(Prince x Morality)

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This was requested a while ago, I apologize for taking so long

Patton stifled a yawn, finishing cleaning up for the night. More things still needed to be done, but he could finish them tomorrow. Sleeping was an important part of taking care of yourself, and he knew that cake first.

Still, he also wanted to check up on the others. He did so every night, making sure they were also getting the correct amount of rest, as well as being sure that they were actually in bed rather than asleep at their desks. He made his way to Logan's room first, knowing the logical side was almost always at his desk rather than in bed. He and Virgil were both the worst about staying up late.

He found that the logical trait was indeed asleep at his desk. Shaking his head he gently shook him awake, instructing him to take off his tie and glasses before moving to his bed. Logan nodded tiredly, standing with a yawn to do what he was told. Only after he was lying down again, already asleep, did Patton leave. He made his way to Virgil's room next, unsurprised to find him up and on his phone.

"It's late, Virge," Patton said, making sure he was loud as he opened the door so he wouldn't startle the other. "You should get some sleep."

Virgil glanced at the time on his phone, sighing and nodding. He shut it off, setting it on his desk. "I'll try." He muttered, moving to lie down. "Night, Pat."

"Goodnight, Virge! Remember, you can come get any of us if you need anything. We're happy to help." He reminded, smiling over at him. Virgil nodded, telling him that he knew. "Love you!"

"Yeah, I know," Virgil said simply, waving his arm. Patton grinned as he turned the lights out for him, closing the door. He knew that Virgil had his own way of saying that he loved him, so he didn't mind being waved off like that. Smile not leaving him he made his way to Roman's room, expecting it to be a short visit. Roman was almost always already asleep when Patton went to check on him, exhausted from his days adventure.

It was a surprise when he opened the door to find Roman not only awake, but out of bed and pacing around the room. He didn't seem to notice Patton at first, so he called out his name. At that Roman jumped, stopping his pacing to quickly whirl around and face him. He looked panicked for a moment, thought he quickly hid it. However, Patton was already worried about him.

"Patton! You scared me, I was not expecting anyone at this time. How can I help you?" He asked, putting on a smile.

"I was just coming to check on you, Roman. Everything okay? You're usually in bed by now." Patton's smile finally slipped from his face, a worried frown taking its place.

"Everything's perfect! Why shouldn't it be?" Roman raised a brow, and while his acting was good it wasn't enough to fool Patton.

"Roman, talk to me." Patton insisted, stepping forward to take a hold of Roman's hands. "What's worrying you?"

Roman looked conflicted for a moment, trying to keep up his act to keep the fatherly trait from worrying. He soon realized it was pointless, letting his act fall with a sigh. Staring down at their hands laced together, Roman waited before he spoke. "I... it's really not that big of a deal. I do not want to worry you, Patton."

"Well, it's a bit too late for that isn't it?" Patton laughed, trying to lighten the mood. Then, he smiled softly, squeezing Roman's hands. "Really, Roman. It's okay, I'm right here for you. Talk to me."

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