Sleep in (Prince x Anxiety)

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Prompt. It's short, sorry.

Virgil was woken up very suddenly by a blindingly bright light. He covered his eyes, hissing and looking to where the light was coming from. He saw Roman in front of him, standing next to the blinds he had just opened. "Time to get up!"

"Fuck that. It's way too early to be awake." Virgil complained, rolled over and trying to hide under the blankets. Roman frowned.

"It's nine!"

"Any time before twelve is too early, now close the fucking blinds." He spat, closing his eyes to block out the light even more. Suddenly, Virgil felt the weight of his blanket disappear. He felt cold, and gaped at Roman as he realized what he had done. "Stealing my blankets? Really?" Roman just shrugged innocently, and Virgil groaned loudly.

"Roman," he whined, looking up at his boyfriend. "Please, can I sleep in?"

"No." Roman refused to give in, crossing his arms over his chest. "It's time to get up."

"Please?" Virgil asked again, pouting and reaching out for Roman. Roman opened his mouth to speak, closed it, opened it again, and froze.

"I-you know, you really are a pain sometimes." He huffed irritably, Virgil not saying anything but still holding out his arms. Roman sighed, taking the blanket he had stolen from Virgil and slowly climbing into bed with it. He wrapped it around the two of them as Virgil immediately clung to Roman, closing his eyes.

Roman shook his head at his boyfriend, returning his embrace and kissing the top of his head. "I love you. No matter how much of a pain you sometimes can be."

Virgil smiled, knowing that Roman was just kidding. He kept his eyes closed, cuddling closer to him and muttering. "Love you too."

*comes back to Wattpad after a break* guys I'm feeling so much better! My hair is purple, I'm in a good mood and life is amazing!! *literally two days after returning* I somehow went from feeling the best I've felt in a long time to feeling even w...

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*comes back to Wattpad after a break* guys I'm feeling so much better! My hair is purple, I'm in a good mood and life is amazing!!
*literally two days after returning* I somehow went from feeling the best I've felt in a long time to feeling even worse than I did when I was taking a break and even tho literally two days ago I thought life was great now I want to die again

I'm not gonna be gone again or anything, but if I miss a day or two of uploading sorry. Who knows tho, maybe me being sad will cause me to write even more in an attempt to completely ignore all of my feelings bc that is also possible (and ignoring all emotions is much more appealing than just sitting around doing nothing but listen to my own thoughts)

I hope you liked this. Thanks for reading. *you're transported to an alternate dimension where everything is made out of ring pops and it rains ring pops*

 *you're transported to an alternate dimension where everything is made out of ring pops and it rains ring pops*

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Thanks for the suggestion. Take care of yourselves, love you guys. Bye-Bob

Have some puppy pictures to make up for how short this is and my depressing note lmao:

Have some puppy pictures to make up for how short this is and my depressing note lmao:

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