~Chapter 128~

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Amy's pov:

Dan had eventually managed to convince me to join the lads on tour for a little longer. Immediately after I'd agreed he called his mum asking her to look after Ava and Liz for a few days longer, to which she agreed immediately.

I woke up confused as to where I was. But after a few moments I realized I was lying in Dan's bunk on the tourbus. I carefully turned around so I wouldn't wake Dan, but once I was turned around I realized I was on my own in his bunk. I'm sure I fell asleep next to him last night so I grabbed my phone to see the time. It was almost 5AM. I hopped out of the bunk to go to the toilet and when I was about to go back to bed I found Dan sitting on one of the couches.

He didn't notice me since he was looking at something on his phone, a cute smile playing at his lips. I silently walked over to him and sat down next to him, causing him to jump slightly.

"Hey, I didn't notice you." He said looking up from his phone. 

"What are you doing here?" I asked confused.

"I couldn't sleep and you were constantly moving so I decided to give you some space." He replied before kissing the top of my head.

"I'm sorry."

"It's fine, don't worry." He said, playing with the ends of my hair.

"What are you looking at?" I asked when he looked back at his phone, the same look appearing on his face as when I walked in a few minutes ago.

Instead of replying he passed his phone to me so I could have a look for myself. I took his phone from him and saw a picture of Liz, when she was a few days old. Just like Dan, a smile appeared on my face as my heart melted at the cute sight of her. 

"I'm looking at their baby photos." He said while I handed his phone back to him and he moved onto the next photo. It was a photo of Dan sitting on the couch with Ava lying in his arms, he was looking into the camera, smiling proudly. 

I lay down so I was lying with my head in Dan's lap while he continued watching Ava and Liz's baby photos on his phone. I was lying on my back looking up at Dan, watching him while he looked at the photos. There was a permanent smile on his face and his eyes sparkled as he looked through the photos.

"Would you still want a third child?" I asked after a while.

He switched his attention from his phone to me and nodded, his eyes meeting mine. 


"Maybe we should try it then." I said, sitting up on my knees so our eyes were on the same level.

"Really?" He asked, a smile spreading out across his face.

"Yeah." I replied, taking his hand in mine and intertwining our fingers.

"You're not doing this just for me, right?" He asked slightly worried.

"No. For us both." I replied, watching the worry on his face being replaced by a smile. The smile that still made my stomach do backflips even after all these years. He cupped my face in his hands and brought my face closer to his until our lips met.

"So what do you say...?" I mumbled in our kiss. Smiling to myself since I already knew the answer.

"As if you don't know already." He mumbled in reply before pulling away.

He wrapped his arms around me and hugged me close to his chest.

"So this means I don't have to wear protection anymore...?" He said, and I pictured the smirk on his face before I turned my head to see it for myself. He was looking down at me with -like I already guessed- a smirk playing at his lips.

"I guess so." I replied chuckling.

"Great." He replied before pecking my lips.

"But can we just keep it a secret until I'm actually pregnant?" I asked, knowing Dan would love to tell everybody about it in his excitement.

"Sure." He replied nodding.

"Thanks." I said, grateful that he agreed immediately.

We sat in silence for a little longer until I eventually fell back asleep, still leaning on Dan.


I woke up again when I felt Dan shift underneath me. I lazily opened my eyes to find the rest of the crew and the lads up and about. I shifted myself off Dan to allow him some space. He stood up from the couch, wincing in pain as he stretched himself.

"Are you OK?" I asked him.

"Yeah my back just hurts." He replied.

"I'm sorry." I said, knowing that I was the reason since I'd fallen asleep on him, forcing him to sit in an uncomfortable position for hours.

I decided to make it up to him by making him a cup of tea so I got up from the couch and made my way to the kitchen area.

"Good morning." Mark said smiling.

"Morning." I replied while filling the kettle.

"You want one as well?" I asked as I took out two mugs.

"Yeah, thanks." He replied before I took out a third mug.

By the time I'd made us a cup of tea Dan was sitting on the sofa again, dressed this time.

"Thanks babe." He said taking his cup from me. 

We sat cuddling on the couch watching a film until the bus pulled up at the venue. Everybody got out to set the stage so the lads could do their soundcheck.

I waited a little longer on the bus so I wouldn't be in the way before I dressed out of my sweatpants into a pair of jeans. Once I was changed I went into the venue as well.


The lads came off stage, pumped with adrenaline- as always. 

"You were amazing!" I said wrapping my arms around Dan who came straight to me. 

We had a quick hug before he went to have a shower so they could go outside to meet some fans.

I waited in their dressing room while the lads were outside chatting to fans.

After an hour, the door opened and Dan came in.

"You ready? The cars just pulled up."

"Yup." I replied and stood up from the couch.

Dan took my hand and guided me outside to the cars which would take us to our hotel for tonight.

"Ah, an actual bed so I don't have to sleep sitting up with you on top of me." Dan said jokingly as we walked into our hotel room. Referring to this morning.

"I'm sorry." I said, immediately feeling guilty for being the reason of his sore back. 

"Can I make it better?" I asked, putting my bag down.

"You can try." He replied shrugging.

I took the hem of his t-shirt and pulled it up over his head, leaving him in his black skinny jeans before I pushed him onto the bed. He willingly lay down on his stomach and rested his head on his forearm while I climbed on the bed as well and sat down on his bum.

I started massaging him softly until I realized how tense his shoulders and back were so I added a bit more pressure. I slowly made my way downwards, getting rid of all the knots in his muscles.

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