Flustered (Logic x Prince)

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Dunno if I need to warn you all for this but implied sex at the end.

Roman was known to be the confident side. He often bragged about himself, whether it was about his looks, personality, or anything else he thought he was good at. So of course, when he got into a relationship he expected it to be him making his boyfriend the stuttering, blushing, mess, but if there was any other side that rivaled his confidence, it was Logan.

He didn't know why he hadn't expected this. Maybe it was because Roman was the romantic side, and Logan usually seemed so unemotional. However, once the two had gotten together Roman got to see an entirely new side of him. Logan, at least when they were alone, was incredibly romantic and flirty.

The first time it had happened had been so surprising that Roman was completely unable to form any words, let alone a full sentence. Even now it happened so randomly that Roman was never able to prepare himself. It always caught him so off guard, leaving him a blushing stuttering mess.

Today, Logan had once again caught him off guard, and Roman wasn't sure he could take it any more. He covered his face in embarrassment, groaning. When Logan made a suggestive comment at this he only blushed even more. "Stop," he dragged out, frowning.

There was a pause for a moment, then he heard someone shuffling closer. His breath hitched as gentle hands pulled his hands away from his face, his boyfriend wearing a small smirk as he looked down at him. He put a hand under his chin, lifting his head to look right at Logan. "Do you really want me to stop?" His voice still had a teasing tone to it, but he did look slightly worried. Roman knew that if he had actually been upset by Logan's comments the logical side would stop and apologize immediately.

"W-well-" he started, opening and closing his mouth in an attempt to say something. Anything. "It... is just that, I always assumed it would be me making you a mess. Not the other way around... B-but I suppose, I don't... really mind." He muttered, shrugging. His eyes darted around the room, looking anywhere but at Logan.

Logan nodded slowly, leaning down to press a short kiss to his lips. "I quite enjoy it being this way. Though, if I ever make you uncomfortable in any way, please let me know."

"Of course," Roman nodded, feeling somewhat less nervous after seeing Logan look so concerned for him. However, as soon as he had said this Logan's wide grin from before had returned, and Roman's heart was once again pounding in his chest.

"Well, as long as you are still comfortable with it," Logan trailed off, one hand still on Roman's face to pull him close, the other hand on his hip, slightly raising up his shirt. Roman got the hint quickly, still red as he gave the smallest of nods, leaning forward to connect their lips in a kiss that quickly grew more heated.

Sure, it was still a surprise that the one side Roman had least expected to be flirty and romantic ended up always being the one to make him flustered, but Roman found that he really didn't mind so much.

I'm in love with this ship, please if anyone knows any fanfics for it or has any prompts for me to write for it just tell me I'll do it as soon as I can I just wanna write more for it ahhh

I envy normal people, bc y'know normal people will have an embarrassing moment and it's like "oh that was embarrassing wish that hadn't happened"
But for me
If I do something embarrassing.... immediately my mind is just, "here's a solution-leave the situation immediately, and die"

Please brain.... I'm trying to not have suicidal thoughts while I'm having fun on vacation... can you not

Okay... I'll be fine. Tomorrow will be better. No one remembers my tiny little mistake, and it's certainly not worth dying over. Plus, I still have to get home to see my dog. So I can't die. I'll be okay. Okay. Ahh.

I'm gonna get off here now. I should really get some sleep. Thanks for reading, hope you enjoyed this. *Joan does a magic trick and makes a ring pop appear from behind Talyn's ear*

 *Joan does a magic trick and makes a ring pop appear from behind Talyn's ear*

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Thanks for the suggestion! Take care of yourselves. Love you guys, hope you're all having wonderful days. Bye-Bob

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