~Chapter 165~

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Danny's pov:

I arrived back home from the studio and found Am sitting on the floor playing with Ava.

"Hey babe." I said walking over to her and kneeling down, pressing a kiss against the top of her head. 

"Hey." She said and grabbed my wrist, pulling me down before she kissed my cheek. 

"Daddy!" Ava squealed and jumped up, hugging my legs. 

"Hey sweetheart." I said laughing and stroked her hair. 

"Where's Liz?" I asked, looking around.

"Outside." Am answered, nodding towards the opened backdoors. 

I walked out into the garden where I found Liz playing with Lola.

"Hello Daddy!" Liz said waving at me once she saw me, holding Lola's ball in her hand. As I walked over to my little girl, Lola also ran towards Liz and accidentally knocked her over. I quickly jogged over to her to see if she was hurt but soon realised everything was fine once I heard her laughing loudly while Lola was licking Liz's face. 

I laughed at the sight of the two of them until Liz managed to sit up, causing Lola to stop. I played with Liz for a little longer until I decided to make dinner.

I was halfway when Am walked into the kitchen, leaning against the counter.

"Can I help?" She asked as she watched me stirring in one of the pans.

"Nope." I replied and kissed her cheek. 

"I spoke to Glen today." I said when I pulled away. 

"And?" She asked.

"There's a chance Rachel's not able to get pregnant."

"Really?" Am asked, her eyes wide.

"Yeah. Glen told me they've been trying for a while but didn't succeed. So Rachel wanted to see a doctor and then they got told this." I explained. 

"And what are they going to do now?"

"I don't know. Glen was quite positive about it, saying there would still be other options if Rachel wouldn't get pregnant this way. But for now, they decided to try for a little longer."

"Do you know why there's a chance Rachel might not be able to get pregnant?"

"No. Glen didn't say."

Am just nodded in reply, probably taking in what I just told her. 

"I guess we are blessed with our three beautiful children."  I said as I looked at Ava who was sitting on the floor in the living room, playing with dolls. 

"We are." Am agreed, a small smile on her face. 


It was 10.30 PM when I finally found the time to have a shower. I silently opened the door to our bedroom to get some clothes. But before I walked over to the wardrobe I made my way to Jamie's cot.

"Hey there little man." I said when I saw that he was awake. 

"Are you not asleep?" I asked as I lifted him out of his cot and held him in my arms. I smiled down at him and stroked one hand over his head, playing with his soft hairs. 

I held him for a little longer until I lay him back down so I could have a shower. I grabbed a fresh pair of boxers  before I made my way to the bathroom.

When I walked out of the bathroom again I found Liz walking over the landing. 

"Hey baby, what's wrong?" I asked kneeling down.

"I can't sleep Daddy." She said, holding her bunny. I opened my arms and lifted her up, carrying her to our bedroom. When I walked in, I noticed that Jamie was no longer lying in his cot, so Am must have taken him down to feed him. 

I lay down on the bed with Liz's head resting on my upper arm. I grabbed my phone and started playing some music. A thing that always calms her down. 

I always love my little moments like this with Liz. Ava and Liz are very different, cause Ava is very chatty and always loves to play or wants to go to the park. Whereas with Liz, I can lie with her for hours and listen to music. I'm sometimes scared that Liz will feel left out because Ava gets a lot of attention, although she gives me no reason to think that.

I was playing with her soft hair while Sam Smith's Lay Me Down was playing. The song switchen to I Will Be Found by John Mayer and I heard Liz sigh deeply, signaling that she was starting to feel tired. I let go of her hair and ran my finger slowly up and down over the bridge of her nose while I watched her eyes grow heavy. By the end of the song, she was fast asleep and I carefully lifted her up and carried her back to her own bed.

Amy's pov:

After I'd fed Jamie, I placed him in his bouncer while I brought our glasses to the kitchen. I decided to make me and Danny another cup of tea, and while I was waiting for the water to boil I felt two hands land on my hips.

"Hey sexy." I heard Dan say before he kissed my neck. 

I laughed at his words before pouring the boiling water into mugs and adding teabags. 

"What are you laughing at?" He asked as he turned me around to face him.

"You calling me sexy."

"Why's that funny?" He asked, his eyebrow raised.

"Because, out of all the things I feel, sexy is not on the list." I replied chuckling. 

"Well how do you feel then?" He asked while wrapping his arms around me. 

"I feel like a balloon that's just been deflated. Formless and lax." I admitted. 

"Just because you feel that way, doesn't mean you look that way." He said while lifting me onto the countertop, so he was standing between my legs. 

"Cause you are one hell of a sexy mama." He said before kissing my lips. 

A few days after my pregnancy, I wasn't exactly happy with the way my body looked right now. Even though it's not a priority and Jamie's more than worth it. But Danny's words made me smile and feel better about myself. 

"I love you." I told him.

"I love you too." He said smiling. 

Once we'd finished our tea, we decided to go to bed. I changed into once of Dan's T-shirts while Dan was already lying in bed. I crawled in and cuddled up to him while he wrapped his arms around me, pulling me into him. It wasn't long until I was fast asleep.


When I woke up the next day I heard Danny whispering. I lay with my eyes closed for a little longer, giving myself some time to wake up properly until I decided to see who Dan was talking to. I opened my eyes and rolled onto my other side, seeing Dan laying on his back with Jamie on his chest, softly talking to him. My heart melted at the sight of the two of them.

"I'm sorry, did I wake you?" Dan asked when he noticed I was awake.

"No." I replied shaking my head. Dan shot me a smile before he continued talking to Jamie. 

I grabbed my phone from the bedside cabinet and look a picture of them. I then went on Twitter and tweeted it captioning;

'Morning cuddles with Daddy💙'

After I tweeted it, I put my phone away, not caring about the comments. Only caring about this little father-son moment that was going on.

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