~Chapter 168~

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Danny's pov:

When I woke up the next morning I found Am lying on her side looking at me. 

"Good morning handsome." She said smiling before leaning over and kissing me.

"Morning." I answered before wrapping my arms around her and pulling her into me. 

Am rested her chin on my chest and looked up at me while I was running my hand up and down over her bare back. Since the weather was really hot, Am was sleeping in just her thong. Which I didn't mind at all.

After a few moments I rolled over so I was lying on top of Am. I slowly leaned down until our lips connected. She ran her hand through my hair while I softly bit down on her tongue, causing her to smile. After a few moments I let go of her lips and kissed down her neck. I was just making my way towards her breast when there was a knock at the door.

"You better go and get that." Am said giggling. 

I sighed before lifting my body off of Am's and got out of bed. I grabbed the bathrobe that was hanging on the back of the door and pulled in on before leaving the bedroom. I tied the robe around my waist while I made my way over to the front door to see who it would be at 8 in the morning. 

"Good morning!" Glen said when I opened the door. 

"Morning." I said while stepping aside to let them in.

"We brought breakfast." Glen said holding up a paper bag.

I followed them into the living area where Ava was also sitting on the floor playing while Liz was drawing. 

I walked into the kitchen where I grabbed a few plates before quickly laying the table. 

Just as I was done Am emerged from the bedroom now wearing a vesttop and shorts.

"Hey!" She said when she saw Glen and Rachel.

"They brought breakfast." I said nodding towards the table.

"How sweet." She said before sitting down at the table.

Ava and Liz sat with us for a little while until they got impatient so after making sure they'd both eaten something they went off to play in the garden.

"Hasn't Jamie woken up yet?" I asked Am as I looked at the clock.

"I've given him a bottle a little after 6 this morning and haven't heard him since." She replied before taking a sip of her orange juice.

"He's definitely got that from Dan, the sleeping part." Glen said laughing. I grinned while pouring myself another cup of tea.

We sat chatting until we got interrupted by Jamie who started crying. 

"I'll go." I said to Am before standing up and walking into the Jamie's bedroom.

"Good morning little man." I said as I lifted him out of his cot and held him against my chest. I walked back to the kitchen where Am handed me a bottle. I smiled at her before I sat back down at the table and fed Jamie his bottle.

Once he was fed I sat with him on my lap for a little longer until I sat him in his bouncing chair in front of the window. I then went into the bedroom where I quickly put some clothes on before helping Amy, Glen and Rachel to clear the table. 

We were almost done when Ava came running in, her eyes wide with panic.

"What's going on?" Am asked Ava.

"And where's your sister?" I asked when I looked out of the window and didn't see Liz.

"The ball went over the fence and when we went to get it Lizzy fell and slipped in the river." Ava explained while her eyes filled with tears.

We all stopped with what we were doing and ran outside. Behind the fence in the little garden was a slope which went downwards until there was a river.

I quickly jumped over the fence with Glen following behind while I helped Am.

"I'll stay with Jamie." Rachel said while she lifted Ava over the fence into Glen's arms so she could tell us where it happened.

We carefully made our way down to the river.

"Where did Lizzy slip?" I asked Ava once we almost reached the river.

"There." She pointed but all I could see was their ball.

Before I could think of what to do I saw Amy getting into the water. Without thinking twice I followed her until I was standing in the river as well. The flow of the water wasn't really strong but still stronger than our little girl would be. 

Am and I were both in the water trying to find Liz while Glen stood on the rocks with Ava trying to find Liz. 

"Danny!" I heard Glen call after a few moments. I looked up and saw that he'd walked ahead of us. 

"I see something pink there!" He said pointing in the water. I quickly swam over to where he was pointing and noticed that there was indeed something pink colored. I reached over and realized I'd grabbed hold of Liz's pink t-shirt. I quickly pulled her towards me and pulled her up so her face was above the surface.

"Amy!!" I shouted, "I got her!!" I shouted in Am's direction. I held Liz tightly against my chest while I made my way to the side of the river to get out. I was trying my hardest to stay calm but I could feel the panic rise as I looked down at Liz. Her eyes where closed, lips blue and her small body felt lifeless in my arms. 

Glen was sitting on his knees on the rocks and took Liz from me so I could climb out of the river. 

By the time I was out I saw Amy performing CPR on our little girl. 

"An ambulance is on its way." Glen told us. But I could barely process what he said as I looked at what was happening in front of me.

I peeled my wet t-shirt from my body and folded it underneath Liz's little head, desperately wanting to help but not knowing what to do.

I heard the screaming sirens in the distance coming closer and prayed they would hurry up and save our baby girl.

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