~Chapter 174~

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Amy's pov:

I woke up from soft kisses being littered across my face.

"Good morning my gorgeous wife." I heard Dan say when he noticed I was waking up. I mumbled something understandable in reply causing Dan to chuckle softly.

After a few more moments I opened my eyes I found Dan hovering over me, wearing his dressing gown.

"Happy anniversary babe." He said smiling before leaning down and kissing my lips. Today's our wedding anniversary and Dan's taken today off to be with me.

"Happy anniversary." I answered when he pulled away before leaning up and pecking his lips once again.

"I made breakfast." He said before grabbing a tray from the side and placing it between us on the bed.

"What time is it?" I asked as I sat up, rubbing my eyes.

"9.30." Dan answered as he got into bed next to me.

"Really!? Where are the kids?" I asked surprised.

"I took care of them, don't worry, they're alive and kicking. Thank god for Frozen though." He said laughing before taking a bite out of a croissant.

"I also got you a little present." He said handing me a small box once we'd finished breakfast. I already knew what it was, cause on our first anniversary he got me a bracelet and now every year he gets me a charm for the bracelet.

I took the little box from him and carefully opened it, revealing another beautiful charm. A small rose this time.

"Because they're delicate and beautiful, but don't come without thorns. Just like you. And they represent love, and you're the love of my life." He told me as I took the small silver rose out of the box.

"It's beautiful, thank you." I said kissing him. When I pulled away I reached over and grabbed the bracelet from my nightstand before attaching the new rose to my bracelet.

"Beautiful." Dan said once it was done.

"Yeah." I agreed smiling.

I placed the bracelet back on the nightstand before lying back down. Dan lay down as well and shifted over to me so we were now sharing the same pillow. He placed his hand on the side of my face while his thumb was slowly running back and forth across my cheekbone. I slipped my hand underneath his dressing gown and placed it on his waist, feeling his warm skin against my hand.

After a while Dan ran his hand from my face down my back over my bum until it stopped on the back of my thigh. He lifted my leg and placed it over his so we were even closer together, before his hand slipped underneath my shirt and he gently caressed my body.

"I love you." He whispered as I felt his hand in between my shoulder blades.

"I love you too." I answered, struggling to form words as I got lost in his beautiful eyes which were filled with pure love.

A small smile formed on his lips as I said those words back at him while his hand slowly traveled up my stomach before resting over my breast.

"Kiss me." He whispered, his eyes never leaving mine.

"Happily." I said before leaning in and locking our lips together.

Passion quickly took over as our tongues were dancing together and our hands caressing each others body. I heard Dan take a deep breath before he rolled onto his back, pulling me on top of him. He placed his hands firmly on my bum while mine roamed over his bare torso, his dressing gown loose from our movement. I felt his fingers play with the elastic waistband of my thong before he pulled it down, dropping it onto the floor next to the bed. He then peeled my T-shirt from my body breaking our kiss for a moment as he pulled it over my head.

"You're so beautiful." He breathed as I was now lying naked on top of him.

He placed his hand on my back before rolling us over so he was on top. His lips crashed onto mine once again while I felt his hands move down between us as he pulled his own boxers down. I ran my hands through his hair as I felt him enter me, still remaining eye contact. As he slowly made love to me I placed one of my hands on his chest, feeling his heart thumping as his breathing became heavy.

Once we were finished we cuddled together for a while longer until we decided to go downstairs to the kids.

We spent the day playing with our children until it was a little after 5PM and Dan announced I should start to get ready for our night out.

"The babysitter will be here around 6.30. It will be just the two of us tonight." He said pecking my lips before sending me upstairs to get ready.

It was after 6PM by the time I was showered, had my hair and makeup done and was almost dressed.

"Can you zip me up?" I asked giggling as Dan walked into the bedroom.

"Of course." He said before I turned my back to him and I felt him zip my dress shut.

"You look gorgeous." He said before leaning down and pressing a soft kiss on the back of my neck. I was wearing a navy blue dress which stopped mid thigh and had sleeves just passed my elbow, it also had a V-neck which showed a little bit of my cleavage. I'd kept my hair straight and had decided on a natural look with my makeup as well.

I opened the wardrobe and pulled out a pair of heels while Dan styled his hair.


We'd finished dinner and were walking hand in hand through the lamplit streets of London.

"I don't want this night to end yet." I said sighing as I looked up at the stars.

"Then we won't." Dan answered as we continued to walk.

"How?" I asked laughing.

Instead of answering my question he pulled me into a little shop that was surprisingly still open. We were the only ones there and Danny let go of my hand for a second as he picked a bottle of wine from the very little choice we had. He then grabbed two plastic cups before walking to the counter to pay. Once he was done he grabbed my hand again and pulled me out of the shop.

I didn't ask where we were going but as soon as we entered Hyde park my question was answered. We walked for a little while longer until we eventually sat down on a bench. He opened the bottle of wine before pouring it into the two cups and handing one to me.

"Cheers." He said and clinked his cup against mine.

"Cheers." Answered with a smile.

Dan took a sip from the wine before swallowing and coughing with a disgusted look on his face.

"What's this shit?" He asked laughing as he looked at the bottle.

I laughed at him before taking a sip as well to see if it really was that bad. Let's just say that I've tasted better wine...

It didn't matter though, our evening was perfect and no disgusting wine could ruin it.

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