Ice Skating (Prince x Morality)

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"I feel like I'm going to fall," Patton said nervously, standing at the edge of the ice rink Roman had brought him to. He had been ecstatic when Roman had asked him out on a date, and at first the idea of ice skating seemed so much fun. Of course, any time spent with his long-time crush would be nice, but he was a little more nervous now that he actually had his skates on.

"I won't let that happen!" Roman promised, standing beside of Patton and holding his hand out. He smiled over at Patton, who gave a very small, nervous one back and took his hand carefully. "You've got this, Patton."

Roman helped him to very slowly inch away from the wall Patton previously had been tightly latching onto. He was very wobbly, and he still felt like he was going to fall over, but Roman kept him up. Roman made sure they both stayed close by the outside of the rink as they started moving faster steadily, just in case Patton got nervous and wanted to stop.

Patton's grip on Roman's hand squeezed nervously every time he started to feel like he was going to fall again. It made Roman smile, quietly assuring him that he was doing alright and that Roman was there in case he did start to fall.

He could hardly believe he was really there with Patton, on an actual date. The two had been friends for a while, and crushing on each other for almost the same amount of time. Romans decision to ask him out had turned out to be the best decision he had ever made. He remembered the blush that had been on Patton's cheeks after he asked, along with the wide grin as he agreed to go. It still made him smile, heart racing a little bit faster in his chest. He was so helplessly in love.

Patton stumbled a little bit, bringing Roman out of his thoughts. He quickly stopped himself and turned to Patton, his hand slipping away from Patton's to wrap around his waist instead and steady him. Patton's arms found their way around Roman's shoulders, holding himself close so he wouldn't fall. Roman kept both of them up, leaning his one free hand back against the wall surrounding the rink just to be sure he wouldn't slip.

Both of their faces flushed as they noticed just how close they were, standing in silence. Patton's eyes stayed pointed to the floor below them, Roman's eyes darting around the rink. Neither of them moved, and eventually they both glanced up at each other and their eyes met.

Patton, upon noticing Roman's own nervousness, offered a very tiny and shy smile. His cheeks still burned, and his chest constricted in a way that wasn't painful, but pleasant. The feeling only grew stronger as Roman grinned back at him, breath catching in his throat as he realized just how much he loved Roman.

Neither of them were sure who was leaning in first. It seemed to be simultaneous, inching their faces closer together. They were interrupted by their noses bumping together, both giggling a little. Finally, Roman tilted his head and leaned in again, and they were kissing.

The kiss started off soft and slow. Both of them were nervous, and awkward, but they were so happy together. It didn't take long before they started feeling some of their nerves melt away. They were kissing more firmly now, tugging each other just a little bit closer, and Roman was moving his hand away from the wall behind them into Patton's hair.

Only a few moments after Roman moved his hand from the wall, Patton shifted his feet and lost his balance. Beginning to fall once again he grabbed Roman tightly, yelping as fell backwards and pulled Roman along with him. Roman was unable to stop them from falling this time, just barely catching himself on his arms so he didn't crush Patton underneath him.

They both stared for a moment, wide-eyed and breathless, unsure of what just happened. Roman finally let out a soft, breathy laugh. "I'm so sorry, Pat. I promised not to let you fall."

"It's alright," Patton grinned up at him, but Roman shook his head.

"It is not! I promised to protect you from getting hurt, and it is my fault-" Roman's ranting was cut off as Patton leaned up to press a short kiss to his lips, pulling him down closer to him in a tight hug.

"Really, it's fine Roman." Patton assured him, giggling softly and pressing another kiss to his forehead. "You couldn't stop me from falling for you, anyways."

Ahhh I hope this was good! I was gonna have it out like, 30 minutes after it was requested but then I went out to eat with my dad so, I got distracted

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Ahhh I hope this was good! I was gonna have it out like, 30 minutes after it was requested but then I went out to eat with my dad so, I got distracted. There wasn't a whole lot of skating in this oneshot? But I think it's pretty cute anyways so I hope it's alright haha.

If anyone else has any super short, easy to write requests that I can write in under a thousand words feel free to comment/message me. I can't guarantee it'll be done, but I really wanted to get a few things worked on tonight and well... I'm not motivated to work on any of the other things I have ideas for. So I just wanted to get something done, even something small.

Anyways, thanks for reading this! I hope that you liked it. Have a ring pop, you deserve it! *passes ring pop to you through the screen* Thanks Paradox-Puzzler for the ring pop suggestion. Lol I'm almost on the last one of the list of ring pop suggestion. That... took a long time. Anyways, take good care of yourselves. Bye!-Bob

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