~Chapter 107~

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Amy's pov:

After we'd had dinner, Ava went back upstairs to Dan, who had promised her to watch a film. Jess and I were clearing the table and putting everything in the dishwasher. I am grateful that Jess was here right now, cause I was absolutely exhausted from everything that has happened.

After I'd put the last glass into the dishwasher I shut it and turned it on. I leaned back against the kitchen counter and ran my hands over my face in exhaustion.

"Are you OK?" Jess asked, placing her hand on my shoulder.

"Yeah, just tired." I said flashing her a quick smile. She didn't seem convinced but nodded in reply, probably dropping it. 

I walked to the living room where I joined Jess and Liz on the couch. Jess had turned the tv on and we were watching a random talkshow. 

"I'll bring Liz to bed." I said after a while, standing up. I lifted Liz up and walked up the stairs with her in my arms. I made my way into her bedroom where I changed her into her pyjamas before I lay her down in her cot. I gently placed her blanket over her and cuddled her bunny close to her. I watched how she slowly dropped off to sleep and smiled softly at myself. I stood watching her for a little longer until I went back downstairs to join Jess. 

While I sat down on the couch she came walking out of the kitchen carrying two cups of tea.

"Thanks." I said when she handed me one. 

"Am, if you want I can stay and look after Ava and Liz while you get a good night of sleep." She said sitting down beside me, wrapping her hands around the mug.

"No, you've already done enough and I'm sure I can handle it. But thanks." I replied, blowing into the steaming liquid of my mug.

"You sure?" She asked again.

"Yes, don't worry." I replied looking up at her this time, flashing her a quick smile.

"All right." She said, before focusing back on the tv. 

We spent watching tv for a little longer until I had to bring Ava to her bed. Jess decided to leave as well saying that I should go to bed as well. I nodded in reply, already looking forward to crawling into my bed.

"See you soon babe." Jess said wrapping her arms tightly around me. I wrapped my arms around her as well and stood in her embrace for a while. She squeezed me a little bit tighter to her before she let go and opened the front door.

"Bye!" I called out before she stepped into her car.

"Bye!" She replied waving before she got in. I waved at her while she drove off before I shut and locked the front door after her. I walked up the stairs and made my way to our bedroom. When I walked in I saw the credits of 'Finding Dory' rolling, Dan was fast asleep and Ava was half asleep, cuddled close to Dan.

"Ava?" I whispered, hoping I wouldn't wake Dan. She mumbled something in reply so I walked around the bed before I lifted her up into my arms. I carried her to the bathroom where I brushed her teeth while she was still half asleep. Once that was done I took her to her bedroom where I helped her change into her pyjamas. As soon as she was done she climbed into her bed and got comfy. I tucked her in and kissed her softly on her forehead before I silently left the room.

"Mummy?" She called out softly before I could close the door.

"Yes baby?" I replied.

"Where is bunny?" She asked.

"Did you leave it with daddy?" I asked, remembering she took it to Dan earlier today.

"I think so..." She replied after thinking for a few seconds.

"I'll get it for you." I said and made my way to our bedroom. I walked around to Dan's side of the bed and found Ava's bunny lying underneath Dan's arm. I carefully took her bunny out from underneath Dan's arm before I went back to Ava.

"Here you go sweetheart." I said handing her her bunny. She smiled softly in the darkness and hugged her bunny close to her chest. I left her room and quickly brushed my own teeth before I stripped down to my underwear and crawled into bed.

I sighed contently when I pulled the duvet up to my nose. I turned onto my side and was asleep before I knew it.



I woke up what felt like only seconds later from Dan calling my name into the darkness while his good hand was softly stroking my shoulder.

"Am?" He whispered again.

"Hmm?" I mumbled rolling onto my back.

"I need to go to the toilet..."

"Okay." I said not opening my eyes, before I realized that he can barely walk on his own, so I'll have to help him to get there.

"Shit sorry." I said sitting up. I heard him chuckle while I got out of bed. I turned the light on my bedside table on so we could see something before I walked to his side. When I looked at the clock I saw that it was barely 11PM, even though I had slept for two or three hours already. 

I helped Dan out of bed before we slowly made our way to the bathroom. Once we reached the toilet Dan quickly pulled his boxers down and seconds later I heard him sigh in relief while he let it all go.

"Better?" I asked chuckling.

"Oh yeah." He said grinning.

Once he was done we repeated the same process but then back to our bedroom. Once he was lying in bed again I quickly got in on my side.

"Come closer please." Dan said once I'd turned the light back off.

"But I don't want to hurt you..."

"You won't, please come closer." He said. I gave in and shifted over to him, carefully cuddling into him. We lay in comfortable silence for a while until he broke it,

"What I wouldn't do to have you right now..."

"I'm afraid that that's out of order right now, mr O'Donoghue." I replied giggling.

"I know... But as soon as I can... You better be prepared babe." He said, and I could almost heard him smirking, even though I couldn't see it because of the darkness.

"We'll see." I replied and placed my hand on his lower stomach just to tease him.

"Even though you're being extremely unfair right now, I really love you." He said, obviously knowing what I was doing.

"That's good, cause I really love you too." I replied and propped myself up on my elbow before I leaned down to kiss him on his soft lips. Even though the man's got some serious injuries and can barely move by himself, he immediately took control of the kiss and forced my lips open with his own. He brought his good hand up to my face and cupped it with one hand. I supported my own weight on one elbow while my other hand was running over his chest.

Eventually, we had to pull away because we both had to catch our breath. He smiled softly at me before pecking my lips softly.

"You should get some sleep now." He said, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear. I nodded and leaned down to peck his soft lips before I lay down next to him.

"Good night babe." He said once I was lying comfortable.

"Good night." I replied, breathing in his scent before closing my eyes.

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