~Chapter 45~

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Amy's pov:

It was the 13th of march today, the lads are playing the O2 in London today and tomorrow again. After that the UK part of the 'no sound without silence' tour was over and they were going to France, which meant that I was going home again cause I had to work. I wish that I could stay longer with them, but unfortunately I couldn't.

I woke up with my head on Dan's chest. We were already in a hotel, which was better than sleeping in the tourbus. The lads were right, life on the road isn't that glamorous. Most of the times I didn't really mind, but only when I wanted to sleep it was hard, cause I couldn't sleep very well on the bus.

I looked up to find Danny still asleep, one of his arms wrapped around me. I laid in his embrace for a little longer until I decided to get up and have a shower. I carefully untangled myself from his grip, trying not to wake him up and stepped out of bed. I grabbed some clothes from my suitcase and tiptoed to the bathroom. I turned the shower on and waited for it to get warm while I was taking Dan's shirt and my knickers of. I stepped under the nice warm water and let it soak into my skin. I stood there for a few minutes, enjoying this little moment, before I started to wash my hair and body.

After that I turned the shower off again and stepped out again. I was about to step out with my right leg first, but then suddenly my left slipped. I tried to get hold of something to stop myself from falling but I couldn't. Less than a second later my body came in contact with the hard bathroom floor. Half of my body already out of the shower and the other half still in.

Before I could even try to get up again the bathroom door flung open and Dan stood there, in his boxers with his bed hair, the sleep still clear in his eyes.

"What's happened?" He asked worried and looked at me lying on the floor.

"I slipped." I replied and placed my hands beside me to stand up again. Immediately after I had replied Danny was standing behind me and helped to get up.

"Did you hurt yourself?" He asked scanning my body for any visual injuries.

"My foot hurts pretty bad." I replied when I was standing again and realized that my weight on my foot really hurt.

"Let's get you back to the bedroom first." He said and wrapped my arm over his shoulder so I was leaning on him. We slowly walked to our bedroom where he sat me down on our bed and took a shirt from his suitcase for me to put on.

"I'll get you some ice for that." He said nodding to my foot and put his sweatpants and a t-shirt on before he walked out of our room. I looked down at my foot to see that it was already getting a bit blue and started to swell.

A few minutes later Danny came back with the ice for my foot. He carefully picked me up and sat me down on the couch again and made my foot rest on the coffee table and put a pillow under my foot. He laid the ice on my feet and sat down next to me on the couch.

"How did you manage to do this?" He asked chuckling.

"I dunno. I wanted to step out but I slipped." I said shrugging my shoulders.

"It's not the first time, remember?" He asked cheekily.

"What are you talking about?" I asked furrowing my eyebrow.

"Remember two years ago when we weren't together yet and I took you in my house because of you-know-who, you slipped then in the bathroom as well and I swung the door open to find you naked." He said grinning at me.

"Oh, yeah..." I replied and felt my face heat up in embarrassment.

"It's nothing to be ashamed of, it can happen to anybody." He said when he saw me blushing, but the still had the same stupid grin on his face.

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