Flour War (Prince x Morality)

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I write a lot about baking don't I? Listen I just really like to bake okay

Patton was in the mood to bake something. He baked pretty often, usually making something sweet at least once a week. He had fun doing it, and the things he made often made the others happy, so of course it was something he would do as often as he could.

Typically, Patton baked by himself. He did all of it on his own, and he had a lot of fun doing it. Sometimes though, he wished he had someone to help him out. It wasn't like it was anything difficult, but he wanted someone who would spend time with him doing the thing he loved to do.

As he thought about it, he decided to go and ask someone if they would like to help him out. He walked down the hallway to everyone's rooms, stopping at Logan's first. He was just about to knock when he remembered that Logan was busy with work, and probably wouldn't want to be interrupted. He moved on to the next door, Virgil's, remembering that he hadn't gotten much sleep the night before. He decided to let him get some more rest, since he needed it and moved on to the last door.

He knocked on it, stepping back and patiently waiting for an answer. It didn't take long for Roman to open the door, grinning at Patton. "Greetings, my dear friend! What can I help you with?"

"Hey, Roman! I was just wondering if you'd like to help me bake something." Patton smiled back at him, watching as Roman's grin widened.

"I would love to help! What were you planning to make?" He asked, Patton starting to lead the way back to the kitchen.

"Cookies! Cookies are the best." Patton smiled, both of them making it to the kitchen where Patton had already set out all of the ingredients. The two of them got started, Patton doing most of it while Roman just helped to do a few things. He watched as Patton started stirring everything, telling Roman to start slowly pouring in the flour as he was mixing it. Roman did that, adding the correct amount and waiting as Patton finished stirring it.

As soon as Patton put down the mixer he was startled by a large amount of flour being thrown on him. He yelped in surprise, looking up to find Roman laughing at him. He shot the dramatic side a dark glare, shutting him up and causing him to back away slowly. Patton got some flour of his own, Roman's eyes going wide as he tried to dash past Patton and out of the kitchen. As he tried to dart past him he got hit by a bunch of flour, turning to Patton to return his flare from before.

"This means war!" He exclaimed, running for more of the flour as Patton did the same, their laughter filling the room as well as their ingredient weapon.

At some point, Roman had backed Patton up into the table in the kitchen, standing in front of him with a handful of flour. Patton couldn't hold back his nervous laughter as Roman drew nearer, biting his lip to try and stop them as Roman stood right in front of him. He stopped only an inch away from Patton, telling him. "Never get into a flour war with me, unless you're prepared to lose! I will always win!"

With that, he threw his last handful of flour, Patton spluttered as a large amount of it ended up in his mouth. Both of them laughed for a while, and when the sound finally died down the two of them were staring at each other. They both suddenly seemed to realize how close together they were, their cheeks burning bright.

Hesitantly, Roman started to lean in closer to Patton, pausing just before their lips touched to see if it was okay. Patton smiled, and Roman took this as a sign to lean in the rest of the way, connecting their lips in a kiss.

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