I said that she'd finally understand it now. She was silent for a few moments until she said,

"Okay maybe you're right. Sorry that I kept asking." 

"It's okay. I'm used to it by now." I said teasing her.

"But tell me when you've done it!" She added immediately.

"I will." I said laughing.

"Every dirty kinky detail." She said again.

"Whatever." I said shooting my head.

"Okay." She said laughing.

"But Am, I have to go now." She said which took me by surprise cause normally I'm the one who has to go.

"All right. See you soon, bye." I said before ending the call. I put my phone away and took my book out of my bag that I'd taken with me and started to read. Trying to kill some time until Dan would be finished.

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