~Chapter 98~

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Danny's pov:

I lay cuddled up to Am, rubbing my hand over her bump while my other hand was playing with the ends of her hair. Am is now 7 months pregnant and we have another scan today. At first we'd decided we didn't want to know the gender of our baby yet, but a few days ago we backtracked that idea and decided that we did want to know. So I'm pretty excited for our scan today.

While I remained lying in bed, cuddled up to Am, I heard Ava in her room chatting to herself. She does that a lot, talking to herself or her stuffed animals in the morning, and when she gets bored of that she'll come to our room to lie with us.

Like a lot of days, it wasn't long before I heard Ava padding over the landing to our bedroom. We never fully closed the door to our bedroom because of Ava, and a few moments later I saw the door open further and Ava padded over to my side of the bed.

"Daddy!" She squealed, trying to climb onto the bed.

"Shh, mummy's still asleep." I whispered in reply, lifting her up onto the bed. She lifted the covers and climbed underneath them lying down next to me. She lay down on her side with her head on my upper arm and rested her hand with her bunny in it on my bare chest. She continued to play silently with her bunny, letting it 'walk' over my chest to place a kiss on my cheek before she let it 'walk' back over my chest to her own face to place a kiss on her own cheek. I smiled at how sweet she was playing and wrapped my arm around her, while I had my other arm wrapped around Am. 

"Shall we go make breakfast for mummy?" I asked Ava after a few more minutes.

"Ya!!" She said excitedly before untangling herself from the bedsheets. I lifted Ava out of bed and placed her on the floor before I followed her down the stairs into the kitchen. 

Ava was sat on the worktop washing the strawberries while I was making toast and waiting for the water to boil for the tea. I laughed when Ava quickly took a bite out of one of the strawberries before placing it in the bowl, thinking I didn't notice.

"What did you do there, cheeky?" I asked laughing, while taking out two mugs for the tea.

"Nothin'." She replied quickly focusing on washing another strawberry. 

"How did this happen then?" I continued, picking up the strawberry with a bite out of it. 

"It was bunny." She replied innocently while pointing at her bunny who was sat on the worktop as well. I just laughed in reply and placed a kiss on the top of her head while I let her eat the strawberry she had already started on. 

Once we'd finished making breakfast I put everything on a tray and walked up the stairs with Ava following behind. 

"You wake mummy?" I asked before we entered the bedroom. She nodded excitedly before I opened the door for Ava. I held the tray with one hand while lifting Ava on the bed with my other. She crawled over to Am and let her bunny kiss Am as well while saying,

"Mummy! Wake up!"

A few moments later Am opened her eyes and smiled when she saw Ava sitting on her knees leaning over her.

"Good morning sweetheart." Am said smiling and kissed Ava on her cheek before sitting up. I placed the tray on Am's lap before I walked around to my side of the bed and got in again. Ava was sitting in between us watching the tv while we were talking about the scan. When Ava was done eating she got bored of sitting in bed so she climbed out of bed and padded off to her room to play with her toys, leaving Am and I alone again. I shifted closer to Am and wrapped my arms around her, pulling her into me. She rested her head against my chest and her hand on my waist. We lay like that for a while until we had to get up and get ready to go to the hospital for the scan. I got out of bed and took Am's hand, pulling her up as well.  Once she was standing up straight in leaned into her and placed my lips softly against hers. When I pulled away she smiled softly at me before I headed for the shower and Am went to Ava's room to get her dressed. 

I was sitting with Ava on my lap while the midwife squirted the gel onto Am's bump.

"What is that?" Ava asked, looking up at me.

"Gel, so we can see the baby." I replied, stroking her hair.

"But baby's in mummy's tummy, how can we see it?" She asked confused.

"They can make a scan with the gel so we can see in mummy's tummy." I tried to explain.

"Can we see the strawberries from brekkie?" She asked excitedly.

"Maybe." I replied chuckling. I focused back on the midwife who was laughing at Ava's question as well. After a few moments the sound of a steady heartbeat filled the room. I looked at the screen where I could see our baby. I shifted my chair closer to Am and took her hand in mine, squeezing it softly. I get emotional every time we have a scan, I got emotional the very first time Am was pregnant, and even now that we've had several scans, I still get emotional. Am obviously noticed this and kissed the back of my hand, smiling at me. 

"You wanted to know the gender?" The midwife asked after a few moments.

"Yes." I replied nodding, tearing my gaze from the screen. 

"Alright..." She trailed off, taking a closer look at the screen. I looked down at Am who was looking up at me and smiled. 

"You're having a girl." The midwife said after a few moments, smiling at us. I leaned down and kissed Am softly on her forehead.

"Ava's getting a sister." She said softly when I pulled away.

"She sure is." I replied smiling. 

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