First and Last Kiss Part 2 (Prince x Anxiety)

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It took a long time for Roman to stop crying enough to realize he needed to go back to the mind. He felt his stomach drop as he realized that Patton and Logan had no idea what had happened. He would have to be the one to tell them.

What if they blamed him? Roman couldn't help but think it. It was entirely possible-he would blame himself too, but Virgil had told him it was pointless. He knew Virgil wouldn't want him to blame himself, so he didn't. He couldn't control what the others did, though, and despite his panicked thoughts he slowly got to his feet.

He lifted Virgil's lifeless, freezing body, holding him close in his arms. He couldn't fight back more tears as he looked down at his peaceful face. He looked more relaxed than Roman had ever seen him when he was alive. This thought unsettled Roman, and he shook it off. There was no point putting it off; Patton and Logan needed to know.

Reluctantly, Roman vanished, appearing in his bedroom. He made his way out of the open door, carrying Virgil down the hall and into the living room. Patton didn't look up before he began to speak.

"Roman, is that you? Finally, I've bee-" His sentence was cut off as a horrified shriek escaped him. He had finally turned, seeing Virgil's limp body in Roman's arms, both of them covered in blood. He very shakily stood, stumbling over to Roman.

"Wh-wh... what h-happened?" His voice trembled, and he wasn't sure what to do. Crying seemed appropriate, but in his shock he couldn't even do that. "V-V-Virgil, wh-what happened to him... This-this can't be-this can't be real!" He cried, and finally a tear fell, followed by many more.

"I'm sorry," Roman was crying again too. "I'm s-so s-sorry... I tried to-I didn't know that-"

Patton threw his arms around Virgil's lifeless body, sobbing and shaking. "This can't be real, it can't be real, please let this be a dream!" He muttered to himself between sobs.

"Roman, what is-" Logan froze behind Roman, seeing what was going on. Roman couldn't speak up to tell him anything, and Logan didn't speak again at all. He just stood, and stared. He didn't know how to react, didn't know what to do. He couldn't move, just watched and listened as Patton sobbed, screaming that this had to be a dream.

"I'm sorry," Roman whispered, collapsing with Virgil still in his arms. He couldn't hold himself up any longer. "I'm so sorry, I should've-should've-"

"Roman," Logan finally spoke up, voice quiet and broken. "It is not your fault." He assured, stepping up closer to he two of them. Patton had sank to the ground too, still clutching desperately on to Virgil's body. Logan sat down too, his own legs also felt like giving out on him soon, putting a hand on Roman's shoulder. "We don't blame you.."

Roman felt relieved to hear those words, but there was still a heavy weight in his chest. He knew he had to keep himself together now. Patton was obviously taking this the worst, and he needed Logan and Roman both to be there for him.

After a while of sitting in silence, the only sounds being Patton's sobbing and incoherent babbling, they had to figure out what to do with his body. No one wanted to bring this up, of course, but Logan and Roman couldn't bare to watch Patton crying over Virgil any longer. Logan was the one to say it at last, voice cracking. His eyes were red, but he hadn't allowed himself to cry yet. Roman had nodded reluctantly in agreement, but Patton had shouted at them.

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