Loud (Prince x Anxiety)

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Virgil has an anxiety attack in this one. Lmao wow nice starting off this new book with some angst how fun (this really isn't my usual, I mainly write happy fluffy things I swear) (and there's a happy end!)

Virgil was just trying to say something. He just wanted to add his own input, to share his thoughts. He said something, but in the middle of him talking he was interrupted. The other three talked over him, and everyone was frustrated. Their voices were slowly raising, getting louder and louder until they were all shouting at each other in frustration.

"Can you just shut up and listen to me?" Virgil snapped, getting louder himself. "Please?"

Roman turned to him. "We are listening!"

"No, you're not! You're all shouting over me and I can't-"

"We are not doing that!"

"Roman, let him talk-" Patton tried to stop the arguing, but Roman ignored him. Logan joined into the chaos, and it just kept getting louder, and Virgil couldn't stand it. He tried to bite back his tears, tried to ignore the panic he felt starting to get worse. He brought his hand up to his head to block out the sound, and when this proved futile he couldn't stop the tears from spilling over.

Patton was the first to notice, looking over at him in concern. He had moved to sit down on the stairs now, rocking himself. "Guys! We've made him upset, please quiet down!"

Neither Roman nor Logan took notice, continuing to go back and forth. Patton frowned, stepping over to Roman and touching his shoulder. "Roman, stop it. You too, Logan. We're making Virgil panic!"

Roman finally looked over at Virgil, seeing him crying, and holding himself. He froze, not sure of what to do. Knowing that he had helped caused this made him feel incredibly guilty, and he wasn't sure what he should do or say to make up for it.

"Virgil, I am sorry," he started to say, but Virgil just shook his head.

"Stop talking, please stop talking." He mumbled, still hugging himself and hiding his face. Patton had rushed over to try and help him, but Virgil didn't move or say anything. He whispered something to Patton, Roman wasn't sure what, but when Patton nodded at him he disappeared. Roman assumed he had gone back to his room, and after asking Patton if that was correct was given a nod.

"He wants to be left alone for now. He'll be okay, just let him have some space for a bit." The fatherly like side assured him, and Roman nodded, frown still set on his face.

After each of the sides, excluding Virgil, who hadn't left his room yet, had apologized to each other for letting their disagreements turn into a huge argument, Roman had sat down on the couch in the living room. He was thinking about what had happened, and despite Patton telling him not to worry he couldn't help it.

He was so lost in thoughts that when someone stood right in front of him he didn't notice them at first. They had to tap his shoulder lightly to get his attention. Roman looked up, surprised to find Virgil standing there, looking awkward. He frowned, nervously looking to the side and wrapping an arm around himself to hug his stomach.

"Hey, so, I just wanted to say..." He started, hesitantly. "Don't feel bad, about making me panic. It wasn't your fault. Everything was just too loud."

"Yes, but I was the one causing things to be so loud. I apologize." Roman frowned, and Virgil finally looked down at him, small smile on his lips.

"It's fine. Don't feel bad. I'm fine now, right? And no ones fighting anymore." He shrugged, and Roman gave him a smile back.

"Yeah... Well, I'm glad you are feeling better then, Virgil." Roman told him, and Virgil nodded.

"Yeah, I'm glad too. Just... if I ask you to shut up and listen to me again, will you please do it next time?" He asked, and Roman nodded.

"Of course. Don't worry about it, Hot Topic." Roman grinned, and Virgil returned it, shaking his head.

"That's kinda my job, Princey. But yeah, I'll try not to."

Woohoo, the first oneshot in this book is done! I'm glad.

Also yes, this was based on something that literally just happened to me just a minute ago but y'know it helped me calm down so. Here it is. And while I was panicking my adorable dog Vaughn sat with me and let me pet him and checked on me he's so sweet I love him

Thanks for reading, hope you enjoyed this oneshot. *Your favorite side showers you in ring pop*

 *Your favorite side showers you in ring pop*

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Take care of yourselves. Love you guys. Bye!-Bob

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