~Chapter 178~

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Danny's pov:

I watched the cab with Am in it drive off and I waved after her until they turned the corner and I couldn't see them anymore. I went back inside and locked the door behind me.

I then made my way upstairs so see if Ava had put her pj's on like I told her to do. But when I walked in I found her sitting on the floor playing with her toys, not wearing her pj's.

"Baby, come on, but your pj's on." I said as I grabbed her pj's from her bed.

"Daddy no please!" She begged as she looked up at me with her puppy dog eyes.

"No Ava, you have to go to bed. But if you put your pj's on now, you can play for a little longer while I'll bring your sister to bed." I reasoned with her. She thought about this offer for a few seconds until she agreed and let me change her into her pj's.

"Only a few more minutes." I warned her before leaving her room. I went back downstairs where Liz was sitting watching TV, completely ready for bed.

"Are you coming honey?" I asked as I stood in the doorframe.

I got no answer though so I walked over to the couch and found Liz curled up on the sofa asleep. I smiled at the sight of my sleeping little girl and carefully scooped her up in my arms before carrying her up to her room. I lay her down in her bed and tucked her in before kissing her head multiple times.

"Sweet dreams baby." I whispered before leaving the room and closing the door behind me.

After I'd checked on Jamie as well I went back to Ava's room to get her to bed. To my surprise, she immediately cooperated and put her toys down. I took her to the bathroom where I helped her clean her teeth before getting her to bed and tucking her in.

"Where's Mummy?" She asked as she got comfortable on her side, looking at me as I sat on the edge of her bed.

"Mummy's gone for a few days, but she'll be back soon. And Daddy is here so everything's fine." I told her as I stroked through her soft hair.

"But I want Mummy." She said in a small voice while her bottom lip started trembling.

"You will see Mummy very very soon, I promise." I said softly and lay down next to her, my feet hanging out of the bed at the end.

She cuddled closer to me and I ran my hand up and down over her back as I tried to soothe her. After a few minutes of silence I started to sing softly, hoping it would get her to sleep like it did when she was a baby.

I smiled at the memories of when Ava was still a baby. Our first child. I still remember how excited I was when Amy told me she was pregnant. How proud I was when I held her for the first time. My first time changing a nappy. Showing her to my mum. And even though there were plenty of times I didn't know what to do to stop them from crying or how many sleepless nights I've had, I'd do it all again in a heartbeat.

Once Ava was sleep I silently crept out of her room before going downstairs. I grabbed a beer from the fridge and let myself fall back onto the sofa, watching a football match that was already halfway through.


I woke up way too early for my liking from my blaring alarm. Sighing, I reached over and turned it off. I knew I had to get up and get the kids ready for school but there was nothing I wanted to do more than sleep for a few more hours. But because I couldn't, I threw the duvet off me and got out of bed.

I went to wake Ava first so I walked into her room and opened the curtains saying,

"Rise and shine baby."

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