Kiss you (Anxiety x Logic)

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I don't even know what this is honestly (I'm aware this prompt would most likely fit prinxiety better, but I've already written one prinxiety and I have 3 more drafts saved that are prinxiety, so... kinda sick of prinxiety at the moment lmao) I also wrote half of this on my laptop instead of my phone, so please excuse any typos. 

Logan and Virgil were going back and forth in an argument. They weren't really fighting, just throwing teasing remarks at one another. It could be considered flirting, even if the two of them wouldn't say it out loud.

"Whatever, nerd," Virgil playfully rolled his eyes, a smirk on his lips that made Logan's heart skip a beat. He stared for a moment, nervously licking his lips and sighing.

"Right now, I don't know if I want to kiss you or shove you off a bridge." Logan chuckled, sending Virgil a nervous grin. Virgil froze for only a second, then his smirk grew wider and he slowly and carefully approached Logan.

"Can I pick..?" He whispered, after walking right up to Logan, speaking into his ear. Logan felt a shiver run down his spine, and he nodded.

"Then I choose that you shove me off a bridge." Virgil snickered, moving away from Logan. Logan blinked, not knowing what he was expecting but knowing it certainly wasn't that. He huffed, shoving Virgil teasingly. Then a smirk of his own appeared, and he raised an eyebrow.

"Really? Well, if that is what you wish then I suppose I'm happy to hel-"

"Wait, wait, I was joking!" Virgil held up his hands in surrender, laughing. He shook his head, still smiling at Logan. "Can't die till I've kissed my favorite nerd, can I?"

"Definitely not. I wouldn't allow that." Logan said, gently taking Virgil's hands to pull him closer again. Both of their grins turned to shy smiles, both of them glancing down at their feet. Logan finally drew in a deep breath, looking up at Virgil, causing the darkly dressed side to look up at him too. He began to hesitantly lean in, until Virgil could feel his breath on his face, and then he paused to see if it was okay. Virgil nodded at him, then leaned in the rest of the way to press his lips against Logan's, both of them wrapping their arms around each other and pulling each other close. 

The kiss was awkward at first, neither of them felt very confident in this. They weren't usually the ones to enjoy physical contact, but it didn't take long for them to melt into the kiss, happy to be with each other. When at last the pair pulled away they both had smiles on their faces. Logan chuckled, kissing him briefly again. "I definitely wanted to kiss you..." He muttered, smiling at Virgil. 

"I'm happy you did," Virgil grinned back. 


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Even though that's super exciting and all and I was happy when I first started working on this oneshot I'm actually feeling kind of frustrated at the moment, and sad. So, instead of going with the unhealthy solution I wanted to go with(which included me ending up with bruises) I've decided I am going to build a pillow fort, make myself some cupcakes(at 3AM cause when else would I) and work on my book Robot. So, new update there hopefully as well as hopefully some more oneshots here. 

Anyways guys, thanks for reading, hope you enjoyed this. Sorry it was short. Also, I'm on my laptop so I can't see suggestions anyways, but I think I'm currently out of them? So please, leave some more! You all are so creative I love your suggestions. *hands you a ring pop and invites you to join me in reading/writing fanfiction in my pillow fort with cupcakes* Take care of yourselves guys. Love you all. Bye-Bob 

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