~Chapter 160~

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Danny's pov:

I woke up with Am cuddled into me. She was laying on her side with her bump pressed against my stomach. As I lay with my thoughts, I felt our little man kicking because I was laying pressed against Am. I smiled at the feeling and placed my hand on the side of Am's bump, rubbing it softly. 

"He's been doing that all night." Am mumbled when I rubbed my hand over her bump, trying to soothe him in some way. According to Am, he's been very restless over the last few days and because of that Am has trouble sleeping at night.

"Have you managed to catch some sleep, though?" I asked as I looked at my phone and realized it was only 5.30 in the morning. 

"Hmm, little bit." She replied.

I leaned over and pressed a soft kiss on her forehead before laying back down again. I slipped my hand underneath her T-shirt and ran my fingers lightly up and down over her back, knowing she likes that. I felt her smile into my skin so I continued, hoping it would eventually send her off to sleep. 

No luck though, cause after around 15 minutes Liz woke up and started crying, which soon turned to screaming. I quickly got out of bed and made my way to her bedroom, lifting her out of her bed and holding her against my chest. It's happening more often lately, that she wakes up screaming because of a nightmare. Luckily she's calmed down easily, just holding her is enough most of the times. But I can't help but feel sad seeing her so upset.

I walked back to the bedroom and took Liz with me.

"Another nightmare?" Am asked as I walked in.

"Yeah I think so." I answered, while Liz was resting her head on my shoulder, ready to fall asleep again.

I lay down in bed again with Liz against my chest while I wrapped my other arm around Amy. Am shifted closer to me and stroked Liz's head while my hand was rubbing soothing circles on her back. Liz lay awake for a few more moments, her eyes shifting between me and Amy until she fell back asleep again. 

I lay with Liz on my chest for a few more minutes until I got out of bed and brought her back to her bedroom. She didn't even stir when I lifted her from my chest, carried her to her bedroom and lay her down in her own bed again. I leaned down and kissed her cheek softly before leaving her bedroom. Before going back to bed, I silently opened Ava's bedroom door but she was still sleeping peacefully so I quickly left her room again. 

I crawled back into bed and cuddled with Am until I managed to doze off again.


I woke up once again from my alarm going off. I quickly reached over and turned it off when I realized Am had managed to fall asleep too. I carefully got out of bed, leaving Am sleep before I went to wake Ava and Liz.

Once they both had breakfast and were dressed, I handed them both their backpack. I grabbed my keys before closing the front door behind me and walked them to school.  Once we arrived I kneeled down and gave them both a tight hug before letting them go inside.

"Have fun girls." I called after them as they walked inside. Ava turned around and waved quickly at me.

When I arrived back home, I heard the shower running in the bathroom so I made my way upstairs. Just as I walked in, Am turned the shower off and opened the glass door. 

"Morning babe." I said and grabbed a towel, wrapping it around her. 

"Good morning." She replied before pecking my lips.

I watched her while she took another towel and wrapped it around her wet hair. While she wrapped the towel around her hair, the towel around her body dropped to the floor. I kneeled down and grabbed it before I started drying Am. I started at her feet and slowly made my way up, pressing a soft kiss against her skin every now and then.

Once I was done, Am wrapped her arms around my waist before leaning up and pressing her lips against my own. I smiled in the kiss and placed my own hands on her hips, pulling her closer to me. 

Am eventually pulled away and left the bathroom to get dressed. Once she was dressed we decided to have a walk with Lola.

We were walking through the park together. I had my arm wrapped around Am's waist, pulling her into my side. While Am had one of her hands in my back pocket, giving my bum a cheeky squeeze every now and then.

We were walking in comfortable silence until Am suddenly stopped walking and leaned over slightly, her hand on her bump and her eyes squeezed shut.

"Are you alright?" I asked, my hand resting on her back. 

"I think the pains have started." She said once she was standing up straight again.

"Shall we go home?" I asked, not knowing what else I should do. Am nodded in reply so I escorted her home. Looking around for spots where she could sit down in case she'd have another pain.

"Shall I ask Mark to pick up the girls from school?" I asked once we were home.

We'd agreed that we'd go to the hospital for the birth of our boy after last's painful experience.

"Alright." She replied while sitting down on the couch.

After I'd texted Mark, I made us a cup of tea before joining Am on the couch, hoping I could offer some sort of support. 

It was around 3PM when Am announced that she felt like it was time to go to the hospital. I carefully maneuvered my way off of the couch, since Am was sitting between my legs, before running up the stairs to grab the bag we'd packed. 

Only a few minutes later, the cab turned up and I helped Am into it before running around and getting in myself.


Am was squeezing my hand tightly while pushing with all her strength. I tried to say encouraging things, hoping I was helping her in some way even though I felt pretty useless. 

After a few moments, she let her head fall back into the pillow with an exhausted sigh. I leaned over and pushed her hair out of her face before leaning down and kissing her sweaty forehead.

"You're doing amazing baby." I said before pecking her lips. 

After another half an hour, the sound of a crying baby filled the room.

"Congratulations with your healthy baby boy!" The midwife said smiling before she laid our son on Am's chest.

"I'm so proud of you." I said to Am, my voice cracking with emotion.

"He's so beautiful." I whispered as I looked at him.

"He is." Am agreed.

After a while Am handed him over to me. I held him in my arms while looking down at him, unable to wipe the smile off of my face.

"About his name, have you changed your mind?" Am asked.

"No. You?" I answered, switching my attention from our son to Amy.

"No." She replied shaking her head. 

"Welcome to this world, Jamie." I whispered before I kissed the top of his head softly.

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