Possession (Anxiety x Logic)

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Requested. I honestly meant to write this forever ago, I am very sorry for taking so long. This is set in the Haunted High School universe, but it is not canon. So this short story in no way effects what has happened in HHS, or what will happen in the future. Hope that makes sense lol.

Oh! Also slight spoiler warning for HHS if you haven't read it yet. If you've read up to current chapters(I think I'm currently on chapter 10) you should be good though! That is, if you care about it at all lol.

Logan had once again been following Virgil throughout his classes. He had been bored sitting and doing nothing in the library, and didn't want to wait around for his friends to get there. Virgil was currently in Ms. Spirits class, along with their other friend Patton, and their newest group member Roman.

Logan was the closest to Roman, standing behind him as he listened to the teacher. He had learned not to try to talk to any of his friends in Ms. Spirits class-somehow she could always tell. Most of the time he just listened to what she was teaching, and although he still wanted to talk to his friends he didn't mind listening to the teacher to pass the time by.

Logan saw Virgil write something out in his notebook, tapping his notebook three times. The two of them had decided on this as a way of getting Logan's attention when he wanted to say something to him. Logan, for some reason, decided that the quickest way to get to Virgil was to not bother walking around the desks. Instead, he decided to step right through Roman to get to him faster.

The second that Logan had stepped through Roman his vision blacked out. When he opened his eyes again everything looked different. He was sitting down at a desk, facing the teacher still. Confused, Logan looked down at himself and found that he was sitting exactly where Roman had been.

What the fuck is happening? Logan heard in his own head. Was it his head? Logan frowned, moving his hand to touch his arm. His very real, solid arm.

...Roman? He asked, still feeling very confused.

Logan? He heard back, Roman sounding panicked. What is going on?

Logan didn't answer, silently raising his hand and waiting. When Ms. Spirits turned around she stared at him for a moment, falling silent. She almost seemed to notice what was going on. "Yes, Lo... Roman?"

"May I go to the restroom?" Logan asked, wincing at how different and weird he sounded. Everything he said came out in Roman's voice. He didn't like it.

"You can," she agreed immediately, looking over to Virgil. "Virgil, would you mind accompanying him?"

Virgil looked at his teacher and then back to Roman, frowning as he faced Ms. Spirits again. "Do... do I have to?"

"Yes. I don't trust Roman to go on his own." Ms. Spirits said, and although reluctant Virgil agreed to go.

I know she was covering for us because she knows, but wow. Rude. Logan heard Roman say, rolling his eyes at him as he made his way out of the classroom with Virgil. Hey, don't you roll your... my eyes, at me? ...this is weird.

Logan had to agree with that. He walked as quickly as he could to the nearest private bathroom, Virgil complaining at him to slow down. He didn't listen or say anything, not wanting to explain until he was sure no one would hear them. When they finally did get there Logan pulled Virgil into the bathroom by his hand, finding it incredibly weird to actually feel his hand in a normal body.

"Virgil," Logan said, looking at him after being sure no one was in there with them. "I know that I am acting weird, but I am not Roman. This is Logan."

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