Work Together (Anxiety x Logic)

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Okay so this is the one that's similar to Competitive, but with analogical. It's also 5AM, but is this going to stop me from finishing this? We'll see lmao

Every single year that Logan had lived in his house his next door neighbor, Virgil, competed with their neighbor across the street from them. When Christmas time came around almost everyone in the neighborhood was excited to see what decorations the two would put up, trying to beat the other. On Christmas Day their neighbors all met up, voting on which one had the best decorations.

For the last three years, Roman had been the winner. It was becoming incredibly annoying, mostly because Roman was already frustratingly arrogant, and when he won his ego only grew. His constant bragging was driving Logan mad, and he hated the thought of him winning yet another year. If he won, the entire neighborhood would continue to hear how much better he was for the rest of the year. Again.

So, Logan devised a plan. Surely if he worked together with Virgil they could both pay for the decorations, resulting in them having better things than Roman could afford, and being neighbors they would have even more space to decorate. Logan was willing to help do anything as long as it helped to shut Roman up.

Virgil was confused and surprised when Logan showed up one day to propose this idea. He never really talked to his neighbors, and he was always positive they liked Roman a lot more than him. Roman was outgoing, positive, and Virgil thought he was the only one who actually found him to be slightly annoying. Yet, here Logan was, offering to help him finally beat Roman for the first time in years. He definitely wasn't going to miss this opportunity, both so he could witness Roman's shock at losing and because he wanted to know more about Logan. He seemed to think very similarly to him. After agreeing to the plan the two set up a date to meet up, planning to go out together to get decorations they knew would win.

Logan didn't think he would end up having as much fun hanging out with Virgil as he did, but when the time came for them to set up their decorations he had more fun than he had ever had in his life. The two of them joked and laughed, helping each other when it was needed and laughing it off when something went wrong. They had spent most of the day setting things up, and they had a lot done.

Glancing over at Virgil, Logan noticed him shiver and pull his jacket tighter around himself. It was only then that he realized just how cold it really was, frowning as he realized they would have to stop soon. Then his frown disappeared as he realized that that didn't necessarily mean they had to stop talking.

"It's really cold out," Logan called over to Virgil, who was on a ladder to hang some lights.

"That's a great observation, Logan. Woulda never guessed it'd be cold during winter." Virgil replied, not even looking down at him. Logan laughed quietly, shaking his head.

"I meant that we should probably take a break. Would you like to come over for a while?" He suggested, deciding to add on that he had hot chocolate that they could drink while they talked. This seemed to get the others attention, climbing off the ladder after finishing what he had been doing.

"Lead the way." He smirked, gesturing ahead of them. Soon the two of them were on Logan's couch, both with mugs of hot chocolate, staying silent for a while and appreciating the warmth inside. They hadn't realized just how cold it had been until they finally got back in.

"You think we'll win?" Virgil asked after a while of sitting in silence, looking over at Logan. Logan frowned, shrugging his shoulders.

"It does seem likely that with the two of us working together we should do better. So I would hope so, but who knows? Perhaps Roman will come up with something better at the last minute." He answered, and Virgil groaned.

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