~Chapter 163~

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Danny's pov:

It was a little after 4PM when my mum and sister left, deciding to hit the town before they'd go to the hotel they'd booked. I walked them to the door where I hugged them goodbye before they left. 

Once I closed the door after them I went to the kitchen to make another cup of tea. As I was waiting for the water to boil I felt Am's arms wrap around my waist before she rested her face in between my shoulder blades. I took her hands in mine and we stood like that for a few moments until I turned around so we were facing each other. 

"How is my beautiful wife feeling?" I asked as I looked down at her, my hands resting on her waist.

"Hmm tired." She said before leaning in and resting her head against my chest. 

"Yeah, me too." I said chuckling and wrapped my arms around her, hugging her close.

I pulled away once the water was boiling and made us both a cup of tea. I carried Am's mug through to her in the living room where she was sitting on the couch, reading. 

"I'm going to take a bath, so I'll be in the bathroom if you need me." I said and kissed the top of her head before taking my cup of tea with me upstairs to the bathroom. 

Once the tub was filled I undressed myself before getting in. My phone was lying on the floor next to the bathtub, playing music. I lay down and closed my eyes, relaxing completely as I lay in the warm water. 

I was just about to drop off to sleep when I heard the bathroom door open before I felt two small hands on my shoulder. I opened my eyes and found Ava standing at the side of the bath in her underwear.

"Peek-a-boo!" She said grinning when I opened my eyes.

"Hey baby." I said laughing. 

"Are you ready Ava?" Am asked while walking into the bathroom.

"No." Ava answered, taking another step backwards from Amy. I didn't take me long to realize Am was trying to get Ava to shower, which is not always an easy task...

"I don't want to shower, Daddy." Ava said turning to me, trying to get me on her side. 

"You sure?" I asked as I sat up. Ava nodded in reply as she looked between me and Amy.

"Whatever you say..." I said before placing my hands underneath her arms and lifting her into the bath with me.

"Daddy!" She shouted laughing loudly when she realized what was going on. 

"This way you don't have to shower." I said laughing as I took her now wet underwear off for her. 

I sat in the bath with Ava, trying to wash her hair while she was giving me a bubble-beard, giggling happily.

Once I'd washed Ava I stood up and got out of the bath, grabbing two towels. I wrapped one around my waist before I lifted Ava out of the bath and dried her small body with the other. After I'd dried her I lifted her up and threw her over my shoulder, carrying her to her bedroom. She laughed loudly as I felt her little hands on my back, trying to slap me. I got her dressed first before I went to dress myself. 

Once we'd eaten dinner and I'd loaded the dishwasher my phone lit up with a text from Glen,

'Hey man, congratulations with you son!🌈 Can we come over tomorrow to meet him?'

'Sure, I'll see you tomorrow.' I replied before telling Am that Glen and Rachel would come over tomorrow.


We got the girls to bed early, hoping we could have an early night as well, since we'd been awake for 48 hours now. 

I'd just checked on Ava and Liz who were both sleeping soundly and walked back downstairs where Am was feeding Jamie before we'd settle him for the night. I sat down on the couch next to Am and wrapped my arm around her waist. She looked up and me and smiled before looking down at our beautiful boy once again. I leaned down and pressed multiple soft kisses on Jamie's head before pressing a kiss on Am's shoulder as well. 

"Hopefully he'll actually go to sleep tonight." Am said while stroking her hand over Jamie's head. I nodded in agreement, hoping I could get at least a few hours of sleep. 

Once Jamie was fed Am handed him over to me and covered herself up again before we decided to go up to bed as well. 

We'd placed Jamie's cot in our room since he refused to sleep in his own room last night. This time, he seemed to settle quite quick. After we'd laid him down we stood watching him for a little longer before getting into bed as well. We heard him making some noises for a few minutes until he stayed silent, probably asleep. I wrapped my arms around Am and pulled her into me. She cuddled into my chest while I rested my chin on the top of her head. It didn't take us long to fall asleep.


It was a little before noon when Glen and Rachel showed up. I let them in and made us all a cup of tea while they went over to Am who was sitting on the couch with Jamie. As soon as Glen walked into the living room, Ava jumped into his arms hugging him. Ava absolutely loves Glen and always convinces him to play with her whenever he's here.

"He's called Jamie." Ava told Glen as he sat down next to Amy.

"Is he?" Glen asked, pretending he didn't know already.

"Yes." Ava replied nodding. 

I chuckled at myself and walked into the living room with the teas.

"He's beautiful." Rachel said as she looked up at me.

"Yeah." I agreed smiling. 

After Ava slid off of Glen's lap to go and play, Glen stood up and gave me a hug. Once we pulled away Am handed Jamie over to Rachel so she could hold him. Glen shifted over so he was now sitting next to Rachel while they both looked down at our son. Am came over to me and sat down on my knee, wrapping her arm around my neck.

"Maybe one day you two will have your own as well, who knows." Am said as we looked at Glen and Rachel who were almost hypnotized by Jamie.

They both looked up at the same time before exchanging a glance between the two of them.

"What? Did we miss something?" I asked raising my eyebrows.

"No." Glen said shrugging while Rachel quickly looked down at Jamie once again.

Am and I looked at each other, probably wondering the same thing, although we didn't say anything and changed the subject instead. 

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