First and Last Kiss (Prince x Anxiety) Alternate Ending

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Few things before this-okay so this is an alternate ending and it begins right as Virgil asks Roman to kiss him after finding out they love each other. Also, along with this alternate ending someone asked for a part two to the previous one, which I'll work on soon.

"Kiss me..?" He murmured at last, not meeting the royals eyes. Roman was shocked for a moment, but quickly nodded his head.

"Anything for you, Virgil." He offered a weak smile. "I'd do anything for you."

He didn't waste any time in leaning down to kiss him, their lips pressed together gently. Roman pulled him in closer, and Virgil held Roman just as tight.

As they kissed Virgil felt strange. It wasn't bad, but it was certainly not normal, and he couldn't quite describe it. It was like the place where he had been stabbed had started tingling, and instead of growing weaker he felt stronger. He didn't want to pay attention to it, not for now at least, and instead used this new strength to pull himself up even closer to Roman than before, never breaking from their kiss.

When the two of them finally had to pull away, faces flushed and breath gone, Roman immediately noticed a difference. Virgil's face was no longer pale and deathly, and he seemed to be feeling much better. With a glance down at where he had been stabbed Roman gasped. There was no stab wound. There wasn't any hint that there had ever even been one.

Virgil was okay.

"Roman? What's-oh." Virgil looked just as shocked and confused as Roman after he had followed where his eyes were focused. "H-how did it... what?"

Roman had an idea of what had happened. A wide grin broke out across his face, and he once again pulled Virgil into a tight embrace. He couldn't help but laugh, an excited, relieved laugh that only confused Virgil more.

"You're okay! You're safe!" He shouted in relief, moving to plant a kiss on every inch of Virgil's face. "You're safe, I love you so much, and you love me too and-and that's what saved you!"

"Roman, slow down." Virgil couldn't help but smile, also relieved that he hadn't actually died. "What are you talking about?"

"True loves kiss! Of course, it was stupid of me not to realize it before! Of course that would work, it works for anything." Roman rushed out, still kissing Virgil on his cheek, forehead, nose, and everywhere else despite being told to stop by a giggling emo nightmare.

"You're kidding, right?" Virgil raised an eyebrow, still unable to keep his smile at Roman's kisses off his lips. "That can't actually be what saved me."

"I am not joking at all! It's the only possible explanation." Roman insisted, finally stopping what he had been doing and instead holding Virgil tighter, forehead pressing against his. His laughter had dissipated, and now he was crying again. "God, you scared me so bad... don't ever almost die again."

"Not planning on it," Virgil assured him, offering a tiny comforting smile to Roman. "I'm sorry for scaring you." He mumbled.

"Don't be sorry," Roman shook his head, sighing and returning his small smile. "I'm sorry. This could have all been avoided if I had defeated him sooner..."

Virgil sighed, hesitantly leaning up to press his lips to Roman's again, not nearly as long as their last kiss. "Please, don't. It's not your fault. Anyways... I'm okay, now. It all worked out in the end and... well, now we know we love each other. That's something good that came out of this, right?"

"That is definitely one of the best things to happen today," Roman chuckled weakly. "I'm just so happy you're okay..."

"Yeah, Virgil laughed, pulling Roman back down into another kiss. "I'm happy too."

This one wasn't nearly as long as the last one, sorry haha. Okay so, the part two to the original ending will be done hopefully tonight, and I'll also try to get out a super fluffy oneshot between these to make up for the angst haha.

Of course, I also do need to finish schoolwork so I can't exactly give a time for when it'll be up. Schoolwork should take me another hour, and the time to make the oneshot could be anywhere from 15 minutes to an hour-if I work on it without stopping. Depends on the length. I'll have it up soon, don't worry.

Okay, now I need to be off to work on that. Thanks for reading, hope you enjoyed this. *you find a special notebook that turns anything you draw in it into reality, so you draw a ring pop and ring pops explode from the notebook*

 *you find a special notebook that turns anything you draw in it into reality, so you draw a ring pop and ring pops explode from the notebook*

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If I had a notebook like that I'd try to draw the Sanders sides so I could meet and be friends with them lol. And also, a tiny friendly dragon to be my pet. Take care of yourselves. Bye!-Bob

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