Sick (Prince x Morality)

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Thanks to my sister theodd14yearold for picking the ship

Roman was sick. He wasn't sure how he had gotten sick, but he was, and he felt miserable. His stomach hurt, and he felt that at any second he might throw up everything he had eaten.

Patton, his boyfriend, was with him the entire day. He looked after him and made sure he was doing okay, bringing him food that he could actually eat without wanting to vomit, and making sure he drank plenty of water. He sat with him when he did need to throw up, rubbing his back and whispering to him that he would be okay.

After throwing up for the second time that afternoon Roman was laying in bed, Patton sat up next to him running his hands through his hair. Roman groaned, complaining about how he hated being sick.

"I'm sorry, Roman. If there was any way I could just make it go away then I would." Patton told him, pressing a kiss to his forehead. Roman sighed, smiling up at him. He pulled him down to lay on the bed with him, wrapping his arms around Patton tightly.

"I don't know what I ever did you deserve someone as lovely as you, Patton." Roman told Patton, who smiled back at him.

"You're amazing, Roman. You could probably do even better than me if you wanted! You are a prince, after all." Patton told him, and Roman frowned.

"Impossible. There's no way to do better than the best, and that is exactly what you are." Roman insisted, pulling him even closer and pressing a kiss to his forehead. Patton giggled.

"Aw, Roman! You're so sweet." He grinned, and Roman smiled back at him.

"Not as sweet as you, my dear." He said, and Patton laughed again as he leaned down to kiss Roman. Roman stopped him, frowning.

"I'm still sick. As much as I'd love to kiss you too, I don't want you to feel bad." He explained as Patton frowned.

"Maybe I don't care," Patton insisted. "It's worth it to be able to kiss you!" He leaned in again and Roman sighed, not stopping him this time. He returned the kiss, Patton smiling wider than ever when they pulled back. "I love you."

"I love you too, Patton." Roman couldn't help but smile back. "Thank you, for taking such good care of me while I'm sick."

"Of course! I'll always be here for you, Roman."

Honestly I'd do anything for a significant other to take care of me right now

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Honestly I'd do anything for a significant other to take care of me right now

Like please someone cuddle me and let me complain to you about how being sick sucks I'd be an amazing boyfriend I will constantly remind you of how adorable and awesome you are plEASE

Lmao anyways. It's 3:40, I should consider possibly getting some rest soon (but don't be surprised if I upload again ahaha...) Thanks for reading, hope you enjoyed this. *your favorite flavor ring pop is thrown into the warm blanket cave you're in*

To everyone leaving comments about relating to Patton in the oneshot I wrote earlier, I will physically fight you okay take care of yourselves you're important and I love you okay? All of you, take care of yourselves

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To everyone leaving comments about relating to Patton in the oneshot I wrote earlier, I will physically fight you okay take care of yourselves you're important and I love you okay? All of you, take care of yourselves. Stay alive. Bye!-Bob

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