~Chapter 23~

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Danny's pov:

It's been three days since Rina slipped into coma. And still nothing's changed... Mark has barely left her side which I understand but he has three kids as well so me, Amy and Glen are looking after them most of times but we decided to just take them to our house now. Glen is going to Dublin to see Luke so we decided to take their kids to our house that we don't have to go to their house the whole time. The thing is, how do you explain to such young kids that their mum is in a coma and might never wake up again... They've been to Rina but they didn't really understand what was going on, we've told them that 'mummy is ouchy so she's sleeping.' 

Anyway, I just finished at the BBC studios and I'm on my way to the hospital first to see Rina and pick Amy up before we're going to get the kids. I paid the driver once he arrived at the hospital and got out. I know the way to Rina's room like the back of my hand cause I'm coming here everyday now. Sometimes more than once a day. Cause I want to support Mark as well, even though he'll never admit that he needs support sometimes. I arrived at Rina's room and softly knocked on the door letting Mark know that I was here.

"Hey man." I said when I walked in and saw him still sitting in the same position where we left him last night. His head shot up when he heard my voice and he flashed me a small smile. He's pretending like everything's okay and he's managing, but I know him long enough to know that it's not.

"How is she?" I asked sitting down on the chair next to him.

"Still the same." He said shrugging his shoulders.

"She's gonna be fine." I said putting my hand on his shoulder. He turned his attention back to me and I  could see the sadness in his face. To be honest, I've never seen him crying. He's not a guy that's showing his emotions like me. So I didn't really know what I needed to do. Normally, when I'm sad he knows exactly how to calm me down and pick up the pieces but I didn't really know what to do. I know that that sounds horrible cause we know each other already for so many years but like I said he never shows his emotions. His real emotions.

He didn't reply to what I said so I moved my chair closer to his and pulled him into a hug. He gladly accepted the hug, and I was trying everything I could to make him feel better.

"What if she never wakes up?" I heard him whisper, that kinda surprised me cause he was sharing his worry with me now.

"She will wake up. She haven't got any worse." I said rubbing his back.

"Yeah, but she didn't get any better either..." I said in reply and I didn't know what I had to say to that just because he had a point.

"When was the last time you've eaten anything or had a shower or something?" I asked changing the subject.

"Dunno." He replied and sat back in his chair to take Rina's hand in his.

"Maybe you should go home for a night, I'll stay here with Rina so she's not alone and we'll find someone to look after the kids..." I suggested carefully. I could see him thinking about this for a moment so that's good I guess.

"But what if something happens?" He asked still looking at Rina.

"Then I'll call you. Mark, I'm serious you need some proper rest, this is not healthy. You know that she's drag you home personally if she'd see you sitting like this." I said and I could see him chuckle lightly when I said that.

"Okay... But promise to call immediately when something changes." He said sighing.

"I promise, let me find someone to look after the kids." I said standing up and walked out of the room for a moment.

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