Did He Just Call You Logan? (Logic x Morality)

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Requested. Also an AU (I may have changed it too much, forgive me)

Patton had first met him at a party through his friend Roman. He was showing him around to a few other people he knew, and one of the people that he had been introduced to was Logan. Almost immediately after seeing Logan Patton had found him very attractive, and he really did try to remember his name. Unfortunately he was horrible with names, but that didn't seem to matter considering he would probably never meet him again.

Some day, much later on, Patton had been at a store that Logan happened to be working at. He didn't notice him until he was trying to check out, looking up and gasping as he recognized his face. "Hey! I know you."

"Oh. Yes, I believe we met through Roman. You are Patton, correct?" He asked, and Patton nodded. He felt his cheeks heat up, feeling bad knowing that Logan had been able to remember his name but he had forgotten the others.

"Yeah, that's me!" He smiled, panicking. He was relieved when he realized the other was wearing a name tag. It was a little smudged, but he could make out most of it. He couldn't see the first letter, but it sort of resembled an 'M'. Morgan? Proud of himself for figuring it out, Patton grinned. "And you're Morgan!"

"Uh... yes." Logan offered a small smile. Patton had seemed to excited, and he couldn't bring himself to correct him. "It is nice to see you again."

"Nice to see you too!" He said, and the two had a small conversation while Logan scanned his items, and soon Patton had to go.

The third time Patton met him had been while he was walking around at a park. Logan was there with another friend of his, someone Patton was pretty sure was called Virgil. He had met him at the party as well, and the only reason he remembered his name well was because Roman was always talking about him. Not that Patton minded.

"Hey, Morgan!" He greeted, smiling at the two. "Hi to you too, Virgil. How are you two doing?"

"Did you just call him Mor-" Virgil started, cut off by Logan, who elbowed him in the side.

"We are doing well, thank you Patton." He smiled, ignoring the glare from Virgil who was holding his side. "Would you like to accompany us? We were simply walking around and talking."

"Oh. Well, I would love to, but..." He trailed off, glancing at Virgil. "Are you alright with that?"

Virgil shrugged. "I don't care. We weren't talking about anything super interesting, though. Sorry if we're boring."

"I'm sure you're not boring at all," Patton smiled, telling them he would love to talk with them. The three ended up having a great time hanging out, and Patton even got Virgil to laugh. Logan told him that that was very surprising, as hearing Virgil laugh was very rare.

When it was time to say goodbye all both of them exchanged numbers with Patton, all wanting to be able to talk again. Patton left the two of them first, leaving Logan and Virgil alone for a while.

"So... why does he call you Morgan? And why didn't you correct him at all?" Virgil questioned immediately, and Logan looked away with a sigh as his cheeks burned.

"Well... we met through Roman once, and he forgot my name the next time we met." He explained, hoping to leave it at that. Virgil frowned at him, crossing his arms.

"That still doesn't explain why you don't correct him." He said, and Logan sighed again.

"It is just... he seemed very proud of himself for remembering, and he looked... very nice, when he was smiling like that. I couldn't have corrected him." He muttered, frowning as he realized how silly it sounded. He turned an even darker shade of red as Virgil laughed at him.

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