~Chapter 86~

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Amy's pov:

Finally, after four days Dan was allowed to go home. He's done nothing but moaning about how boring being in hospital is so I was glad that I could pick him up today. I still had to work today and I would pick him up after work, so Dan spent the day texting me asking if I was almost done so I could pick him up. After a while I was getting quite annoyed that he kept texting me and turned my phone off, hoping he'd get the message.

Once it was 4PM I was free to go, so I changed into my normal clothes before I got to my car. Dan was lying in another hospital than I was working in so I had to go there first. I started the engine and made my way towards him. I turned my phone back on with one hand and kept my other hand on the steering wheel. I started buzzing loads of times with texts, probably all from Dan. I decided not to answer him cause I was almost there so he'd get his answer soon enough.

I parked my car and locked it before I walked into the hospital and made my way to Dan's room. Once I'd reached his room I knocked on the door before I opened it. I found Dan lying on the bed with his phone in his hands typing away.

"Hello sir, your taxi has arrived." I said, walking into his room. He looked up from his phone and a smile appeared on his face when he saw me.

"Amy!" He said happily, wrapping my arms around me once I was standing at the side of his bed.

"Ready to go home?" I asked when I pulled out of his embrace.

"Hell yes!" He said throwing the covers back. He got out of bed and put his leather jacket on to go home.

"Ehm Dan...?" I said, one eyebrow raised when he was ready to walk out of his room.

"Yeah?" He said turning around waiting for me to follow.

"Maybe you should put some pants on?" I said laughing. He looked down at himself and when he realized he was only wearing his boxers he just grinned at me before he closed the door again. He took his bag and pulled a pair of sweatpants out, he quickly put them on before he put his shoes on once again.

"Better." I said nodding. I took the bag with is clothes and swung it over my shoulder while I grabbed Dan's hand with my other hand.

When we were standing in the lift Dan studied the stitches on his hairline closely in the mirror.

"Are you sure they will fade?" He asked, looking at me in the mirror.

"Yeah, I don't think they will leave a scar, don't worry." I replied, walking closer to him and pressing a kiss against his temple.

"I hope you're right." He said wrapping his arm around my waist before the lift doors opened and we walked out.

"Because we don't want scars on this pretty face, do we?" He added smirking.

"No, we don't want that." I said rolling my eyes. Dan chuckled to himself at my reply and wrapped his arm around me even tighter. When we reached the car I threw his bag on the backseat before I got in myself. Once we both had our seatbelt fastened I started the engine and we made our way home.

We walked into the living room where we found Glen sitting with Ava on his lap. Glen, Mark and Jess had been looking after Ava these past few days when I was working, cause Dan couldn't look after her.

Glen looked up and sat Ava down on the couch before he stood up and greeted us. Once I had hugged Glen I went over to Ava and greeted her. She could now sit on her own if she could sit with her back against something so it looked really cute when she was sitting on the couch on her own like this.

"Hello princess." Dan said to Ava, stroking the back of his hand over her soft cheek. She giggled at him and stretched her little arms out to him so Dan picked her up and cuddled her close to his chest.

"Tea?" I asked standing up.

"Yeah, thanks." Glen replied. Dan didn't reply because he was too busy playing with his daughter but I think he'd like a cup of tea as well. I made my way to the kitchen and flicked the kettle on. Once the tea was ready I took the mugs to the living room and placed them on the coffee table. Glen was filling Dan in over the things the lads had done in the studio the past few days while Dan was listening to what Glen was saying and tickling Ava who was lying in his lap.

"I've got to go." Glen said after an hour. Dan walked Glen to the door while I went to the kitchen and started to prepare dinner. A few moments after I heard the front door close, I felt two arms wrap around my waist and a chin rest on my shoulder.

"I missed you." Dan said, kissing my cheek.

"I missed you too." I replied, putting the knife down to hug Dan. He wrapped his arms around me and hugged me tightly while he rested his head on top of mine. We stood like that for a few minutes, in comfortable silence, until I reluctantly pulled away to continue making dinner.

"Can I help you?" Dan asked, while looking how I was cutting the vegetables.

"No, not really." I replied and pecked his lips lightly.

"Okay." He said shrugging his shoulders and turned around. I smacked his bum before he walked away and continued making dinner. He gave me a cheeky wink in reply before he went back to the living room.

Twenty minutes later, I put the food in the oven and went to set the table. Once that was all done I still had to wait a little while until the food would be ready. Suddenly, I realized that it was awfully quiet here and when I looked in the living room I saw only Lola lying on the floor, watching lazily out of the window.

"Dan?!" I shouted confused.

"Upstairs!" He shouted a few seconds later in reply. I walked upstairs and found him together with Ava in her room. She was sitting on her soft carpet leaning with her back against the wall while Dan was lying on his side, they were playing with Ava's toys. My heart melted at the cute sight in front of me and I stood quietly in the door frame, not interrupting them. I stood there for a while with none of them noticing me, until Ava looked in my direction and started giggling. Dan turned around and looked in the direction Ava was looking and smiled when he saw me.

"How long have you been standing there?" He asked.

"A while, you two were just too cute." I admitted.

"Dinner will be ready soon, though." I said.

"We'll be down in a minute." Dan said sitting up and started putting Ava's toys away, much to her dismay cause she started crying soon enough. But to my surprise she stopped almost as soon as Danny picked her up and cuddled her to his chest.

"Daddy's girl." I said laughing and made my way downstairs, Dan following behind.

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