~Chapter 87~

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Danny's pov:

After we'd brought Ava to her cot, we both crashed on the couch, watching tv. I was happy that I could cuddle with Am properly again, and just being home. 

It was barely 10PM when I started to feel tired and my eyes almost closed. I tried to fight it but after a while I gave in to the tiredness.

"I'm going to bed." I said to Am, kissing the top of her head.

"Okay, I'll be up in a little while." She replied, kissing me on my lips before I got of the couch and made my way upstairs. I went to the bathroom and quickly brushed my teeth and stripped to my boxers. Before I went to the bathroom I silently opened the door to Ava's room and walked over to her cot. She was sleeping peacefully with her bunny lying next to her like we left her. I leaned down and placed a soft kiss on her cheek before I left her room again and closed the door behind me. I closed the curtains in the bedroom before I got into bed and made myself comfortable. 

I was vaguely aware of the door of the bedroom opening again and Am coming in. A few moments later I felt the mattress dipping slightly before I felt Am's lips against my cheek.

"Good night handsome." She whispered. I mumbled something understandable in reply and placed my hand on Am's hip before I drifted off to sleep. 


I woke up again from the light coming through the small gap in the curtains. I rolled over and buried my face in the pillow. After lying like that for a few minutes I sighed to myself and sat up. The bed next to me was already empty cause Am was already out of bed. I brought my hands up to my face and massaged my temples with my fingers, trying to ease the headache. The doctors already warned me for some heavy headaches, but I didn't expect them to be this bad...

I threw the covers back and made my way downstairs to get some painkillers. When I walked into the kitchen I found Am putting some dishes in the dishwasher.

"Good morning." She said smiling when she saw me.

"Morning." I replied, filling a glass of water before trying to find some painkillers. 

"Here." Am said handing me some, probably already knowing what I was looking for.

"Thanks." I said taking them from her and swallowed them.

"Around what time will you be back today?" I asked her, sitting at the kitchen table.

"I'm not sure, but not too late, I promise." She replied. 

"Okay, I'll take Ava with me to the studio today then." I said when Am walked to the hall, probably to get her shoes.

"No way!" Am replied from the hall.

"Why not? It's not like she won't be looked after there." I replied, running my hand through my hair.

"No, I mean there's no way you're going back to work today! You're just out of the hospital for fuck's sake. And the doctor said that you need some rest." She said coming into the kitchen again.

"I'll be fine." I said shrugging.

"No! Just listen to the doctor for once!" She said annoyed.

"Why should I? I feel fine." I argued.

"That's why you came in massaging your temples and just swallowed several painkillers?" She said, raising her eyebrow.

"I just have a small headache, not too weird isn't it?"

"A small headache?" Am asked, not convinced.

"Okay, my head's pounding! But that doesn't mean I can't go to the studio!" I said frustrated, just wanting to go the studio to continue working on the album.

Before our discussion could turn into a heated argument, Am had called Mark and pressed the phone to my ear. Much to my dismay Mark agreed with Am and told me to stay home today. Again, I tried to convince him that I was fine, but he was having none of it and tried knocking some sense into me. At that moment I was glad that he was just on the phone cause if we were face to face, he would've probably literally knocked sense into me. So, after a while I finally gave in and told them I'd stay home. 

"Okay, well I'm going to work cause I'm already going to be late." Am said when I told her I'd stay home.

"Okay." I replied and hugged her closely and kissed her on her lips before I let go of her. Once Am was gone, I flicked the kettle on and started making some breakfast. I was just pouring the boiling water into a mug when I heard Ava's cries coming from upstairs. I quickly put the kettle down and made my way upstairs to Ava's room. 

"Hello sunshine." I said lifting her out of her cot. I held her to my chest and bounced lightly up and down trying to calm her down but it wasn't working. So after a few moments I laid her down on her dresser and undressed her, soon enough I found out why she was unhappy. I decided to make a bath for her so I undressed her and took her to the bathroom where I filled her small bath. After making sure the water wasn't too warm I put her in. I held her with one hand while the other was washing her lightly. 

When we were done I lifted her out again and wrapped her in a fluffy towel. I took her back to her bedroom where I dressed her before I took her downstairs with me. I sat her in her bouncer in front of the tv while I was eating my breakfast. After I had my own breakfast I tried feeding Ava, but no matter what I tried she wouldn't have it so after a while I gave up. 

I decided to go outside and have a walk, hoping it would make the headache go away as well. I ran upstairs and got dressed quickly before I laid Ava in the pram and got Lola's lead. I stuffed my phone in my pocket and grabbed my keys before I wheeled the pram outside. Once we were outside I locked the door behind me and made my way to the park. I was a cold day but I was happy that it wasn't raining so I could have a walk. 

After half an hour Ava started crying again, probably because she hadn't eaten yet. But, I was prepared cause I had taken a bottle with me. I lifted Ava out of the pram and sat down on a bench before I released Lola from her lead so she could run around for a while. I took the bottle and this time I could feed Ava without any problems. 

"What a lovely baby." An old women said smiling at me, who was walking a small white dog.

"I know, she's beautiful isn't she?" I replied, smiling proudly.

"Absolutely." She women agreed.

When the women continued walking her dog Ava had finished her bottle. I stood up and held her to my chest while tapping her back lightly, until I heard a soft burp coming from her. I laid her down in the pram again and laughed when she was giggling at me. Once Ava was lying in the pram again I whistled for Lola to come back, to came running back soon enough. I put her on the lead again to go back home. But just when I started walking again I saw paparazzi out of the corner of my eye. Shit. So much for keeping Ava private...

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