What's Stopping You? (Prince x Morality)

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YO BEFORE THIS STARTS MY ANALOGICAL BOOK IS FINALLY UP IF YOU'D LIKE TO GO CHECK THAT OUT IT'S CALLED ROBOT PLS READ IT IM EXCITED. Also another side note, my dad picked the ship for this chapter so thanks dad

Roman sighed to himself, staring over at Patton, who hadn't noticed him yet. When he noticed that he hadn't stopped staring for a few minutes he forced himself to look away, staring at the ground and getting lost in thought. Despite trying his hardest to focus on something else, he couldn't help but keep thinking of the bubbly side he had just been staring at.

His brows furrowed, teeth pulling at his lip as he thought. He didn't want Patton to be stuck on his mind-he loved him, but he didn't know if those feelings were returned. He couldn't say anything.

As he was thinking Patton happened to look up from what he was doing, noticing his worried expression. He frowned, moving to sit closer to Roman. "What's wrong?"

Roman was immediately snapped out of his thoughts when he heard Patton speaking, turning his head to look at him. "Oh, er... It's nothing. Just thinking."

"Thinking about what?" Patton pressed, moving once again to be even closer to Roman. Roman noticed how close they were, looking up at Patton's face for a moment. Then, he turned to look at the floor again, sighing.

"Have you ever..." He paused, wondering if he should say anything at all. What if it all went wrong? "Have you ever really wanted to kiss someone, but you couldn't?" He ignored the nagging worried voice in his brain, finally saying what was on his mind.

Patton frowned, and it only took a second before he responded. "Well, what's stopping you?"

Roman stayed quiet for a moment, still chewing his lip as he thought about what he said. Roman realized that the only thing really holding him back was himself. Slowly a smile lit up his face, and he looked over at Patton. He was still feeling nervous, but realized that if he didn't do anything then nothing would ever happen. At least if he tried there was a chance of something working out.

After a second of hesitation, he shifted forward, leaning closer to Patton and putting his lips onto Patton's. It was a short kiss, lasting only a moment before he pulled away, but he was glad he had done it. Patton returned the grin that Roman had, pulling him back in for another kiss that lasted for longer. The two continued on that way for a while, kissing, and pulling back to breathe only to pull each other back in before they could completely catch their breath.

"I really like you Patton," Roman got in between their shared kisses. "Be my boyfriend?"

"Nothing would make me happier, Roman."

Sorry these have been pretty short! I'll try and write longer ones

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Sorry these have been pretty short! I'll try and write longer ones.

Also yeah, lol I basically wrote down:
And then asked my dad to pick two numbers and that's how I decided on this ship.

Anyways, please go and check out my new book Robot if you're interested! I need to get off and take a shower now, but after that I'm probably gonna stay up tonight to see how many chapters of that book I can complete before I need sleep haha. May update again here, dunno yet.

Thanks for reading, hope you enjoyed this. *Virgil dressed in Patton's cat onesie gives you a ringpop*

 *Virgil dressed in Patton's cat onesie gives you a ringpop*

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Take care of yourselves. Bye!-Bob

Also here have some cute pictures of my doggo and also me in a flower crown

Also here have some cute pictures of my doggo and also me in a flower crown

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