~Chapter 170~

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Danny's pov:

Amy and I were still sitting at Liz's bedside, each holding one of her small hands in ours. It's been four days since Liz was brought in and according to the doctors here she's making progress. It's just that we don't notice it because they're still keeping her asleep. But if the doctors are saying that she's making progress then I guess I have to believe them...

Things have not been easy with Ava and Jamie either. Ava might not understand what's going on, but she definitely notices that something is wrong. And because of that she answers questions that we don't have answers to. Such as when she can play with her little sister again.

And according to Glen and Rachel is it getting increasingly harder to settle Jamie. I called my mum about this yesterday and she told me it's probably because he misses his mum and dad... I know that she's probably right but I just can't leave Liz because I'm scared something will happen without me being there. 

Am sat reading once of Liz's favorite books to her while I was pressing soft kisses against Liz's hand.

We were interrupted when my phone started ringing. I pulled it out of my pocket and saw that it was Glen who was calling. I stood up from my chair and walked out of the room before I answered the call.

"Hey." I said once I closed the dor behind me. 

"Hey, how's Liz?" He asked.

"Nothing's changed since the doctor's report this morning, I believe." I told him while looking down at my shoes.

"But she's making progress." Glen said, reminding me that thins were moving in the right direction.

"Yeah..." I answered, wishing things would go quicker.

"Listen, the reason I'm calling is because Rachel's been feeling unwell over the past few days and fainted this morning so I'm taking her to see a doctor. Could one of you come back to look after Ava and Jamie?" 

"Is Rachel alright now?" I asked, feeling my heart rate increase.

Glen stayed silent for a few moments until he eventually said,

"I'm just worried."

"I understand. I'll come over, just give me a few minutes to say bye to Liz and then I'll get a cab." I said.

"Sure. Thanks man." Glen answered before hanging up. 

Sighing, I put my phone back in my pocket before I went back into Liz's room.

"Everything alright?" Am asked when I walked in.

"Rachel's been feeling unwell for a while and fainted this morning so Glen's taking her to a doctor. Therefore I have to go back to look after Ava and Jamie." I explained.

"Of course." She replied while I walked over to Liz.

"Hey there little girl. Daddy's going back to look after your brother and sister for a while. But I'll be back soon, OK? I love you very much sweetheart." I told her and leaned down before pressing several soft kisses against her head.

"Will you call me if something happens?" I asked while I wrapped my arms around Am.

"Or course I will!" She replied before she wrapped her own arms around my waist.

"I love you." I said before pecking her lips.

"I love you too." She said once we pulled away.

I walked out of the hospital where I got into a cab and told him the adres to our house. After I'd fastened my seatbelt I pulled my phone out and sent Glen a text saying I was on my way. 

Once I got out of the car the front door opened and Ava came running towards me.

"Daddy!" She squealed before jumping in my arms.

"Hey baby girl." I said laughing while I wrapped my arms around her and carried her inside.

"Have you been a good to Glen and Rachel?" I asked her and kissed the top of her head.

"Yes Daddy." She replied nodding.

"Good girl." I said kissing her again before I put her down.

I walked into the living room where I found Rachel sitting on the couch with Glen kneeled down in front of her, holding a bucket.

"Is everything alright here?" I asked worried.

"She threw up." Glen answered before standing up.

I shot Rachel a sympathetic glance before going to sit down next to her on the couch.

"How's Liz?" She asked me. 

"The doctors say she's making progress." I answered while I looked at Jamie who was sitting in his bouncer, a small smile playing on my lips.

"That's good news, right?" She asked, obviously noticing my lack of excitement.

"Yeah. I just want things to go quicker."

"I understand. But give her some time." She said, resting her hand on my knee. I nodded before Glen reappeared saying,

"Is is OK if we go now?"

"Of course. Let me know how it goes." I said before walking them to the door.

I played with Ava for quite a while until Jamie decided he wasn't satisfied anymore and started crying. I quickly turned the tv on to occupy Ava before I lifted Jamie out of his bouncer and held him to my chest.

I stood with him for a little while, bouncing up and down trying to calm him down but it didn't work. So I walked to the kitchen and decided to make him a bottle. I sat him in his high chair for a few moments while I quickly prepared a bottle. Once his bottle was ready I sat down and lifted Jamie into my arms. I pulled his pacifier out of his mouth and tried to replace it with the bottle but he wasn't having any of it and started screaming instead. 

I placed the bottle on the table and lifted him up above my head to smell if he needed changing but that wasn't the case either.

"You miss your Mummy don't you?" I said to him as I cradled him against my chest.

"I know you do. But Daddy's here now, it's OK." I whispered to him.

I sat with him for a few more minutes until I stood up and walked to the bedroom. I lay down on the bed with Jamie on my chest. 

"Daddy? Why is Jamie crying?" Ava asked as the appeared in the door frame.

"He misses Mummy." I answered while Ava climbed on the bed as well.

"I miss Mummy too." She told me while she curled her small body into my side.

"I know sweetheart." I said and kissed the top of her head, feeling my heart break.


I'm really sorry for the long wait. But my bag got stolen which had my laptop in it, and also a lot of personal stuff that I know I won't get back. So I was pretty upset about that and therefore not really in the mood to update. Since I don't have my own laptop to update right now I'll be using my mum's until I have a new one, but I'll try to keep the updates as regular as possible. I hope you enjoyed this chapter. xx

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