Christmas (Prince x Morality)

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"Roman!" Patton shouted, rushing to the room his husband was in. He stood in front of him, bouncing up and down excitedly. "It's the day after Thanksgiving, which means it's officially Christmas! Come on, we have to go and decorate."

Roman laughed as Patton grabbed his arm to drag him up, following him out of their bedroom. He dragged him all the way to the living room, telling him to wait there and returning a few minutes later with Christmas decorations from their garage.

They started off with the tree first, setting it up and putting all the ornaments on. Then they moved on to decorating the rest of the house, hanging up stockings, and putting up anything else they found in their old dusty box of decorations. Halfway through they realized something was missing, and Roman turned on loud Christmas music that blared through the entire house.

After they finished getting everything set up inside they headed outside of their house. Roman had offered to climb the ladder to hang up the lights, but Patton insisted on doing it himself. While Patton climbed up to hang them up Roman made sure to stand close behind him, just in case anything happened.

Patton had finally finished putting up the rest of the lights, jumping up in triumph and momentarily forgetting that he was already high in the air. He lost his footing on the ladder, yelping as he fell. He flinched, squeezing his eyes shut and preparing to meet the hard ground, surprised when he didn't feel the ground at all.

He opened his eyes to find himself in Roman's arms, Roman staring down at him worriedly. When Patton gave him a wide smile Roman knew he was alright, and smiled back. He sighed in relief, and his small smile turned into a grin. "It looks like you just fell for me all over again."

Patton giggled, shaking his head and playfully hitting Roman's shoulder. Roman laughed with him, both of them smiling at each other and leaning in for a short kiss.

"Thank you for catching me." Patton smiled as Roman set him down, still holding him close.

"Of course. I'll always be there to catch you if you fall." He smiled, kissing Patton again. "It's a good thing you had already finished putting the lights up before you fell. Do you want to help me put up the other things? You don't have to. I'm sure that was very scary."

"I'm okay, Roman. Promise." Patton grinned, kissing his husbands nose. "Let's get it all done! I'm excited." (God it's 7AM I really need to finish this-)

The two of them finished putting up all the decorations and headed inside, deciding to make hot chocolate to warm up from the cold. Patton made his way into the kitchen to do that while Roman stayed in their living room, looking around at all the decorations they had spent the day putting up. He smiled to himself, thinking of his husband and how much he loved spending time with him. He loved him more than anything else in the entire world.

As Roman sat thinking he heard a noise coming from the kitchen where Patton was. It started off as humming, and then Patton began to sing. Roman smiled wider at the sound, listening to Patton's voice as he sang the lyrics to Silent Night. He sighed happily, content to just listen to him in the other room forever.

Soon, Patton finished making them their hot chocolate and exited the kitchen. He walked into the living room with two cups, smiling at Roman as he continued to sing. Roman smiled back at him, standing up and taking the cups from him to set them on the coffee table. Patton was confused, but didn't say anything as Roman turned back to face him.

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