~Chapter 155~

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Amy's pov:

I woke up when I felt Danny jump out of bed before making a mad dash to the bathroom. I got up as well following him. As I walked into the bathroom I found him on his knees in front of the toilet, vomiting. I kneeled down next to him and rubbed my hand in soothing circles over his back. 

After a few minutes he was finally done and sat down with his bare back against the cool tiled wall.

"Are you OK?" I asked as I looked at his pale complexion.

"I feel like shit." He answered with his eyes closed.

"My head is thumping, my back is killing me and I'm feeling sick." He said, his voice sounding hoarse.

"Let's get you back to bed." I said and took his hands, pulling him up to his feet. I guided him back to the bedroom and threw the covers back for him to get in.

While he got comfortable I went back to the bathroom and searched for the painkillers the doctor had given Danny yesterday. Once I got them I filled a glass with water before taking them both to Dan.

"Take these." I said to him while he sat up.

"Thanks." He said after he'd swallowed the pills.

He lay back down again and I walked around the bed before getting in as well. I stroked through his hair until he eventually dropped off to sleep again.

I lay alone with my thoughts, thinking about everything that happened yesterday.

As soon as Rachel heard about what happened she came here to look after Ava and Liz, to give me and Dan some time together. A thing I was grateful about.

I cuddled closer to Dan and rested my hand on his bare chest. I realized his chest was wet and sticky with sweat and when I looked up at him I noticed the sweat drops on his forehead. I got out of bed once again and made my way to the bathroom where I soaked a washcloth with cold water. I took it back to Danny and swept his floppy hair back before laying the cloth on his forehead.

I sat up in bed, my back resting against the headboard and watched Danny sleep. He was looking very uncomfortable, he was constantly tossing and turning and let out a frustrated sounding groan every now and then. His breathing was irregular and he looked incredibly pale.

It was 8.30 when my stomach started grumbling so I decided to go down for breakfast, leaving Danny sleep. I quickly put some clothes on before taking my keycard and making my way down.

"Morning." Glen said as he noticed me while he was looking through the selection of teabags the hotel had.

"Good morning." I replied as I took a plate.

"You want tea as well?" He asked as he held up his own cup.

"Yeah, thanks." I replied smiling.

After I'd collected my breakfast I walked over to the table where Glen was sitting.

"Where's Dan?" He asked once he realized I was alone.

"Asleep. I think he's ill." I said before taking a sip.

"He sprinted to the bathroom this morning where he threw up and said he had a really bad headache and sore back. He's also really pale and constantly sweating." I explained when Glen waited for me to go on. 

"You think he will be able to perform tonight?" Glen asked with a worried look.

"I don't know." I replied shrugging.

"But he'll do everything he can to get on that stage tonight." I said trying to reassure him.

"I know." He replied with a smile. 

Once Glen and I finished breakfast I decided to take a cup of tea upstairs to Dan. I carefully opened the door to our room in case he was still sleeping but I found him awake. Lying in bed on his back with his forearm thrown over his face and the duvet pushed off of him.

"Good morning." I said as I walked in. He groaned in reply before moving his arm away from his face and turning his head slowly towards me.

"I brought you tea." I said while walking over and sat down on the edge of the bed next to him. He smiled faintly at me, not showing any signs to take the mug from me so I put it on his bedside table instead.

"Is there anything I can do for you?" I asked while placing my hand on his shoulder.

"Dunno." He replied shrugging.

"I can try to loosen up your back?" I asked, wanting to help him in some way. 

"Go ahead." He replied before rolling onto his stomach. 

I stood up from the bed and walked over to my suitcase, searching through it until I found the massage oil. I made my way back to Dan and kneeled on the bed next to him. I rubbed the oil on his back before starting to kneed his muscles. I started on his shoulders and when I looked at him he was looking a little bit more relaxed so I continued my work. I worked my way down his back until I'd also finished his lower back.

"Better?" I asked, breaking the silence.

"Yeah. Thank you." He said as he rolled back onto his back. I leaned down and pressed a soft kiss on his lips before I rubbed the remaining oil on my hands on his chest.

We lay in bed for a while longer until Dan eventually went to get up, to get ready for soundcheck. I watched him as he moved painfully slow, worrying if he would be able to perform tonight. I decided not to voice my worries, knowing the only one who will be able to tell Dan he can't perform is their tourdoctor. 

Instead, I held my hand out to him once he was ready, making our way down. We got into the cars that were waiting outside of the hotel and would take us to the venue.

Once we arrived at the venue I reluctantly let him go. Doubting if he would take yesterday's doctor's advice and take it easy. 

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