Shirtless (Logic x Prince)

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It had been an accident, the first time. Roman had just woken up, and without really thinking he had left his room for breakfast. It completely slipped his mind that he probably should have thought to put on a shirt first.

Of course it was Logan to see him first. He was already in the kitchen making himself coffee, Patton gone to wake Virgil. He didn't look up when Roman entered, too busy taking a sip of his drink but when he turned to take his usual seat at the table he finally noticed him. When he did, Logan froze, mind shutting down and words failing him. Roman glanced up, raising an eyebrow in confusion at seeing Logan stare at him.

"Is something wrong?" He asked, and Logan quickly shook his head to snap himself out of his trance.

"You-you need to put a shirt on." He snapped, averting his eyes and looking anywhere but the royal. He sat down at the table, focused on his breakfast as Roman listened to him. Roman had heard his stutter at seeing him shirtless, but he chose not to say anything about it this time. He had just been caught off guard.

A while later, the same thing happened. Roman forgot to throw on a shirt before coming down to breakfast, and Logan once again became a blushing stuttering mess. Roman payed more attention to it that time, grinning as he realized just how red Logan's face had turned. After that day, Roman made sure to 'forget' his shirt more often. Every single time Logan turned into a flustered mess, and Roman had to admit he enjoyed having this effect on the logical side.

One day, Roman decided to tease Logan as well. He wondered how he would react, and when the two of them ended up once again alone Roman put this plan into action. He caught Logan staring over at him, already having given up on telling him to go out a shirt on every time. It happened too often, and of course Roman didn't listen when he was told to put one on.

"Like what you see?" Roman grinned, startling Logan.

"I-I'm sorry?" Logan questioned, cheeks red as he forced his eyes to stay focused on Roman's face. Roman's grin grew.

"You heard me." He stayed simply, and Logan huffed.

"We all look the same. Looking at you shirtless is no different than looking in a mirror shirtless." He reasoned, pushing his glasses further up his nose. Roman noticed that it was a nervous habit of his.

"That doesn't seem to stop you from getting all flustered every time you see me this way." He teased, stepping closer. Logan's eyes darted around the room, trying to find any excuse that would be less embarrassing than admitting he liked the annoying prince.

"It's-I don't-" He was finally forced to look at Roman as he stepped right in front of him. Roman laughed, taking his hand and bringing it up to his lips to kiss the back of it as Logan's cheeks burned more and more.

"It's honestly adorable, seeing you all flustered." He comments, and although he is enjoying teasing him, and h thinks he's entirely adorable he still knew not to push too far. He looked Logan over to see if he was uncomfortable, his grip still holding Logan's hand was loose, and he made sure he knew he could pull away from Roman at any second. Instead, he felt Logan's fingers curl around his own, squeezing his hand slightly although his fingers were shaking.

Roman finally met Logan's eyes, grin melting into a small, fond smile, one Logan very shyly returned. "Logan," Roman started, holding his hand tighter and leaning in closer. "Would you mind if I kissed you?"

Logan felt like he couldn't breathe for a moment. He was shocked, everything was going a little fast for him, but he wouldn't mind if that happened. In fact, Logan found that he wanted to kiss Roman, and so without very much thought he drew in a shaky breath and nodded.

With that, Roman leaned in, very slowly placing his lips over Logan's. His arms slid around Logan's waist, pulling him closer and Logan's arms going around his neck. The kiss was slow, at first, Roman still wanting to be sure Logan was comfortable. When it started to grow a little more heated Roman still waited for Logan to pull back, but he didn't.

It lasted a while, but eventually they had to separate. When they finally did they were breathless, leaning against each other with small smiles.

"I really like you, Logan," Roman mumbled with a smile as he kissed Logan's nose, watching his face turn pink yet again.

"I-er... I like you a lot in return, Roman." He muttered, looking down at his feet. Roman pecked his lips again, smiling.

"I'm glad." He leaned in close to Logan again. "Means I can do this again." He leaned back down to kiss Logan again, Logan melting into it once more. When they pulled away again they both laughed, holding each other close and feeling happy.

Hope this was good enough for you

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Hope this was good enough for you. ^•^ sorry the ending was kinda crappy, and i kinda took a while to upload it.. But hey, I kinda liked it so I hope you do too.

It's annoying that even tho this is finished and ready to upload I can't put it up yet aRG (I would explain the reason behind my extremely random break, although I'd prefer not to. When this gets uploaded things will hopefully be fixed anyways... forgive me.) (they haven't been fixed I hate life)

Also sorry if this was written weirdly. I don't know why, my brain decided to be stupid tonight I guess but I worded things different from how I normally would I guess (this may have something to do with the fact that it is currently 5AM)

I apologize for my short break, although I'm sure you think I'm being ridiculous bc it wasn't that long and you probably didn't notice, but I apologize anyways. I hope that what I upload now I'm back makes up for that, aha. I will be uploading another oneshot hopefully not too long after this one, I have another one that's nearly finished and two others I'm in the middle of writing so I'll upload those soon-as well as pictures from my vacation, if anyone's interested in seeing that?

Anyway, thanks for reading. Hope you enjoyed this. *virgil grimaces and sings his line from 12 days(I typed gays on accident lmao) Of Christmas but instead of a truckload of bubba gump shrimp it's a truckload of ring pops*

 *virgil grimaces and sings his line from 12 days(I typed gays on accident lmao) Of Christmas but instead of a truckload of bubba gump shrimp it's a truckload of ring pops*

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Thanks for the suggestion, haha. If you guys have any more ideas for ring pop suggestions please leave them! I believe that was the last one I have currently. Take care of yourselves. Love you guys. Bye-Bob

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