Soulmates? (Morality x Anxiety)

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From a prompt. This is different from what I normally write, and isn't something I can say I know everything about so I apologize if it's confusing or I get something wrong. Which doesn't make sense now, but hopefully will later in the story. Anyways-I'll be quiet now. Hope you enjoy!

Virgil and Patton were exactly eighteen-the year everyone stopped aging until they met their soulmate-when the two of them moved out of their parents houses and into an apartment with each other. The pair were very good friends, and had been for years, so they couldn't wait to move in and spend more time together. When the time came, it was just as amazing as they had hoped for.

Of course there were moments where the two had their disagreements, as any pair of friends that saw each other every day would, but it was rare. They both enjoyed their time together, and everything was perfect that way. They were the best of friends, and nothing could ever change that.

That is, until things started changing.

It went unnoticed at first. They didn't pay too much attention, and it wasn't as though they were looking for any difference. So when Virgil one day stared into the bathroom mirror and realized he looked older now than he had at eighteen, it was very shocking. It was even more shocking when he realized it had happened to Patton, too.

He didn't know how to bring it up for a while. His opinion on soulmates was different from others he knew. He didn't really want one. He understood that for most people, meeting your soulmate is the best thing in the world. You would fall in love, get married, and grow old together, but that isn't what Virgil wanted.

Patton knew his views on the subject. Virgil had felt like he could tell Patton anything, but that was before he thought they might be soulmates. Now he was worried; how would Patton feel knowing his soulmate didn't even want to be in a romantic relationship?

One day, after Virgil had spent the afternoon trying to force himself to talk to Patton about it, Patton approached him.

"Can we talk?" He asked, a frown on his face. Virgil's heart beat faster, worried about what Patton might have to say. Not trusting his words he nodded, watching as Patton sat on the couch across from him and paused for a moment.

"I don't know if you've noticed yet or not," Patton started off quietly, watching Virgil carefully. "But we've... we've aged, Virgil. Together."

Virgil didn't know what to say. His mind was racing with worried thoughts, telling him to run, just escape the situation. It was silly-he would have to face it eventually, but he was still scared. He opened his mouth to speak, but no words came out at first. He closed it again, shutting his eyes and taking a moment to calm himself. "I... I know."

"You do..?" Patton questioned cautiously, leaning forward in his seat. Virgil nodded. "Why didn't you say anything?"

"I'm..." Virgil started, voice shaking. "I was worried." He knew that was an understatement, but he didn't want to explain anymore.

Patton's expression softened, and he reached forward to take one of Virgil's hands. He offered him a small, consoling smile. "You don't ever have to be worried over talking to me, Virge. I was... really happy, when I found out."

Virgil felt guilt suddenly eating away at him, and he wasn't sure what to say. Patton was happy he knew who his soulmate was. Patton must love him-and Virgil didn't even want a romantic relationship. How could he possibly bring that up now? What if he hurt Patton by mentioning that he didn't love him in that way?

"Me too," Virgil forced out, despite the fact that he had just been terrified when he found out. "So does this mean... if we're soulmates, does that mean we should be... dating, now?"

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