~Chapter 43~

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Amy's pov:

When I woke up I just laid with my eyes closed for a little longer, giving myself some time to wake up properly. Once I'd opened my eyes I realized that I was lying on top of Danny, with my chest against his chest, our legs tangled together and my head resting on his shoulder. 

I looked up to see Dan looking down at me, a small smile playing at his lips.

"Morning gorgeous." He said and kissed me on the top of my head.

"Good morning." I replied, still a bit sleepy and gave a lazy kiss on his shoulder so I didn't have to move. He chuckled when I did that and started stroking my back.

"How did you sleep?" I asked after a few more minutes, feeling more awake now.

"Could be better, but I was happy that you were with me. You?" He replied and slipped his hand under his shirt that I was wearing and stroked my bare back.

"I slept fine I guess, even though we're lying in such a small bunk together." I said and lifted my head up to give him a kiss on his lips this time.

"Yeah, but I guess you solved that problem." He said grinning and tickled my side lightly.

"Yeah, I thought in my sleep last night, 'well I'm going to lay on top of Danny.'" I said rolling my eyes and smiled at him at the same time. 

"Cause you're so damn smart." He replied wrapping his arms around me and pressing me tight against his chest. 

"I know right." I said smirking. He rolled his eyes at me this time and asked,

"Want a cup of tea?"

"Yeah, sounds great." I said smiling and rolled of him so he could get out. 

"I didn't say I was gonna make you one, I just asked if you wanted one." He said teasing me when I rolled of him.

"Fuck you." I said slapping his chest playfully. 

"Yes please, that's better than drinking tea." He said grinning before I got out of the bunk, probably to make tea. I was still lying in the bunk and a few seconds after Dan got out I heard him talking with Mark. 

"Was it you I heard last night?" Mark asked teasing Danny and I could imagine him smirking.

"Nope." I heard Danny reply.

"Was it Amy then?" Mark continued.

"Nope." Dan said again.

"But I swear I heard someone last night." Mark tried again, even though we all knew he didn't hear anyone last night, cause we didn't do anything.

"I think you heard yourself snoring!" I shouted before Danny could reply.

"Hey! Good morning Amy!" Mark shouted in reply.

"Good morning!" I shouted back laughing. 

"And for the record, I don't snore!" He added.

"Yes you do!" Dan and I said at the same time. I chuckled and laid back down, seconds later Dan came back with two mugs in his hand. I took them from him so he could climb safely into the bunk without spilling the burning liquid over himself. Once he was in the bunk I handed him his mug again and snuggled into his side. 

"Where are we going today?" I asked while sipping my tea. 

"We are going to Aberdeen today, then we have the day off tomorrow and after that we're going to Newcastle." He replied wrapping one of his arms around my waist.

"And we're sleeping in a hotel tonight." He added chuckling.

"Great." I replied laughing. We drank our tea before we got out of the bunk again to get dressed. I put my black jeans and a hoody on, just because that's quite comfy. We decided to out for breakfast cause there wasn't much food left in the bus. Once Dan was dressed as well and everybody was convinced that Danny would be back on time for the soundcheck, we left to get breakfast. We stepped out of the tourbus and walked into the direction of the busier part of the city. Dan grabbed my hand and pulled me closer to him. I looked up at him and smiled why he was doing the same, but he was looking down at me, instead of looking up. 

"I love you." I said smiling and pressed a light kiss on his hand.

"I love you too." He replied and did the same to my hand. We walked for a little longer until we found something that was quite cosy looking so we went inside. Dan told me to go and a table while he went over to the counter to order. I found a table in a quiet corner, so Danny wouldn't -hopefully- be recognized. I took my coat of, hung it over my chair and sat down. I realized that I forgot to tell Dan what I wanted, but I think he'll choose something that I like, I trust him on that. And I'm not really picky so I don't mind either to be honest. 

A few minutes later Danny came walking in my direction carrying a tray with our breakfast. He put the tray down on the table and sat down opposite me. 

"I forgot to ask you what you wanted so I got you a sandwich, latte and a blueberry muffin." He said smiling and took my breakfast of the tray and put it in front of me.

"Thanks." I replied and took a sip of my coffee. Danny had a full english breakfast and a latte as well. He must be starving cause after the show from yesterday he hadn't eaten anything and it's quite late by now. You could better call it brunch instead of breakfast...

"Is it okay?" He asked when I took a bite of my sandwich.

"It's delicious." I replied smiling and took another bite.

"Good." He said and continued eating his own. I saved my muffin for last, cause I LOVE blueberry muffins, And Dan obviously knew that so he got me one. 

"Are you not gonna eat that one?" He asked teasing me and pointed at my muffin.

"Hell yeah! Save the best for last." I replied taking the last bite of my sandwich.

"Of course, just like my parents did with me." He said grinning.

"And with me." I said laughing.

"Of course." He said laughing. I took the blueberry and took my first bite. I groaned satisfied, causing Danny to laugh. 

"Want a bite?" I asked holding it in front of his face.

"I don't want to get in trouble..." He said teasing me.

"You won't, I promise." I replied brining it closer to his mouth. He took a small bite and said,

"Hmm, you're right, this is amazing."

"I know." I said smiling and continued eating it myself. 

Once we'd finished breakfast we decided to go back, otherwise Dan wouldn't be on time for the soundcheck. He wrapped his arm around my waist while put my hand in the back pocket of his jeans. We walked in comfortable silence and after a few minutes we arrived back at the venue. We quickly went inside where Dan put his earpieces in and grabbed the microphone. I sat down on a chair and watched them doing their soundcheck, putting the final touches to their show for tonight. 

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