You Okay? (Morality x Anxiety)

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Romantic pairing-a couple people wanted more for this ship, and I'm starting to sort of like it as well. There will still be platonic father/son moxiety too, don't worry.

Virgil walked into the kitchen after hearing someone inside, searching for his boyfriend, Patton. He found him there, cracking eggs into a bowl. He seemed to be baking something. "Whatcha making?"

Patton jumped slightly, turning to face Virgil and smiling. He quickly turned back to what he was doing afterward, Virgil stepping up beside of him. "Oh. I wanted some cookies, so I decided to make them! Do you wanna help?"

"Sure." Virgil shrugged, nervously chewing his lips. "You okay, though? Anything wrong?"

"I'm fine!" Patton said after only a moment of hesitation. He still wouldn't look at Virgil, who was definitely feeling worried now. He thought for a moment, reaching out to take Patton's hand, finally getting him to look over at him.

"Are you sure?" He asked, looking worried. His eyes scanned Patton, noticing his smile was off and his eyes were slightly red. "You said you were trying not to hide it from us anymore, Pat. Please talk to me."

"...Okay," Patton mumbled at last, sniffling and wiping at his eyes. Virgil was worried he might start crying again, but he didn't. Instead, he continued talking. "I was... a little sad. I don't know why. I thought baking might make me feel better, so... here I am. A-and I do feel kind of better, I really do!"

Virgil stopped him from going on by pulling him into a hug, kissing his cheek. "You're allowed to feel sad sometimes, Patton. You don't have to be sorry, or hide it. You can't help it, and it's okay."

Patton sighed, hugging him back and hiding his face in his shoulder. "Yeah... sorry."

"I told you, you have no reason to be sorry. Now, you wanted to make cookies, right?" Virgil asked, pulling back from the hug with a small smile. "Let's make some cookies."

Patton smiled, turning back to what he had already started making. Virgil helped him out, and of course the two ended up starting a flour war. Eventually, the kitchen a complete mess, and cookies finished, the two collapsed onto the couch together, both laughing at something that had been said and eating cookies.

Once the cookies had been finished Virgil pulled Patton closer to him, moving so they were both laying down, Virgil slightly on top of Patton and grinning down at him. Patton smiled back up at him, taking Virgil's hand and lacing their fingers together, leaning up to leave a sweet kiss on his lips. Virgil returned the kiss, feeling slightly disappointed when it was over. He sighed, laying his head down on Patton's chest.

"Feeling any better?" He mumbled, looking up at Patton from where his head rested. Patton smiled down at him, nodding and bringing their hands up to leave a kiss to the back of Virgil's hand.

"A lot better, thanks to you." He muttered back, holding Virgil tighter. "Thank you, Virge. I love you."

"I love you too, Pat."

I thought this was adorable

So a few minutes after I posted the last oneshot I decided to stop lying around and thinking and get up and bake(which helps a lot when I'm sad) and somehow..... I was trying to make some icing. I asked my aunt for a recipe, and wanted to finally get it right.

I accidentally ended up making bread dough instead of icing. After my aunt told me that "there's no way you can possibly screw up making this! Icing is easy!" I made fucking bread dough. It was actually hilarious. My mom was helping me and getting frustrated cause I couldn't get it to look right, and then she realized she told me to use what we thought was confectionary sugar, and ended up being flour.

We ended up actually trying to make the bread. It was disgusting. We put so much stuff in it trying to make it look right when we thought it was icing lmao. But now I am gonna learn how to make bread, cause I want to. Mostly cause when I get sad I wanna have more options for baking other than just cupcakes and cookies(which are amazing, but I'm fat enough as it is).

But! I did finally end up getting the icing right, and it was amazing. The cupcakes were super good. And I feel... a lot better. I laughed a bunch over the whole situation, cause.... well, how did we fuck up something that's supposed to be so simple? Lmao. Anyways, I'm glad I no longer feel like killing myself, and I'm actually slightly more motivated now for some reason. Hopefully I'll get one more oneshot up tonight, at least.

Anyway, thanks for reading. I hope you liked this one. *you murder all the things in Oliver's brain that are making him upset, which then makes him happy so he gives you ring pops*

 *you murder all the things in Oliver's brain that are making him upset, which then makes him happy so he gives you ring pops*

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lmao, thank you for the suggestion. I wish that could actually happen, hate being sad all the time. Take care of yourselves. I love you guys. Bye-Bob

Oh also, if I have to have this stuck in my head then you all do too (I've been listening to Disney songs the whole time I was baking and while writing this lmao)

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